• Member Since 20th Dec, 2016


I like words, I like MLP.

Favorites 308 stories
Found 252 stories in 50ms

Total Words: 16,693,479
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Harry Potter was a lonely boy who one day wished for a friend. Luna, trapped on the moon, wished for the same. And so their wishes are granted. How will the two deal with each other? And what about Nightmare Moon? Needless to say, their lives are going to change in both expected and unexpected ways...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters 9-11 now re-written.

Chapters (31)

It started out as a simple day, as it always does. A nice stroll through the countryside with the one you loved the most. But it wasn't anything like that, to Twilight and Luna. Celestia know's what would have happened if they weren't in the right place at the right time. After discovering an unknown colt, Luna and Twilight vow to patch him up, help him regain his memories, and send him back from which he came. Well...That's the plan at least...

Ages are skewed, random shipping, OC's, and human-into-pony transformation
Rights and other legal junk to whoever originally created the picture

Chapters (3)

To any human that has found this book, I hope that you never have to experience the events that I did as I was ripped from our world and into this one. If you do end up in Equestria then hopefully this book can help you in your attempts to integrate into the new world that you have arrived into. The fact that you are reading this in the first place shows that you have the time and dedication needed to translate Equestrian into English (most likely using the convenient translation guide in the back of the book). This book may just save your life.

To any ponies reading this book. I ask that you enjoy the experience of witnessing your own culture through the eyes of an alien. A being from a world vastly different from the one you know. Don't worry though, I mean no harm. Like you, I am just a pony struggling to find a place in this world. If my experience makes it easier for another then it is my duty to share it with the world. You might even enjoy your time reading it.

Blank Slate never imagined the events that would occur after writing a semi-successful book. Most of his readers never imagined that the book was autobiographical.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to [Misplaced]

Jeremy has survived the nightmarish hell that was Tartarus, the prison of all deemed too evil to roam the surface world. He has broken the Harmony Barrier, freeing his four new friends from the prison, and they have escaped to live their lives on the surface. Happily ever after, right?

...Not really.

The game isn't over yet.

(Ask the characters questions here! Password is 'crystal'.)

Chapters (19)

Spike led Thorax into the throne room of the Crystal Castle confident he could convince the others that the changeling could be trusted. That he meant no harm, and instead wanted to be an ally and live peacefully with them. That he could make them see Thorax for what he really was. That they could befriend the changeling and accept him as one of their own.

They didn't.

And consequences followed.

First featured on 11/12/2016. -- Now with a TV Tropes page. -- Review by Arcanum Phantasy -- Review by PaulAsaran

Chapters (98)

It was an average morning in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the changeling was swimming in the pool.... wait what?

This story is written by me and Limescale.
You can find his page here
Front page at 1/21/2017. Thanks guys for making it possible!

As of 11/27/2023, the story now has an audio reading. Check it out! https://youtu.be/iYjTMNmnfSk

Chapters (2)

After an alarming trip through a black hole in his fridge, Nigel M. Chalmers finds himself in a colourful peaceful country populated with a throng of friendly ponies... in the body of one of their nation's worst enemies. Of course it all goes to pot.

Follow him as he attempts to make sense of his new body, makes new friends and maybe even finds love...
Or not, after all this is Nigel we're talking about, all he's probably going to do is insult everyone and drive everyone insane.

Follow the gripping tale of action, comedy and romance.

Will Nigel make it back home in time for the office Christmas party? Will he avoid a painful death at the hooves of multi-coloured Equines? Will he finally be re-united with his beloved cheesecake?

You can only find out by reading this fic, so fasten your seatbelts and prepare to get wrecked.

Edit: Well, someone did a great reading of the first chapter, thanks to KaBar41 for the reading.
The Reading of Chapter One

I wrote this fic as a side project to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor and saviour-or-destroyer to try my hand at a transformation story. To all of you who hate the whole "Turned into a pony and makes friends with everyone" I'm going to shatter your misgivings like 300 kilograms of armoured Biped smashes a window. There will be violence in later chapters but for now it's just pure comedy.

Featured on the 12/5/2014

Coverart done by Avatar of Madness

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

Chrysalis has been driven out of Canterlot, her invasion defeated. However, an old friend from her time before becoming queen is more than happy to help her succeed with her plans.

Will these two achieve their goals, conquering pony-kind and ruling over them with iron fist and hoof? Or will they be stopped in time, preserving the peace that Equestrian has known for as long as can be remembered? There is more than just dreams of world domination at work, though, this is personal for Chrysalis and her rediscovered assistance.

Hopefully, the line that 'Evil never triumphs' will prove to be correct, or else a drastic change is going to descend upon not just Equestria, but the entire world.

Thanks to Avatar of Madness for the coverart.

Chapters (11)

Hollow Shades is a small farming and lumberjacking community, a tiny bubble of Equestria existing on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Things have been hard-going since the lumber mill was closed down and the town is slowly dying out. A young filly named Corn Crib however might have found a solution when she makes a bargin with a talking scarecrow she meets along the road. But who is Lord Barleycorn, and how can he possibly breath life back into Hollow Shades?

This is a lighthearted story that contains lots of OCs outside of Ponyville. The mane six will appear, but not until later chapters.

First time featured was May 23, 2014! I can't believe it! Thank you everyone! =3
Now with its own TVTropes page!
Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. He did a fantastic job of representing my story.

Chapters (49)

Two hundred years before the reunification of the three pony tribes, it was a curse to be born an Earth Pony. The Unicorn nobility ruthlessly taxes and subjugate them, while Pegasus marauders mercilessly raid towns and villages under the 'protection' of Pegasopolis. However, when a mysterious creature wielding ungodly powers saves a village from a Pegasus raid, the Earth Ponies finally see a way to break free of the vicious cycle and earn their freedom and equality.

Else where, a young man finds himself cast into a foreign world after an encounter with the spirit of chaos, armed with nothing but his newly bought handgun along with two magazines' worth of ammunition. However, he realized that the world he found himself in is far more complicated than he could ever imagine and that he must act to help the oppressed or forever live with a guilty conscience.

An experimental story trying to train my pacing a little, and hoping to create a HiE story with a more meaningful theme than just 'Find Mane 6 and live in Ponyville'. Big thanks to Garzeel_ for prereading! Hope you guys enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Warning: contains a fair amount of swearing.

Edit: Featured 4/08/17! Thank you all very much! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (3)