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What does a hero truly need?

This is a question constantly being asked by the mighty heroes of DOTA. They can move as quick as the wind, shudder mountains with the flick of a wrist, and bend the very essence of nature itself to their will. Yet they still ponder what it is they need. Is it the divine rapier? a weapon so omnipotent that it possesses more then one wielder. Or maybe it is the Aghanim's scepter which grants the heroes knowledge and skill beyond mortal comprehension. Maybe what they are looking for is more metaphorical in nature rather then a weapon? perhaps they were never meant to know at all.

But they can try to at least. Especially when some of the heroes are pulled from their own world and thrusted into Equestria. What will they find in this mysterious and unknown world? and more importantly, how will the inhabitants react to them when they find out they are more violent then they look?

>Well this is my first attempt at writing a fic ever in the history of my life so please bear with any spelling and grammar errors i may have overlooked my writing is a little shoddy at times. Constructive criticism is always a nice thing to look over so feel free to critique my writing or pick up any errors i have written in regards to mlp and dota 2 lore.

Chapters (36)

When the online famous youtuber, CaptainSparklez, receives a message about an Easter egg within the Divine RPG mod, he decides to make a stream video to show it. But as soon as he completes the crafting recipe and uses it, everything goes black. After waking up, he discovers that he has somehow been transported to the land of Equestria, and that the only way to get out is to find some Elements of Harmony amaduhicky, to create a portal back home.

Oh, did I forget to mention, that he looks like his own Minecraft Avatar? All I can say is. "Well shenanigans will happen."

Chapters (18)