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Tis was the night of Halloween. Trick-or-Treaters from around the neighborhood are getting ready to go to either party hard or go to houses that would give them candy to eat.

Dyanna, a seventeen year old teenager, is getting ready to go to a Halloween party to be with her friends. However, upon this Halloween night, she receives a box that contains a very realistic costume of Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings. She doesn't realize that her life changes upon this night.

Thank you Terabye West for pre-reading my story.
This story was suppose to submitted on Hallowen, but I was still working on it during the night.

EDIT: I have decided to add more chapters to this story.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle

(Alternate Continuity to Rated Ponystar's The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle)

A plot to assassinate a newly crowned Princess. A guard's warning. A trick, and vanishing. After an assasination attempt on the life of Twilight Sparkle is discovered, the perpatrators think they have succeed but they were wrong.

For, perhaps, Twilight Sparkle yet lives.

Chapters (4)

A human baby, weak and fragile, is found by queen Gaia, the ruler of Equestria.Together with king Solaris, the two adopt you as their son.
Join our little prince in his times of joy and in his times of strife. With friends by his side and his little sisters, our prince will understand that friendship is magic. For he is, after all, the elder brother.

Insipred loosley onThe monster of Canterlot and (very loosley on...) The love of the sun (can't add a link because it's against FimFiction rules, go figure)
A little something I wanted to share, hope you enjoy...

Chapters (17)

Not too far from the Castle is a small statue garden, filled with villains whose friendship problem was unsolvable, even for Twilight.

The least of these is Cozy Glow.

Twilight finally decides to show mercy and to make one more attempt at reformation; however, knowing that the problem is beyond her, she entrusts it to a younger princess.

Speed-written for TheLegendaryBillCipher in the Quills and Sofas Christmas Fic Exchange

Link to coverart!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Stop me if you heard this before. Guy goes to costume convention as a fictional character. Guy or girl meets a merchant. Get a piece for there costume then goes to Equestria. Here's the thing the guy I am is already in Equestria. Its set in good read the story.

A displaced fic of different direction instead of the usual goes as something else for a change my little pony. Eric Smith went as a MLP character his favorite character. Got some hand made Elements of Disharmony and the rest his history.

Now he is Loki. Let the chaos flow!

Co-written with Thunderclap and our second story together.

Come on you know you want to

All art belongs to its owners.

Looking for a Editor.

Chapters (27)

Rarity needs to borrow Rainbow's laptop for a week. Rainbow needs to get her laptop fixed so Rarity can use it. Starlight needs more alcohol before she hangs herself.

Edited by SolidFire.

Chapters (1)

Can't a guy just dress up as a named Pokemon Trainer and go through a convention on his own uninterrupted business? Pfft! Of course not. Something weird always happens at a con. For example, there's a guy who accidentally bumps into another cosplayer and wakes up in another world while in the form of the very Pokemon that is his portrayed character's partner.
Something about that last part doesn't sound quite right.
This fic may be borrowing from ideas that were implanted by exploring the internet a lot. Any relation to actual persons that happen to share certain names and personalities are completely coincidental and unintentional. There will most likely be violence. Some spoilers from Season 7 are imminent. All properties belong to their respective owners.
(Cover art by wormadam19.)

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash is dead. Well, technically. After an incident a few years ago, she made a deal. The one she secretly loved was saved, but she became a Daemon. Now, she's one of the Devils Collectors; hunting down those who fail to repay their ends of agreements. What happens when she has to head back to Ponyville for a contract?

Based off of the story 'Dash to Hell' by ppg1998. Cover art by Blueset-Ayemel on Deviantart.

Chapters (26)

Celestia and Luna thought their first day at the Seaward Shoals retirement home would be normal. They never expected to see Grogar of all characters there. The two alicorn sisters are quite surprised to learn what he's been up to in the past thousand years since Gusty the Great took his bell.

Chapters (1)

Twilight learns what comes after life ends.

Winner of the Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, written in 60 minutes.

Do you want to learn to sharpen your skills as a writer? Then join the speedwriting Discord channel!

Chapters (1)