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Submitting to trials, tribulations, lies, misunderstanding, and pain. And all these things for one purpose. To Befriend the Night.

Coverart by: jjames10 (Tome Turner)
Thanks man!

Sequel out now: To Swoon the Stars

Chapters (17)

If you were a god, what would you represent? In Connors case, he would like nothing more than to be the god of insanity. A "mad god" if you will.

But after discovering an ancient, sealed passageway to Equestria in a nearby park, Connor get's his wish to become Equestrias god of insanity, Mad Mind.

But after days of living in Equestria, he soon learns that being a god-prince is not exactly all fun and games.

Even if you are a mad god-prince.

(This is my first fic: any and all criticism welcome)

Chapters (15)

A modern mage teleports himself to Equestria in a magical mishap, where he somehow saves the world tries to continue to live his life. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, a dismissed engineer makes plans to exact her revenge on the pony that stole her teacher from her. But how far down does the engineer's rabbit hole go?

Chapters (46)

Shade is the only wizard in the world. Well he was, until he got sucked into a pony filled nightmare of a planet. Taking on the burden of a love-starved Goddess and her infernal do-good sister, he attempts to return to his old world with spectatular results.

Contains a first-person perspective story with magic, swearing and an alarming disregard for normality.

Chapters (11)

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small child of another species in the Royal Gardens. After tense thinking, she decided to take the creature under her wing, becoming his guardian. This child, later named Onyx, will try to follow in the path of his adoptive mother. Will he be able to make her proud? Will being a unique creature affect how he’s treated or his personality?
A story of love and family between a mother and her son.


(Begins before season one)

edited by xIMPERSONATORx
cover art by Shinonigga

Chapters (53)

Cale was just a normal guy. Mid twenties, decent job, his own place. Nothing special. But one morning he vanished, only to wake up in the mystical world of Equestria. Meeting this world's ruler - a pony by the name Celestia - he'll find that his life will never be the same again.

A special thanks to my good friend KiltedKey for editing!

Chapters (11)

Important notes about the status of this story below

Ever wonder what Equestria's past was like? How did Celestia and Luna come to rule? And what made their rule a time of peace? Well I may have had something to do with that.

Name's Zack. I appeared in Equestria over 3000 years before the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" takes place. For whatever reason, a few months after my arrival, I was transported to the modern day Ponyville. What happened? Are the Princesses mad at me for disappearing like I did? I only helped establish the greatest country this world has ever seen and then vanished.

That... sounded more innocent in my head. Uh oh...

Just to let you know ahead of time, this is a ponified human, 1st person story. If you don't like it, don't bother.
The cover art was made by me, with the exception of the night sky bg (Wertyla).

Edit August 2nd 2016: I want to rewrite this story from the beginning. Read this for more info and tell me what you think.

Edit May 24th 2017: IMPORTANT! I am currently rewriting the entire story and with that, many details and aspects are set to change. As such, it will essentially be an entirely new story, meaning this version of Past, Present, and Future is technically Cancelled. There will be no more chapter updates until I finish the rewrite, meaning that this version will not have a proper ending. If it's requested enough, I may do some kind of Cliffnotes version of how the rest of the story was meant to play out, but for right now just know that if you start reading this version, you will not get an ending. I will post an announcement chapter on this story and Blog on my profile when the writing nears completion and I'm about to start uploading chapters. Thank you for all of your interest in my first public work of fiction. It really means a lot to me.

Chapters (25)

'What is it about humans that urges them seek out so many endeavors in order to feed their desires? Greed, power, family, friends, philosophy, knowledge; infinite goals and infinite reasons behind them. Whoever or whatever created these beings are either cunning; to create self motivating creatures that will constantly push the limits of what's possible, or downright cruel; never truly allowing them to feel true fulfillment or satisfaction. The point is humans were created with a void, a missing piece left intentionally empty never to be filled, an undying hunger.'

A bit grim right? The names Rodney, and in case you're wondering, this is the story of my life. A life of Magic, Gods, and regrettably, Ponies. Yeah, freakin-multi-techno-collored-goody-ponies.
But it's not all bad really, got way healthier with a more green diet. Though the lack of meat can be painful at times, that one landed me in less than desired situations. I get to screw with innocent ponies on a regular basis. Didn't kill myself or everyone else with me either. So not a bad deal really, even ended up retiring as teacher.

Teen for language and some adult themes.
This takes place before season 3.

HIATUS: Currently at a programmer's boot camp. Will be done late June 2015.

AN: If you can see past my cruddy writing skills there's plenty to tickle your funny bones, I hope. First attempt at writing a fic.

Chapters (49)

My name is Eugus Darkblade. This book is the recollection of the first and only alien to ever grace the world of Equis. "I was walking home from my college class......"

Note: 1 there is death in this fic. 2 there is Technology that is like our own but no tools of war. 3 I AM NOT FOLLOWING THE STORY LINE OF THE SHOW. if any of these things upset you this fic is not for you and if I see that you posted a comment about these things I will remove it so that the people who like to read comments can.

Chapters (2)

Nightfall is over Equestria and the moon shines brightly as Princess Luna protects her subjects. However, a creature comes to Equestria in the night, crash landing inside the Everfree. Its arrival will spark a search for things forgotten and bring terrors into the peaceful land. Luna must put the pieces of a mighty puzzle together to protect her ponies, but enemies are around every corner and allies are few and far in-between.

Chapters (41)