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Vaati the Wind Mage has grown bored with the whole villain thing. He's trapped himself in a cycle doomed to repeat itself forever. Seeking a way to escape this miserable cycle of escape, kidnapping, and defeat, the legendary sorcerer inadvertantly teleports himself to another world entirely; a world populated by talking magical ponies who believe friendship is magic. Just how will the former villain survive this sugar bowl of a world? Will he end up learning a few lessons in friendship himself? One thing's for sure, retirement has never been this exciting.

AUTHOR NOTE: This story takes place in an episodic format. That is, it follows the style of the show in that every chapter is an 'episode', hence why they will all be lengthy. Some episodes will be canon ones with Vaati along for the ride, and others will be original where Vaati takes center-stage. The first episode takes place shortly after 'Griffon the Brush-Off'. Vaati is from Legend of Zelda and is property of Nintendo. You already know who owns FiM.

Chapters (18)

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged. The God mistaking Damon for a follower of his.

Now stuck in Equestria, Damon finds himself thrown into a series of bizarre and epic adventures that will change his life, and those around him, for the better. And quite possibly for the worse.

Cover art is done by me.

Thanks to DVAN56, Berry Punch, Rainbowbob and Bocaj518

Chapters (33)

When your child leaves and starts living their own life and you’re back to living by yourself, how can you fill the void they left behind?

When you have been having a weird, yet eerily familiar stranger in your dreams and everypony around you thinks you’ve been on vacation, could you handle knowing the truth; even if it meant your life will never be the same again?

A determined Father trying to move on after his daughter leaves him behind.

A bewildered Mare trying to make sense of what’s going on.

A story of saying goodbye and letting go

All will be revealed and explained in “G.N.D.”: Yet another sequel of the well-known short story “My Little Dashie.” By ROBCakeran53


For clarification:
-Yes, this is an MLD sequel (Strike one)
-I have written no previous works (Strike Two)
-And did I mention this happens to be my absolute first fic? (Strike Three)
According to Sports Law, I’m dead. Baseball, Zack Morrison references, and feeble attempts at humor aside, I just wanted the audience to understand I was not unaware of depravity of my deed. MLD sequels are notorious for being bad and I cannot possibly claim what I have written is good. That is up to you, dear reader.
Understand that I have read many of the sequels while writing this, and please realize I have done my best to exceed the average sequel in story and in development. But I must stress I have only tried to exceed the garden variety MLD sequel. This is not arrogance, nor is it because other authors are inadequate, but because ROB has taken enough flak just for being generous enough to allow others to use his work as a springboard.
I have done my best to make sure it is not only well-written, but also to expand upon the original as all good sequels should. (If only because it is entirely rude to the author of the original piece if you soil his name and reputation with a shoddy fic)
Hate it if you wish to hate it, like it if you choose to like it. It is here, it is done, I am done. Come what may, I do hope you enjoy some part of it. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find it a good MLD sequel.
My Little Pony and all official characters listed therein are the property and copyright of Hasbro
The story of “My Little Dashie” and the character of the father are the intellectual property of ROBCakeran53

Chapters (18)

What would you do if you knew everything, about everyone, just by looking in their eyes? Every dirty secret, every happy moment, their very soul laid bare for you to see. Could you keep your sanity? I don’t have much of a choice, if I go crazy, I don’t know that I can do anything to stop it. But, maybe someone else can. You see, there’s this filly, and she drives me up the walls, but I followed her through a door that doesn’t want to close. Thing is, I’m not sure if I want it to.

What would you risk for the chance to have a friend? How many doors would you cross? I'm about to find out.

Original Editors: Flink Brony, CMC4TW and Benprodemo
Original art done by: tryhardbrony

Note this story was previously canceled and has now been revived.

Chapters (7)

When a Necromancer is hurled into the place between places then escapes to another world at the cost of his life it is not the end. Being a Necromancer he returns to life with ease, but is skirting the edges of consciousness, and unable to truly wake as a mysterious figure uses magic to put him on the back of a horse to carry him away into the night.

To make matters worse the phylactery he used to save his own life recreated him as a member of the dominant race with... some errors. His injuries are still present and he's now in a much smaller body with his magic drained to nothingness.

So now he's horribly injured, held captive by an unknown force, in an unfamiliar body, in an unfamiliar world and completely exhausted. He's had worse days. He just can't think of any off the top of his head. So familiar territory then, nothing to worry about.

(Thank you again Tulip for the amazing piece of artwork.)

On Hiatus due to Life. Sorry.

Chapters (24)

With a simple little note from a certain blonde Pegasus, Forest Rain's dark life brightens forever.

Inspired by Forest Rain's song, Great To Be Different. Forest Rain gave me full permission to use his OC and lyrics to the song. I have Youtube PMs to prove this.

Chapters (5)

Every stallion, colt and dragon must survive mares in heat. 1 Dragon, 8 stallions, 5 colts against 30 mares, 7 fillies, will they survive.

P.S. Since the 5 character maximum i cant tag them all so here are the survivors:

Spike, Soarin, Fancy Pants, Big McIntosh, Braeburn, Snips, Snails, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Caramel, Dr.Whooves, Thunderlane, Rumble, Noteworthy and an OC Character by the name Arty.

Chapters (9)

Equestria, the crowning achivement of harmony and balance. The symbol of all that is good, not just to the world, but the entire universe. That will change. A new threat has arisen, and he will bring this world to its knees. That threat, is You! You are destined to become the greatest villain in the history of Equestria! The path to power however, is up to you.

2nd-Person (Partially) Interactive Story.

Featured on May 11th 2014. Thanks!

This is my first FIM fic, comments are highly encouraged as this is interactive.

Chapters (9)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)

[Note: The story will get Gory later chapters, not exaggerated gore just for corpses and small kills.]
Confound these FIM fics! They drive me to make fanfics of colorful equines… Gun Dammit!
Just another Human Me in Equestria, since I know you people love them so much… Yeah, kind of an Asshole in Equestria. There will be bad jokes, good jokes, dark as F**k jokes, action, romance, sadness, sexy bitches (not you winona), paranoia, ninjas, vampires, zombies, all the good stuff in one epic story.

And the fanfic comes with his own miny Grimoire! Isn’t this exiting! Oh yea I forget to tell you guys this fanfic will use serious real magic used in our planet (If you believe in Wicca, Voodoo, and GodNorris).

Here’s the Plot (not sexy Celestias plot… mmm, who wouldn’t tap that).

Vincent is just a normal Shy Necromancer who is sent to Equestria by mistake to obey Nightmare Moon and help her archive her goals. The problem is everything goes to the drain and Vincent is forced to live in Equestria, till he is strong enough to go back to planet earth.

In the meantime will he be able to survive without vodka, will he still end up been an Asshole, will he find true love, will he learn the magic of friendship, and were the hell did he get that Headless Horse! All will be answer as soon you start reading!

Warning this fanfic may cause: Paranoia and Mind F**K
[Not a Clop fic… unless you are willing to help me with that]

Last I am not the owner of Mlp or other references: they each belong to their copyright owners.
This is just fan made.

Chapters (19)