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Rainbow Dash doesn't want to lose her pet Tank forever… or three months, whichever came first. So she hatched a brilliant plan to stop winter at its source: The Cloudsdale Weather Factory.

But when she tries to sabotage the magical machinery inside, she gets more than she bargained for.

So, Rainbow Dash gets turned into a cloud when she's sucked into the weather machine. Somebody had to do it, right?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is fed up of her unrequited love for Rainbow Dash. She has decided that the time has come to reveal the passion she has kept hidden for so long - but how? There is only one sane, logical way to do this.

She must become a cloud.

Nothing can go wrong.

Chapters (1)

The war is finally over. We ponies have lost. Our plan to convert humanity into ponies has failed. Hundreds of thousands are dead. Homes destroyed. Our nation is shattered and near annihilation. All because we underestimated humanity and their refusal to become like us.

I alone now hold the fate of my people in my hooves against the humans who want nothing more than to destroy us for the so called atrocities we have committed against them. I've lost my friends one way or another. My family. My fellow Princesses.

I have but one duty and that is, reluctantly, to see that we are shown mercy.

I'm just afraid of the cost. Or what I will learn from this.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam and Bemmo

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

During her studies in the Canterlot archives, Twilight Sparkle makes a startling discovery - Star Swirl the Bearded, the most famous unicorn in Equestrian history, had a son! Tracing the family line down the centuries, Twilight is ecstatic to discover a direct descendant of Star Swirl is still living today. She sets out to meet this "Beatrix Lulamoon", who surely is a great and powerful unicorn worthy of her heritage with a wealth of ancestral knowledge to share... isn't she?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bECfAkLDoSM

Chapters (1)

One day Trixie shows up at Twilight's door. She has decided to atone for her misdeeds through an ancient Unicorn tradition-becoming Twilight's slave.

Chapters (1)

It's a week after Nightmare Night, and the dead have risen. Zombies, ghosts and skeletons walk Ponyville's streets. It would be pretty terrifying, except for the fact that they're so nice. Also, they don't seem to realize they're dead.

But not everypony is happy with their new undead neighbors. Rainbow Dash is a little freaked out, Twilight Sparkle is on trial for murdering a skeleton, and Rarity conspires against her ghostly business partner. Will our heroes be able to keep up in a world where busy ponies don't have time to let death slow them down?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants: Vol. 1

Equestria has almost everything that Earth can offer, except sign language. Fluttershy wants to have a very important conversation with you, but she just doesn't seem to be making any sense. What is she trying to say?

Narration by ShellyDawg

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie performs at a foal's birthday party. She had no choice.

Fifth place finisher of the "Illusion of Choice" writeoff. Reading here by Midnight29.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom has a very important classroom duty, at least according to Miss Cheerilee.

Second place winner in the January Writeoff - All In

Chapters (1)

There is a village where everypony can be the same.

You may have read some nasty things about it. Rumors of stolen cutie marks and power-mad unicorns. Tall tales about forced smiles and frightened glances.

It's all lies. All except the part about us wanting to escape. That's true.

It's why we came here in the first place.

Winner of the May Writeoff Event.

Chapters (4)