• Member Since 20th Dec, 2016


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This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity

I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund.

I suppose we got off to a good start, aside from being told that after all I'd done I'd never see Earth again. So long as I can look on the bright side of life, and not get arrested for running pranks on everypony with Dash, I might just survive long enough to find my purpose in Equestria. So help me, however, if I get any vegetable related cutie marks I will choke a Princess.

Cover Art by JinZahn
Sequel to Dash of Humanity
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron, Cassius Litner, Seven Fates,
Refro, BronyWriter

Chapters (17)

My attempt at a more serious 'Luna meets Neil Armstrong' storyline. What would really happen, both on the moon and on Earth? Inspired by 'The Eagle has Landed' by CyanBlackStone.

Princess Luna has found herself on a very different moon after some strange force interfered with her banishment. She doesn't know what the metal objects that keep orbiting and sometimes landing there are, but she wants to find out. Meanwhile, Neil Armstrong believes that being the first man on the moon will be the crowning achievement of his life. Hoo boy, is he ever in for a surprise.

For those who are interested, the most excellent Zanec has provided this link to an interactive Apollo 11 site.

Chapters (17)

Okay, I don't know if anyone can hear this, or read this, or whatever, but I'm trying my best to use Pinkie Pie's legendary fourth-wall-breaking powers to try and get a message out.

If you can hear this, I need help. I'm in Equestria, and man, this is strange. But I'm also stuck in Pinkie Pie's body, for some reason.

Yes, it's just as weird as it sounds. And now, I need your help... because all the ponies in this town think I'm crazy!

Chapters (19)

Inspired by Rorschach in Equestria. Applejack is the only pony in Equestria Rorschach will call his friend and that's just fine by the cowpony. Follows the episodic series as well as original interludes!

Chapters (2)

Instead of being killed in the cold Antarctic by Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach finds himself rematerialized in a strange new, pony filled world. He finds himself drawn into the lives of the ponies of Ponyville but some ponies fear that this sociopath will bring danger and darkness to an otherwise peaceful existence. Will the mane 6 help Walter Kovac find peace within himself or will he bring them all down with him in his cold views of reality and existence?

As Seen on Equestria Daily!
And our TvTropes page (By Crowrob0t): http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/RorschachInEquestria

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its likeness is owned by Hasbro Studios. Rorschach and Watchmen are owned by DC comics. All rights go to their normal original, intended owners.

Chapters (22)

Author Note: This is something new I wanted to try. Contains 10% human, 90% ponies, and 100% fun-filled, cuddlelicious goodness. Not suitable for those allergic to cuddles. Please consult your physician before reading.

A young university student suddenly finds himself thrown from his homework studies into a land filled with more colour than Gears Of War, talking ponies with ridiculously huge eyes, and topped with so many cuddles that it makes Care Bears look like Michael Myers.

And for some reason, all of them come to the conclusion that he must be smothered in cookies and cream-delicious cuddles.

For some, it's heaven; for Jamie, it's his own little plane of hell that makes even Satan feel torment.

Inspired by Forced Pony Cuddles

Yay! Thank you guys so much for getting this fic in the featured box! You all deserve huge amounts of cuddles. And you're gonna enjoy it!

Chapters (20)

In the many years after the Conversion Bureaus' shutdown, Twilight Sparkle is tasked by the Princesses with finding the last living human on Earth, Isaac Hamilton, and learning the story of his past. What she hears is a tale of loss, tragedy, joy, and the discovery of one's place in the world. But how much longer would that place last with what Twilight has to tell him?

Chapters (7)

Hell on earth. Apocalyptic wasteland. Scorched planet.
Detroit, Michigan.

My day, it use to be simple. Wake, dress, school, home, ponies, sleep.

My life, from a different point of view I suppose, was normal. I loved my family. Nothing could separate us.Not even all the hell we went through in our lives. Friends were either real or fake, but it didn't matter. Life as a quiet teen in a highly populated city with no connections with the outside world wasn't all that bad. At least I had the internet and my music to keep me going.
I wouldn't want to change anything. I loved my life, even if my family and I struggled through our every day lives. Yup, life was good.

But this was before the Outbreak.

And before 6 colorful ponies were dropped here on this, walking meat bag, flesh rotting world.

Welcome to hell brothers.

(A/N: Inspired by Zalekai's Dealing With An Infection. Go read it, it's a great story.If you made it through the description, good job. For your reward, I will tell you this.

No shipping. Celebrate, my friends. As for comedy, I'll keep it in, here and there.)

Chapters (21)

[First person/second person] [Ghost]

Theme song:Dead Man's Lullaby-Gordo

Ponyville, is a peaceful yet often random place to live in. The young play outside in the warm weather, while the adults sit around and chat about their daily routine, wondering how the day will pass on, and what to put on the table tonight for dinner. Even the animals are friendly to one another.

Yet, something feels...different about Ponyville, and the adults are not sure why. It feels the same as any other day, getting up, go to work, sleep, and repeat the process.

But for some strange reason, colts and fillies laugh, and not with each other, but with a new friend. Not only do the youngsters like this new friend, the elderly seem to take a liking to this friend as well. It bothers some, but most ignore and let it be.

But sometimes, if you are very quiet, you can hear a voice. A voice filled with sadness and anger. Often times, the voice settles down, and does not speak, but when it does, this voice repeats the same question. Again, and again and again.

"Where Will I Go?"

Chapters (17)

The villains of Equestria are tired, tired of losing. So Discord in all of his brilliance set a fail safe, if he were to lose a clone of him was to find the being closest to him in terms of chaos, and give that being his powers, memories and good looks. To create Chaos and recruit allies. He found me.

Original posted 10/9/2014

Popular List 10/9/2014

Feature Box

Set after the Season 2 premiere.
Note; Discord looks like the Discord from the show, while everything else is anthro.

Chapters (3)