• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017

Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

Favourites 309 stories
Found 309 stories in 93ms

Total Words: 6,502,779
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


  • Favourites 309 stories

  • The Good Stuff 71 stories The Best of the Best; my absolute favorites of all time.

  • The Lunar File 74 stories A folder specifically made for all my favorite stories about the Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon

  • The Solar File 30 stories Because Celestia needs love too.

  • Tempest Shadow 24 stories A folder for all stories about best edge-horse.

  • Ponies and People 28 stories Because I like stories about our world meeting Equestria an watching the sparks fly.

  • The New Generation 25 stories


  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

On the longest day of the thousandth year, only Twilight Sparkle really knew what she was getting into. That didn't stop five mares she'd met less than a day before from insisting on tagging along. They'd all go on to be heroes, but it's not like they knew that at the time. What went through their minds on that dark summer morning?

Chapters (1)

Every night, Princess Luna soars through the land of dreams, shepherding the minds of her subjects. It is lonely, thankless work, forgotten by the ponies she helps as soon as the sun rises.

Luna is not the only one who stalks in the night. Monsters, yes, predators that glide in the dark spaces between the stars. But there are other wanderers as well, spirits who step easily between the worlds. Sometimes she meets them.

And sometimes she comes back with them.

An homage to Luna and little siblings everywhere. Keep up the good fight.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes unexpected mishaps occur; sometimes you leave your saddlebag at home, sometimes a faucet breaks, sometimes you lose the keys to the front door.

Sometimes a small star appears in your bedroom.

Fortunately for Celestia, whereas the rest of you would be apocalyptically out of luck, she has Luna.

Unfortunately for her, that means talking to Luna.

Third-place winner of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Dreams contest. The prompt was "No way home." If you like my work, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash writes her first novella. It's a very serious book about serious topics. She asks her friends to proofread. This should go well.

Chapters (2)

A certain Moon Princess tells you a story of life, of the past and future, and of joy.

The cover artist is Silfoe

Chapters (1)

The Princess of the Night has a chat with you in your dreams.

The cover artist is Silfoe

EDIT: Featured on the same day! Thank you all so much!!

EDIT 03/08/2020: A very warm thanks to Professionalism for translating this fic into Mandarin Chinese!

Chapters (1)

Probably the best thing to happen in Discord's long life was finding the magic of friendship. As much as the old Chaos Lord might complain, without it he would never have found so many that were dear to his heart.

When that heart finds itself empty, he comes to the Princess to ask a favor: allow him the opportunity to bring friendship to other dark hearts. All she has to do is lend him a statue.

The rest is in his chaotic claws.

Featured on 10/18/19, 10/22/19 and 10/25/19!

Featured in Equestria Daily on 6/18/2020 and in their 40 Fanfics to Read for Villain Day on 11/12/2020!

Reviewed here by Javarod!

Also reviewed by PresentPerfect with the rating of Highly Recommended! And it also made the Top 10 of 2020!

Death tag - no horrible murder, just a few mentions and the natural consequences of time.

Chapters (4)

Twilight is in a bad mood, and Pinkie needs Rainbow to deliver a pear pie to her. What could go wrong?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Reformation... It's a Pony Thing

Tempest Shadow vs. Princess Luna... on Nightmare Night. Who's the scariest of them all? Who will win ponies' hearts as the true Queen of the Night?

A light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek battle of wills, and a celebration of one of the best holidays of the year.

Note: This story is set between Seasons 7 and 8, and makes use of the Tempest Shadow AU established in Reformation... It's a Pony Thing. (However, this story provides the necessary background, so it can also be read on its own.)

Chapters (1)

Retirement becomes boring once the relaxation fades. Boredom strikes. Celestia is content; Luna is not. But it's Twilight, sending them on a mission, one like they underwent, countless years ago, to pave dangerous lands into something safe. Together.

[Cover by yakovlev-vad]

[Audo Reading by Straight to the Point Studio]

Commission for Ploish!

Want a story for yourself? Then check out my commissions page!

Chapters (1)