• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Total Words: 23,482,293
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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On a fateful night, Alex wins the divine lottery and is approached by Hermes, an Olympian god. He is promised one wish, whatever it may be.

Alas, the encounter doesn't quite work out like he hoped it would.

Alex finds himself thrown into a world that is wholly unfamiliar to him. Gone are his dreams of meeting the mane six. He doesn't even have the luxury of keeping his human form.

Having to deal with an unfamiliar surrounding and a new body, this story follows him on his way to find his own place in this alien world.

Character tags will be added as they become relevant. Teen rating is mostly for some bloody scenes. (nothing too gory). Also, the prologue plays far off in the
future of this story and we won't be returning to that point in quite some time.

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Arrival Arc:
Chapter 1 - 9
23,198 Words

Journey Arc:
Chapter 10 - 28
48,381 Words

Scholar Arc:
Chapter 29 - 63
133,627 Words

Disclaimer: You may encounter several broken image links in the notes of this story... sorry.

Chapters (64)

It’s vacation time! And much to the chagrin of everycreature but Ocellus, Professor Rarity has given an assignment: use your unique skills to provide a service for your friends.

Ocellus has a great idea! In order to help propagate love, her service to her friends is the chance to take a practice run at admitting their feelings to their crushes, a task made easy by her changeling magic. It’s a great idea!


This story takes place shortly after She’s All Yak.

Chapters (6)

Eventide, a loyal and dedicated member of the night guard, is discovered in a bizarre magical coma. Princess Luna uses her magic to enter his unconscious mind in order to find out what happened and rescue the stallion from his unnatural slumber. Once inside, she finds herself in a surreal homestead where she has been cast as Eventide's wife.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is certain of only two things—that hundreds of spring flowers are in bloom across the town, and that Twilight Sparkle is the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria.

Well, there's just one thing for a romantic like Rarity to do.

[Featuring sassy wisdom apple horse and messenger derp horse.]

An entry in Monochromatic's Interwoven Colours Contest

Cover art by Multiversecruise

Chapters (1)

In a moment of anger, Twilight says something rash, which is precisely the wrong thing to do with Discord. And now she can't speak, just as one of her most treasured friendships burgeons into something more.

She can figure this out.

An entry in Monochromatic's Interwoven ColoursColors event.

Thanks to Themaskedferret for pre-reading help.

Chapters (1)

Can you put a price on happiness? What are you willing to risk to find true love? What is that alien doing over there with all those pizza boxes?
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Unshakable bravery is needed to live peaceably in the Everfree. Nopony can ever truly be prepared for the fearful creatures that turn up on one's doorstep in the dead of night.

Zecora likes to keep an open mind, though.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Anon doesn't know how to feel about Chrysalis. Despite how close they have gotten, he doesn't know if it's reasonable to trust a changeling.

Though, through the thick of it, they are still together, fighting for what is there, for what they have. Love, companionship. It's hard to come by, especially if it's genuine. Could a changeling genuinely love someone, despite all their years of manipulation and heart break? Anon wishes to know.

Cover art by bigmoon206. I can't link them, because of their explicit art.

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Good Morning, Anon

Anon fears he'll disappear once more. Luna, however, remedies that situation. The night never seemed so beautiful.

Cover art by Goat Train. I don't think I can link them, due to some of their art, but you can search them on derpibooru. Just type Artist:Goat Train.

Audio Reading by StraightToThePointStudio.

Chapters (1)

This story is considered canon for A 14th Century Friar in Celestia's Court, but may be read as a standalone.

Spearhead was a guard. Had been for years. He'd gone through the Academy with Shining Armor, seen action against bandits in the border territories, even served a stint in the Royal Expeditionary Force. It was good work; a noble calling. He loved being a Guard.

Spearhead was an artist. Sure, it might not have been his special talent, but he'd been creating avant garde art for as long as he'd been training with spears. He was planning on going back to school to pursue a career in art. He didn't want to stop being a Guard to make art, at least not yet, but he did wonder about the future, when he wasn't so fit or wanted a change of pace. But it wasn't an immediate issue. He still had years of service ahead of him, after all, and there was no reason not pursue art on the side. Plenty of soldiers had hobbies, and Spearhead was content to let the future look after itself.

Then, the day his buddy was supposed to be getting married, an invading swarm of Changelings broke through the city's shield, which did not sit will with Spearhead, to say the least.

This is a tale of the Battle for Canterlot, and of one guardpony whose life would be forever changed by it.

The character of Spearhead intrigued me. From the brief bit that we see of him in Season 7, he seems like a standup guy, even if he's not quite all there. I felt he merited fleshing out. This story is rated 'Teen' for violence, though I don't plan on making it gory.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Chapters (4)