• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017

Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

Favourites 309 stories
Found 309 stories in 85ms

Total Words: 6,502,779
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


  • Favourites 309 stories

  • The Good Stuff 71 stories The Best of the Best; my absolute favorites of all time.

  • The Lunar File 74 stories A folder specifically made for all my favorite stories about the Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon

  • The Solar File 30 stories Because Celestia needs love too.

  • Tempest Shadow 24 stories A folder for all stories about best edge-horse.

  • Ponies and People 28 stories Because I like stories about our world meeting Equestria an watching the sparks fly.

  • The New Generation 25 stories


  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twenty years. Twenty years spent sitting on a stone plinth, with birds getting absolutely everywhere. That kind of experience can change a pony, or a changeling. As long as she stays ahead of the newspapers and mail service, that story might even hold up.

A story about grudges, love, and the power of unremitting hatred.

No particular reason for the T rating, just covering my bases with how much Chrysalis teases ponies.

Special thanks to everyone who reads my works, follows me, or just happens to look at this -- you deserve to be happy too buddy, just like all our little buggy friends and even Chrysalis herself.

Written as my entry in FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns II contest.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has always dreamed of climbing a mountain taller than any other, forever kept sacred and impossible inside her mind, that was, until the time was right, and with her sister by her side.

[Cover by Onkelscrut | Link here]

Chapters (1)

Former Princess Celestia of Equestria leaves an encouraging and comforting note for you.

Chapters (1)

[SPOILER WARNING: This story is set after the events of Season 9, Episodes 24 and 25. Because of that, there are mentions of various things that would require watching the whole season for context. Reader Discretion is Advised.]

After the massive climactic end to the Legion of Doom, Discord knew that his well-intentioned actions had to be rectified in a big way. And since he was directly involved in some of Equestria's most recent events, he already knew who to apologize to first: The Crystal Empire's leaders - Princess Cadance, and Prince Consort Shining Armor.

Even though the couple were already aware of Discord's contributions -- more specifically, how he was the one who revived King Sombra to attack their Empire months prior -- the two were willing to hear him out after he made a formal request for a counsel. Fortunately for them, the remorseful draconequus came prepared with a sincere apology, as well as a couple of thoughtful gifts for the Crystal Empire.
Unfortunately for Shining and Cadance, one of those gifts may have not been nearly as considerate as either of them would've preferred.

Chapters (1)

Happiness is something sought by all ponies, and Applejack and her friends have been lucky enough to obtain it. They have everything they ever wanted, and all is right with the world. But in that case... why can't Applejack shake the feeling that something is amiss?

Cover art by WhiteDiamonds.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle discovers that the alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in her misguided attempt at revenge did not, in fact, disappear when the original timeline was restored. Instead, they persisted as separate, parallel universes.

Never one to leave a job unfinished, she decides to employ the magic of friendship to restore those universes to a more harmonious state.

She begins with Nightmare Moon.

This story is the first in a series. The other stories can be found below.

1. For Want of a Horseshoe <-- you are here
2. A Big Brother's Duty
3. Healing

Cover art provided by the excellent Sini.

Chapters (8)

Cammy and Scrim are a husband-and-wife team of window washers in New York City. They’re fast and friendly, and best of all they don’t need ladders or fall arrest gear to do their jobs.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese translation by FLX071
New Coverart by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has mastered many skills: friendship, magic, diplomacy, organization, and so on. However, Princess Luna has realized that Twilight has yet to master one final skill before she can truly ascend to the throne.

And so, Luna takes it upon herself to teach Twilight THE TRADITIONAL ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE.

Chapters (3)

Takes Place During Friendship is Magic: Part 2

Nightmare Moon has thrown Equestria into an eternal night since returning from her thousand year exile on the moon. Now it's up to a prestigious unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, and a certain group of five other mares to put an end to the tyrant's ruthless regime.

After overcoming every test that Nightmare Moon trialed them with; there seems to be one more before they can reach the castle and retrieve the Elements. They must answer five questions--

Three questions.

Three questions given by a strange looking creature who is apparently blind in one eye. If they succeed in answering the five questions--

Three questions.

Three questions. Then Equestria has hope to restore its harmony. However if they fail in doing so. Then surely the country and all its surrounding continents will be doomed for all eternity.

Chapters (1)

On a camping trip, Twilight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are sitting around the campfire as Twilight prepares to tell them a long and epic story, filled with dragons and castles, pirates and magical artifacts, and scores of interesting characters along the way.

Problem is, they're tired and want to hear the whole story in 10 minutes.

Oh boy...

Featured from 9/3/19 to 9/4/19!

Now with a TvTropes page!

Chapters (1)