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Dom and Rainbow Dash always hang out on weekends, but during one night of drinking in a tavern, Dom drunkenly claims that he can catch Applejack with one of her own apples. Rainbow Dash decides to challenge him and makes a wager of her own, but, in the end, there can be only one winner, and Dom is going to do whatever it takes to prove her wrong.


FEATURED 15TH NOVEMBER! Thanks a bunch, peeps! :rainbowkiss:💛

Chapters (1)

Twilight’s surge of uncontrolled magic changed ponies into pot plants, hatched a petrified dragon egg and gave her Princess Platinum study plushie a makeover and an existential crisis.

Celestia’s still not sure how to deal with that one, but at least Twilight has someone to remind her to eat now.

Twilight Velvet's mother, Evening Star was an odd pony with a hobby of making dolls. Over the course of her life, she made many and most were simple toys to comfort a newborn foal or young filly but a rare few were far more sentimental and held more personal meanings. Some said they had a bit of personality all their own, often being in the right place perk up a sad day. Her last few creations carried with them fables of moving when no pony was watching but few ever tried to put the theory to the test.

Then again, none of her works were at ground zero to a record breaking magic surge.

Chapters (6)

What began as a studious endeavor into the origins of tribal magic quickly becomes rife with bedraggled exhaustion as a strange message invades Twilight's dreams, forcing her research to take a drastic new course that leads her on an adventure all across Equestria. For every answer she finds, yet more mysteries arise. What is the source of the daunting dreams which plague her at every moment's rest? Will she see with eyes unclouded... or lose sight of what's truly important?

Written by PsychicKid
Edited by Ember Heartshine
Cover art by Prince-Lionel (
Cover text, insert music, & special thanks: Cadenza Heartsong (
Pre-reader chapter 31: Floral Spring

Links to my story's music can be found below. They are intended to be paired with certain chapters/sections of the story, and emphasize a specific location, so give them a listen for extra ambience! Their paired chapters are indicated by the link URL. All songs produced by Cadenza Heartsong.

Amethyst Hollow - Chapters 7-9

Peacegrove Village - Chapters 12-19

Cloudsbane - Chapters 25-27

Takes place after S7/The Movie, but before S8. Story was drafted when S8 was brand new, so it does not take anything from S8 and later into account.

Chapters (33)

It is the year 2018 AD. With many monotheist religions having kicked out most pagan gods, the many gods of old have fled the world to find new followers in other worlds across the multiverse. With this, the Mediterranean Gods or as all know them, the Greek/Roman Gods decide to leave as well, but do not wish to be mere observers anymore. For in this world, they shall become the immortal heroes like their many demigod children. No longer are they merely gods, They are the Defenders of Gaia!

Chapters (3)

(The translation of the title is"WAIT WHAT IS HAPPENING?") So I meet the merchant, buy the gaster mask go, to Equestria as W.D Gaster and have fun. What could go wrong? Well the author involves Murphy's law. I meet some villains and help save the world. Plus I show to the world I am not what the princess thought I was.

Chapters (5)

Speed Reader may only be a temporary product of a fusion spell brewed by Dash and Twilight, but she's still got the Wonderbolt Barracks to herself for a whole half hour before she splits again. Just long enough to tangle with someone whom her halves would most certainly kick to the curb if either of them were in control.

But they're not in control. Speed Reader is. She can read ponies like books, and Lightning Dust is after something in the archives. Something important.

:pinkiegasp:Now with a written review!:pinkiegasp:

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

In order to secure a future together, Discord grants Fluttershy ascension into a entity of chaos.

Gaining abilities of the elder creature Cthulhu.

Though after the ritual, Fluttershy must learn to cope with new cosmic powers at her command.

Gaining cultists.

Opening up portals to horrific dimensions.

And learning to live with odd new transformations her body is starting to undergo.

At least Discord is at her side for guidance, if that can be seen as a positive.

Made Popular On 6/18/19

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle has fulfilled her destiny and become the sole ruler of Equestria.

Unfortunately, at her first council meeting, she learns a terrible truth.

Equestria is a bit of a mess.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Don invent a scale that determines where on the evolutionary cycle ponies fall. Some like their results more than others.

Inspiration sauce: Shydale

Featured 5/28/20!
With a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been on death's door for three days now. She can barely stay conscious for more than ten minutes at a time, and when she is awake, the pain is almost more than she can stand. The best doctors and medicine makers in all of Equestria have told her that there's nothing they can do, her life is over. When midnight comes, and the clock towers strike twelve, the Reaper comes to collect his due, but then a mysterious pony in a hooded cloak intervenes on behalf of her life.

Edited By: Silence_EXE, Saintkartano. These guys are awesome, go check them out if you haven't already.

Chapters (1)