• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Total Words: 23,482,293
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Love Meal hasn't always lived in Canterlot, he didn't even use to live in Equestria. Life started deep below the ground surrounded by darkness and filled with gnawing hunger. After daring to think for himself he is ejected from his hive and thrust alone into a land of ponies.

After living by himself trying to fit in among ponies for so long he was bound to change. He doesn't realize how deeply he has until one day he encounters a wild changeling.

Chapters (1)

A modiste is like any artist, needing both skill and inspiration in order to work their craft. Rarity, unfortunately, finds herself in possession of only one, and when the normal avenues to awaken her muse fail to produce results, she decides a change of scenery is in order.

Her trip to the coast and the sleepy village of Portside begins as expected, but she rapidly finds herself stumbling into something far more embroiling than she had ever anticipated of her simple holiday.

Chapters (11)

Following the Canterlot Wedding, Chrysalis' hive has been spread across the lands of Equestria, with nearly half of them unaccounted for. The survivors, along with their defeated queen, return home.

When the Hive Council hears of Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, they decide to remove her from power, exiling her and her hive. Now, her changelings must find a way to survive on their own.

This is one changeling's search for a new home.


Cover art is a scaled down version of "The Unsung End", created by the talented Huussii (used without permission).

Rated Teen for possible language/themes that'll pop up, and just to be safe.

Fair warning, this is the first story I've written in a long time. There's bound to be mistakes, so don't be afraid to point them out (though, I'd ask that you try to at least be constructive).

Chapters (16)

The story of a changeling walking along in the Everfree Forest. He finds himself in Ponyville where he remembers the words of his lost younger brother.
"Changelings and Ponies can co-exist, without the need for us to hide ourselves."
Truly his brother was mad...but what if he wasn't? The unknown wanderer decides to test the theory for himself; by taking the form of an infant and hiding away with a family of strangers. If ponies really could accept Changelings as they were, then surely they would not ignore a cry for help; no matter who it came from.

Chapters (5)

A single changeling ventures with a weakened body into unfamiliar land.

A simple One-shot for my first contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sun Also Surprises

Picking up where The Sun Also Surprises left off, we continue to witness the romance of swans.

Restored content!

Private Gosling, now courting Princess Celestia, must learn to play a difficult and sometimes dangerous game. Gosling, known for being cool, calm, and collected under pressure, soon finds that he is in over his head. Nobles, the press, one somewhat miffed prince, plus one terrifying Night Princess who roams the castle halls at night all continue to test him and try his patience.

Princess Celestia, a seasoned veteran of the game, instead faces an internal set of challenges.

Will the two of them overcome the odds or will this budding romance end in heartbreak?

An entry in the Weedverse.


More Gosling.

Chapters (76)

Princess Celestia, who is feeling a little lonely, asks Princess Cadance for a little help in finding a special somepony.

Along the way, Princess Celestia rediscovers herself.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (10)

Orphaned as a filly, a young pegasus named Kaviyayu is raised by an adoptive Earth pony family in a secluded, peaceful village. When a strange unicorn drops by the village, Kaviyayu and the other foals are captivated by her tales of the world, as well as her various spells and illusions for their amusement. But there's something about the way she doesn't speak of her own family... how she never removes her traveller's cloak... how she seems to take a very strong interest in Kaviyayu...

Who is this mysterious mare, what does she seek, and just what is so special about that pendant she wears?

This is the tale of how a seemingly ordinary filly rose to become both a princess and a beacon of love to ponies all over Equestria. Based on the back-story of Princess Cadance, as given by G. M. Berrow's pony novella, Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. Also loosely inspired by symphonic metal band Nightwish's sixth studio album, Dark Passion Play.

Cover art by the lovely Ayemel.

Now with its own musical accompaniment courtesy of The L-Train!

Pre-reading by Noble Thought, Prak, The Albinocorn, ThatOneWriter, JustAnotherTimeLord, vren55, Majin Syeekoh, Foals Errand, Comet Burst, and Chris. Edited by ChromeMyriad, Titanium Dragon, Noble Thought, Prak, NightWolf289, PresentPerfect, and Chris.

Now featured by:
Fimfiction.net (Feature Box, 01/01/15)
Equestria Daily (01/19/15)
The Royal Canterlot Library (Off-site) (07/13/18) (Onsite) (07/20/18)

Approved by Tag-a-long's Book Club!
Approved by Nonpareil Fiction!
Highly Recommended by PresentPerfect!
Recommended by the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group!

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Divine Indifference

For over a thousand years Atlas had been holed up in a mountain, working tirelessly on the only way to save the planet Equus and himself from certain doom. Alas, an unexpected event throws all his plans out of the window. He is running out of time and needs to find a solution as fast as possible, or everything he fought for might just disappear into thin air.

As the revolutionary fight of the gods reaches its climax, Atlas is caught up in a race against time. He will have to work together with his old friends to pull off a miracle before it's too late.

Cover art by The Spirits Demise thank you very much!

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Support me on Patreon!!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Divine Entertainment

Atlas, Discord and Starswirl have safely arrived in the newly founded Equestria. The ponies that came before them already built up quite a few flourishing cities, setting aside their differences and living together in harmony.

Close to one such newly founded town, Atlas built what he personally insists on calling a "secret lab" where he conducts research and experiments to gain a better understanding of runic magic. Assisted by his adopted son Discord and his scholarly friend Starswirl, they'll have to recreate this lost art if Atlas wants to be prepared for the foretold showdown between the greek gods. All while keeping an eye out for the events that are supposed to bring the true Equestria into existence.

This sequel story will focus mostly on Atlas' research into runes and the timeline that is known to him. Therefore I've decided to replace the adventure tag from the last story with slice of life, although there might still be some adventure-y chapters.

Cover Art by Navanastra, go check out his awesome stories!

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Research! Arc:
Chapter 1 - 4
9’208 Words

Travels! Arc:
Chapter 5 - 7
12'858 Words

Research 2, Research Harder! Arc:
Chapter 8 - 11
7'920 Words

The Two Sisters Arc:
Chapter 12 - 23
38'885 Words

Equestria Arc:
Chapter 24 - xxx

Chapters (29)