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Aurora is a unicorn filly with the mind of a human, however, the said human does not remember much from his old life on earth, just bits and pieces.

Being born in Canterlot to a unicorn family she quickly discovers that her unusual dark coloration makes most if not all ponies wary of her, and her social life confusing and full of different emotions. As she grows and develops, she sees the world differently than most ponies, making her curious and adventurous. And that leads to... Complications down the road. Especially when the Magic Of Friendship develops in Equestria at the same time.

If that's not making it difficult to adapt to her new environment and body, a certain white alicorn makes Aurora hooves full of mysteries and plots to solve, making it difficult to learn magic and have a life of a simple filly at the same time.

[The first five chapters are 'test chapters'. I plan to remake them in the future.]
[See tags for warnings please.]

Chapters (19)

Delving back through the depths of time, mysteries abound, uncovering the veiled origins of everything we think we know. Journey back to a world before Equestria was founded, before the dark forest of Everfree blighted the land.

What shaped the land of ponies all those millennia ago? This is a tale of love turned to jealousy and then hate. Of sacrifice and vengeance. Of pain and desperation in the face of overwhelming power. Was all of it justified? You be the judge.

Lingering questions demand answers: What compelled the forging of the Elements of Harmony? Why have the ponies of Equestria been kept oblivious to their own ancient past? What dark secrets were too terrible to be passed down through the generations? What truly corrupted Sombra and led to Luna's tragic fall from grace? Most importantly, who set all of this in motion, and is everypony safe from it happening again?

Thanks to everyone I've worked on the lore of the saga with over the years.

Chapters (19)

Inspired by stories such as Daughter of Discord.

Ebony and Ivory Wolfe were the teenage twin daughters of a witch. Ebony is a talented loner. Ivory is popular and charismatic. Both are opposites and yet possess similarities.

Chief among them: neither knew their birth father.

But when Ivory performs a spell that their mother had been preparing for years, the sisters wind up in Equestria. In the form of Draconequai. Having no choice but to adapt, the twins shortly discovered that there were only half-human.

And their father is none other than the Lord of Chaos himself: Discord.

Can Discord handle being a father? Especially to twin Draconequai? Hopefully, with the help of the Mane 6, he can be the father Ebony and Ivory need.

Chapters (6)

Discord knows many things, has powers that can make heads flip and worlds turn upside down with a snap of his fingers, but if he's turned to stone again if Twilight can break her friends free from his influence, he was going to need an heir. Before his secondary loss, which he knew would eventually be inevitable, he chooses someone from another world, a young man named Charles, to take his stead and be the next Lord of Chaos. But with a new life comes a new body, and it's hard to be a menacing, chaotic deity when you're turned into a young draconequus colt.

This is a story requested by LordOfChoas.

Chapters (7)

It has been six months since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, however everything is still so new to her. Equestria is not as it once was, and so much seem new and strange. From the words, to the customs, and even the way they conduct their ruling.

Luna felt lonely for a long time, that is until she discovered the joys of gaming. She even found a new friend, just one small problem, he is human, and not from their dimension. Well, it would not be a problem, not if Luna would not have used a certain spell to drag her newest friend through their online game and into Equestria.

Turns out dragging a human through a game and landing him in Equestria has some unforeseen consequences... Other than the fact he is a pony now...

Editor: SoloBrony

Story Inspired by the cover used.
Cover Owner: RedchetGreen from DeviantArt

Chapters (9)

She was just someone normal, wanting to fill the void with something when her favorite show ended years ago.
Until an app was suddenly downloaded unknowingly on her phone, that is.

Suddenly opening the mysterious app out of curiosity, multiple texts appeared in the blackness of her screen, explaining that this was a game, an AU based on the start of the show of MLP, and how the main story had gotten out of wack and needed her help to fix it.
She, despite all the red flags, somehow chose to continue by pressing the button that suddenly popped up with the words [I'll help!].
Big Mistake.


I just like Twivine, though I didn't design the character. So if you wanna know about the creator just click the link: The Link

Oh and I created the cover, if you wanna know.

Chapters (5)

Today just seemed like any other day on Sweet Apple Acre for Applejack. She tilled the fields, fed the farm animals, fixed broken pieces of the barn but then, she saw something she'll never forget.

Just on the edge of the Everfree Forest, there was a bloodied and bruised filly on the verge of death. Applejack's world would soon be changed forever after she decided to foster this young and very unique foal, who's current condition suggest a terrible background. A background that is catching up to them.

Now, this filly will have to learn to move on from her old life, make new friends and find her special talent. A difficult task made even harder by the monsters of her past, lingering in her mind like ghosts. They'll come back for her, and they'll burn everything down to achieve...


Also, the cover art was revamped. I felt like the old one had too much dead space, so I figured something out! Let's see if you can guess who's on the cover art now!

Chapters (51)

In the middle of the night seventeen year old Blake awakens when he suddenly finds his body changing into one both different and familiar.

From normal human male to equine mare goddess of night, he or rather she will now be spending alot more time up at night then usual.

Sex tag for references to the act and not explicit sex

Chapters (23)

On that fateful night on the moon, the princess of night is truly no more, and from those ashes, rises a new entity that is forced to take over her mantle, all her good and her sin.

Destiny weaved by the harmony itself laid before her. A part of the grand story, to be a tutorial villain, to be an exposition giver's sidekick, and to be slaved away beside the golden throne, then retired to a hut in god knows where, lost in history.

"Fuck that I'm out"

And so begin a new tale.

  1. Half of "dark" tags are there as precaution because i will skimps over a bit but very rarely. for example Non-consensual will be use one time on no-name one-time oc character in a flashback. as far as i planned currently.
  2. This is my first time writing a long novel. I promised to post the full plot outline somewhere if I somehow unable to finish it.
Chapters (31)

The Unity Crystals had been acting oddly for a few days, piquing Sunny and her group’s interest. The artifacts' power was unknown, holding untold secrets of the ancient world within them, but what it bestows upon them is beyond any of their wildest imagination. With endless questions, and an absolute need for more information, the ponies begin a journey to find some kind of an answer.

Leading them to the forgotten ends of Equestria, the path to their goal sends them through the ancient world where the foundations of friendship itself were laid. Though the answers they search for may be better off unanswered.

Sunny knew of the ancient world, the Elements of Harmony, and the six ponies that saved Equestria time and time again. She'd learned how the Element bearers' stories started, and how they ended, all except one - Twilight Sparkle. She always dreamed about learning more of her hero, but never would have imagined how she and her friends would soon become entwined in her tale.

Time can do many things, and for the idol of friendship, it can be her undoing.

This story was started and heavily planned when only Chapter 2 of Make Your Mark was available.

Full Resolution Cover Art Here

Thanks to Enigmatic Otaku and Gonderlane for helping edit the story!

Story cover art by: SyrupyyyArt

Chapters (17)