• Member Since 20th Dec, 2016


I like words, I like MLP.

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It wasn't his actual name, of course. But then, this wasn't his world. Here, he could be whoever he wanted to be. So he became Lamp Lighter, local eccentric, Ponyville patron of the arts, as well as the town, well, lamp lighter.

And at night, when everyone dreams, he does his part to make the night a little less frightening. After all, tis the job of a lamp lighter to make the evening a little less dark, a little less frightful.

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna has long struggled with ponies enjoying her sister's day more than her night. One night, while out watching the stars and pondering why this is so, a pegasus shows up and shares his thoughts on the matter, helping her to see things a bit differently. (Not a ship-fic.)

Edit - 10.31.2017 :
** New cover art is a piece I commissioned of MidnightPremiere for this story. Ain't it awesome?
** Also, merged this and the sequel because I felt it made more sense as chapters than separate stories.

Traducción al español de mi fanfic por SPANIARD KIWI: Consolando a La Luna

Chapters (2)

With an age-old threat poised to devastate Equestria, the Princesses gather to use a spell left behind by the great Star Swirl the Bearded in order to ensure their victory.

Now all four have become an entirely new being, with her own thoughts and feelings. And in order for the Princesses to return, she will have to die.

Chapters (1)

The Conversion Bureau never made any sense anyway, but here are some places where it would have made less sense.
Not necessarily worlds where the ponies would lose the fight - just worlds where conversion wouldn't logically work.

Before suggesting a World, read the index to make sure I haven't done it already.

Chapters (27)

[Displaced Story]

[I own only the plotline of this story]

My name is Roronoa Zoro, but most know me as the Green Demon. Fifteen hundred years ago I was the most wanted creature on Equus. Armies attempted to stop me, only for me to crush them. At one point, they got in a lucky shot and turned me into another trophy from an era best left forgotten.


I am a type of ally, helping to stop or hinder the coming storm that will shake this very world to its foundations. And they can't find anyone better, much to their dismay.

I have Haki. I have companions. And I've got common sense. Get ready for this demon’s return.

Crossovers (in order) with:

The Mighty Warrior of Epicness/
For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!

The Price of Power

I’ll Get the Job Done

A Passing Through Kamen Rider

Chapters (15)

Story is now cancelled, will be working on a revive when things become better!

Proof-reader/Editor by FTR2017 https://www.fimfiction.net/user/303596/FTR2017

Rated T for Teens Swearing

I had a pretty normal life...HAD being the choice word here. I lived with my grandmother who I swear we are too much alike...Which isn't a bad thing mind you. My brother, having two children who I loved to hyped up on sugar; and me a few weeks away to see my mother face to face, something I haven't done in a year or so.

My day started off normal like any others, get up, get something to eat and then maybe chill in bed before playing on my game system...that is until I was whisked away into another world because, someone decided to mess with a old magical book, and I made it worst by punching said person across the face...did I mentioned that said person; was the co-ruler of a land known as Equestria.

However, if she thinks she can say sorry and everything will be hanky dory with me...she has another thing coming!

My name is Brandon, and this is my story and why...sometimes, Sorry isn't Enough.

Chapters (13)

For many, many moons an unknown spirit has wandered the Everyfree forest, protecting those that call it home and forever watching those who don't.

Ponies wonder why the forest feels so alive. They wonder what makes a wild manticore stop halfway from preying on an innocent young mare. They wonder who is watching them from the tree line, but never has any of these or similar questions been answered... Until a group of hiking companions cross a vicious beast.

(Cover art is not mine in any way, shape or form.)

Chapters (5)

Still have no idea what I'm doing so help me anyway you can (even the bad ones)(also tags added as needed, I guess)

Let's see, went to become displaced as my favorite character. End up in my most hated show of my childhood. My Little Pony Hate that thing with passion, or at least I used to. Long story and I'll explain later. I have to go before My worst nightmares find me.

"Ooooooooh Sweetie. Where Are You?"


Chapters (14)

What would you do if you found a small, pink pony crying in New York?

This story was inspired by this image:


As well as this HiE forum post:


Chapters (1)

The changelings are banished, the day is saved! Yet a victory for one must be a defeat for another, and this particular victory has left one changeling stranded in Canterlot, alone and broken. A certain pink party pony is also alone in the Canterlot night, hiding her depression from her friends. She cannot, however, hide her feelings from a changeling. What will become of this unlikely pair?

As featured in Twilight's Library.

Cover picture by Ruirik

Chapters (5)