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(Trigger Warning) This fiction contains parody (if only) of modern social problems (woops, "problems" is not PC enough...so....uh..."dilemmas?").

(Trigger Warning) This fiction does not contain a lesbian, pansexual, asexual, bi-sexual, trans, or sexualsexual Main Six (We apologize in advance for having reasonable headcanons).

(Trigger Warning) For Go...(can't say the word "God" so uhhh) For Celesti....She's off too!? Bloody Hell (I don't give a shi-)! Get on with it!!! Read the freakin' story!

Twilight and her friends have been summoned by the Cutie Map to a strange community where everypony seems to be offended by even the wind going through their manes. Can our heroes understand the reasoning behind this madness? Can anypony for that matter? Does the author have enough privilege points to write this type of fiction? Tune in next time on Dragon Bal- Oh...lost my place for a second.

Go ahead and prepare to be offended by this parody!

Chapters (46)

Maud did not love Rainbow Dash.

Maud did not understand love.

Maud understood war. Maud understood battle. Maud understood loss.

Those are the things Maud understood.

[Maud/RD - Season 5 finale AU]

Chapters (1)

Forefront is a Royal Guard in the proud service of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. A guard who trained and studied hard to become what he is.

Then one day, his eyes are opened. On one fateful day, he comes to realize that despite all the hard training and all the studies, he failed.

They failed.

Are the Royal Guards, the proud protectors of Canterlot and the Kingdom of Equestria, destined to fail..?

Chapters (6)

Time after time, through chaos and through wars, Princess Celestia prevailed.

Of all the terrible forces she could have fallen to, Flim Flam Industry was the last one anypony had expected.

With thanks to gardrek for editing (3-6) and PinkieDP, Ice Star, and Odd_Sarge for prereading help.

Chapters (25)

Thanks to his sister, Shining Armor was running late. His drill sergeant asks him to explain why.

This is Shining Armor's 100% truthful recounting of events.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is the one mare who can boast claim to being everypony's friend in the town of Ponyville. She loves the ponies of Ponyville, and they love her back.

But just because they love Pinkie Pie doesn't mean they love EVERYTHING she does. And every year in the late fall, Pinkie indulges in a tradition of her own construction that has begun to wear thin on the natives of the tiny town. A tradition that involves Pinkie invading personal space, surprise attacks, and copious amount of rump slapping.

Fortunately for the ponies of Ponyville, this is the year that tradition ends.

Takes place sometime in season one during the first autumn Twilight Sparkle spent in Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie should really start reading signs more often. Anti-Earth Pony meetings are no joke.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and her friends return to Ponyville after a friendship adventure, but something seems to be a bit off about everypony. It all happens slowly at first, then explodes in great and powerful waves. Soon, Twilight's courage and sanity will be put to the test in a brave new world where everything becomes Trixie.

Cover Art Courtesy of Swan Song

Chapters (6)

“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

(Because of popular demand this story has been placed on the incomplete list, also Chapter titles and name has been edited to better represent the story. Thanks to Jakomi of the Rose for the name suggestion.)

Chapters (11)