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Once upon a time, everypony spoke the same language.

Then came Discord, and everything changed. Was it a malicious prank? Boredom? An attempt to teach everypony a lesson? We can't ask him, because he's gone, and who knows when he'll be back.

If language is the glue that holds society together, what happens when it turns to sand?

Winner of the October Writeoff competition, "Illusion of Choice."

Chapters (2)

For years, Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis have been at each other's throats. Both have experienced victory over the other, and both have experienced defeat. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, none despise each other the way the pony Princess and changeling Queen do. They seemed destined to remain locked in battle forever, or at least until one is finally dead at the hooves of the other. The cruel insults, the vicious loathing, and the powerful spells that have passed back and forth between them at each meeting have become the stuff of legend.

Imagine Twilight's surprise when she finds out changelings consider this dating.

And now they're married.


Sequel: Pony Courtship Rituals


Some beautiful fanart of the end of chapter three was done by Dmann892; you can see it here.

More awesome fanart, this time from chapter one.

Now with a TvTropes page (obligatory TvTropes warning goes here).

If you want a Russian translation, you can find it here.

There is now a reading of the story on Youtube, which starts here.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 1 - Planetfall

An MLP/Warhammer 40K Crossover, part 2.

Celestia has handed down her order. The Iron Warriors must be defeated and driven from the planet, lest the corrosive grip of Chaos infect their world. With great reluctance, Twilight and Company depart for the Iron Warriors fortress-factory in order to confront the Chaos Warsmith. However, in this mission it is not the might of the enemy that will be their greatest challenge, but their own burgeoning friendships with the admittedly less-than-saintly members of the 38th Company.
At least until the Iron Warriors actually consider them a threat. Then it's totally their military might that will prove to be their greatest challenge.
All the while, the Tau forces lick their wounds and plot their next move. They are far from defeated, and the Iron Warriors have little inkling as to the aliens' true purpose.


(Dark humor warning; minor grimdark)
(Cover art by Nicholas Kay)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This series is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)

Chapters (8)

You ever feel like you just joined in on the end of an adventure?
Spike does.
All the time.
All the freaking time.
Living with Twilight and Trixie sucks.


Chapters (1)

Princess Cadence, alicorn princess of love, possesses a large amount of love magic. Her magic cannot force two ponies to fall in love, but given enough proximity and the bonds of military service... Things have gotten a bit touchy around the garrison.

Written because the concept entertained me.

Chapters (1)

"Unicorns are wonderful!"
"Unicorns are fantastic!"
"Unicorns are marvelous!"
"Unicorns are glamorous!"
"Unicorns are enchanting!"
"Unicorns are terrific!"

They also like to twist words. What would happen if you asked what they really are, without the wordplay?

Unicorns provoke wonder. They create fantasies. They cause marvels. They project glamour. They weave enchantment. But most importantly, they spawn terror.

For you see, nopony said that unicorns were good.

Massively A.U.

Chapters (1)

I have been hounded by Celestia and Luna ever since I escaped. Now with my followers and friends we are making our final stand at the Glitterstone Mine. So why does Cadance choose now to try to negotiate?

Special thanks to my pre-readers and editors: tosety, warpd, and KMCA

Chapters (2)

In the days after her ascension, every newspaper in Equestria is talking about how Princess Celestia transformed Twilight Sparkle into an alicorn princess.

There's just one problem – Twilight knows that's not what happened.

Why does Celestia let them believe something that isn't true? After all, it isn't like knowing could hurt anypony, right?

Chapters (1)

While exploring the multiverse, Princess Celestia stumbles on the true nature of Twilight Sparkle's existence... and the most ridiculously, hilariously dark timeline imaginable.

Will Twilight's sanity hold together long enough for her to learn what Celestia has discovered? Or will the Darkest Timeline corrupt what was thought to be incorruptible?


Happy Halloween 2015, everybody!

Cover art is an edit by the always impeccable Swirling Line of one of my very favorite reaction images.

Chapters (1)

R. Sweetie Belle leads a fulfilling life―her parents love her and she has several friends that she can count on when times get tough.

Like today, for instance, when she wakes up with a lump on her chassis.

Preread by Waterpear!

Edited by Bradel!

Chapters (1)