• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017

Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

Favourites 309 stories
Found 309 stories in 72ms

Total Words: 6,502,779
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


  • Favourites 309 stories

  • The Good Stuff 71 stories The Best of the Best; my absolute favorites of all time.

  • The Lunar File 74 stories A folder specifically made for all my favorite stories about the Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon

  • The Solar File 30 stories Because Celestia needs love too.

  • Tempest Shadow 24 stories A folder for all stories about best edge-horse.

  • Ponies and People 28 stories Because I like stories about our world meeting Equestria an watching the sparks fly.

  • The New Generation 25 stories


  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Jay Jepsen has recently found success as a children’s book author with his debut, “The Monster From My Closet,” the story of the unlikely friendship formed between a boy and a creature he found lurking in his room one fateful night. Returning to his old hometown, he is given permission by his childhood house’s latest owner to revisit the place he once called home. Upon finding his room, he decides to wait around to catch up with an old friend...

Closet pic found on Google, credit for Discord head belongs to MLP FiM: Discord Puppeteer by AlexCroft1991.

Chapters (1)

You have some pretty serious insomnia. Thankfully, though, there's this beautful, cuddly pony princess that's figured out how to come to earth, and for some reason, she's chosen to help you with your sleeping problem with lots of physical affection and snuggles.

Within this tome are the accounts of some of the nights you've spent together, complete with graphic cuddling detail.

EDIT: Woke up to seeing this featured, 3/6/18! Thanks!
EDIT: Featured at #2 same day- Rock n' Roll!

Chapters (8)

It's time for our friends to have a serious talk with Rainbow Dash. It's time for her to move on from her friend's passing. Pinkie Pie is gone.


Comedy Crackfic, don't say I didn't warn you.

EDIT: Hey, featured on publishing day, 5/26/20!

Chapters (1)

When her busy schedule suddenly opens up, Princess Twilight Sparkle decides the time is finally right to dig into some of the deeper questions of rulership.

As the ruler of Equestria, it's her job to decide when to deploy the nation's most powerful weapon against its enemies, at her sole discretion. It's a heavy responsibility, with severe ramifications. How can a lone pony decide if trapping someone in stone is justifiable? And what will happen if she can't make that choice?

It's time for Twilight Sparkle to find out.

Written for Imposing Sovereigns II, with the prompt Twilight Sparkle - Abdication.

Preread by Naughty_Ranko.

Chapters (1)

Greg, local human, is often summoned for reasons that often turn out to be ultimately rather trivial, but he doesn't mind - it's all in good fun, really, and it gets him out of the house.

Today he's dusting cobwebs, but then there's an emergency, apparently?

By a certain loose definition, as it transpires.

Chapters (1)

The invasion is going well- not perfectly, as humanity isn't willing to go into slavery without a fight- but the odds remain firmly in the invaders' favor.

After all, to any star-spanning race, humans are just natives. No space fleets, no lasers, no antigravity, nothing. They might as well fight with bows and arrows.

And then the aliens find out that humanity does have one ally- the ponies.

The silly, fluffy, obsessed-with-friendship, and above all pacifist ponies.

The aliens are laughing.

The aliens haven't faced the ponies in combat yet.

A random snippet unrelated to anything else, written to get it out of my head so I could move on to other stuff.

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (1)

Warning: spoilers!

Tempest Shadow aka Fizzlepop Berrytwist has committed quite a few crimes during her time as the Storm King's lieutenant: high treason, slavery, kidnapping, use of forbidden magic conspiracy to overthrow the government, etc.

Now, after her trial, Tempest is locked away in the castle, waiting for the Princesses and the Council to deliver their verdict...

Coverart by puddingskinmcgee

Special thanks to Georg for proofreading and editing!

Chapters (1)

No one can top Tempest for long-wearing yet perfect looks. But how does she do it? What's her secret? Rarity wants to know. And then... she finds out...

A fun, quickie one-shot, not set in any specific AU, though it's compatible with several of my other Tempest stories.

User Spaniard Kiwi was kind enough to post a Spanish translation over on DeviantArt -- thanks much!

Chapters (1)

In a land of eternal night, a brave band of heroes stood against Nightmare Moon to return the Sun to their world. In a desperate bid for victory, they broke an ancient spell to pull six legendary heroes out of Limbo so that they could do battle with the Night Tyrant.

This is not the story of that battle.

It is the story of the monster that returned with the heroes - and how it found love.

Created for the May Pairings contest

Featured 5/14/2020!

Cover art by the amazing Bean.

Chapters (1)

You have befriended Tempest Shadow, a former arch-nemesis of Equestria; you like to spend time with her in the local park, despite her not being a big talker. Maybe she'd join you for your afternoon nap, if you asked nicely?

Based on a basic scenario by Enigmatic Otaku on a brief Blog Post Contest I held a few weeks back, and published with permission.

EDIT: Featured just a few hours after posting, early morning 10/23/18!

Chapters (1)