• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Total Words: 23,483,374
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Princess Celestia attempts to hunt the most dangerous game: man. Her assistant wants more than anything for her to get back to work.

Artist is lovelyneckbeard

Chapters (1)

You've been in Equestria for about a month now, and have had the privilege of becoming friends with Princess Celestia, the land's kind and fair ruler.

Close friends.

Very close friends.

That's probably it though...right?

EDIT: Featured at #3 on 7/2! I'm glad you all enjoyed!
EDIT: #2 on 7/3! Wowza!
EDIT: (Same day) Now with an AUDIO READING by MultiDoomPie!

Chapters (1)

There's a little known fact about Bonbon, aka Sweetie Drops. Though she's known as a tough as nails, hard-boiled mare that has stared down monsters, she's also a notorious cuddle bug. Unfortunately, Bonbon, as with most other ponies, is ignorant to this fact. Luckily for her, Adonis is more than happy to bring this closely guarded secret to light.

Chapters (1)

One day, after a moment of silent fear, Twilight returns home and asks her special someone some very important questions. Lying in bed and half awake, he answers them.

Artist is Colon-yukkuripale

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle had been preparing for her entrance exam for so long, just to blow it at the end! If only she could get away to a place no one would know her.

Sometimes wishes come true.

A Collab with The Abyss

Edited by RK

Chapters (1)

There comes a time in every earth pony mare's life, when they just feel like digging a hole and sitting in it. Anon doesn't really get it, but decides to keep Pinkie Pie company during this trying time.

{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Anon is too cheap to spring for a golden apple, so he settles for a cardboard box. Didn't start any wars, accidentally a job, 9/10 would recommend.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie has a secret that not even she knows about.
What will the truth affect? Well, probably not that much, to be honest.
But it sure makes for a neat party trick!

Filed as "Teen" just to be safe, but all mentionings are very circumspect.
An entry for the Monster Mares Story Contest

Chapters (1)

Wind Shear is a writer. Technically. He hasn’t written a word in years. In a last-ditch effort to get some inspiration, he heads to a little town, where he learns of the legend of a strange monster who lives in the forest nearby.

Turns out she’s not so bad once you get to know her.

Written for (and winner of!) the Late Halloween Gorgony Contest.
Coverart by Robipony.

Chapters (17)

An innocuous question leads Moondancer to investigating the origins of the yearly celebration of Nightmare Night. As it turns out, it wasn't always about candy and costumes. In fact, her discovery may be a whole lot more than she ever could have expected, and far more than she can handle.

Written for the Monster Mares group second story contest. (Winner of first place!)

Chapters (1)