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Unaware of how his image and name have been used, the real Grogar returns to his lair after a long vacation. Naturally, he's not exactly pleased to find out what's been happening while he was gone.

Chapters (1)

After learning about American football in the human world, Princess Celestia has a goal post built on the edge of Canterlot. This has many wondering why she would do such a thing.

Today, they are going to find out.

(If you like this or my other stories, feel free to leave a little something at my ko-fi!)

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds a strange book on her doorstep, with no idea where it came from or what it is about; she reads it. The more she read, the more she loses sight of who she is as she slowly gain an amount of knowledge she never thought possible.

While days go by, her friends try to reason with her. Can friendship defeat lust for infinite power?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rot

After the events in 'Rot', Twilight Sparkle has finally come to terms with her new self. Can she control her new powers? Can she ever have anything close to a 'normal' life again? And what happens when Discord's past mistakes come home to pass judgement on the 'new' Princess of Friendship?

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle has always been frustrated with Discord. His ability to do anything, with no more effort than a snap of his claw. It shouldn't be possible. His power had to come from somewhere.
Then, one day, Twilight lets slip how she feels. Surprisingly Discord agrees to explain it to her. To give her the secret to all of his powers. If she's willing to pay the price that knowing it all will bring.

Chapters (1)

Ten years after Celestia's fall to the nightmare, the final battle for the fate of Equestria begins.


Just a one-sitting one-shot that I cooked up after seeing :Demon: by familyof6 on deviantart.

Chapters (2)

It's been a year now since Twilight vanished after attempting a sonic rainboom. She's spent her time fighting in WWII alongside her brothers in arms. Now, after a bad jump, she finds herself back in Equestria. After a well deserved rest, a nice, warm bath, and the most unusual breakfast, she begins to tell her story.

Chapters (19)

She is the last. All her kin are gone. They'd either been blown apart by the Friendship spell so many ages ago or, in the case of her sister, changed their diet from hate to love. Cryoxia is the last of the windigos, but she is determined to be different, to never go back to those days ever again.

She'll make friendship from hate. She'll adopt an alicorn foal as her sister. She'll take physical form and learn how to move the celestial orbs with her mind. Celestial... has a nice ring to it. And she'll ally with the other nations in the world, establish friendship and preach harmony, no matter how they may diminish her food source. She'll make a world so wonderful that it will starve her to death.

Or die trying.

For antiquity, featured 10/9/14, 10/13/14 -10/16/14

Chapters (3)

Two hundred years have passed since the discovery of the purveyor and the events set in motion by Celestia's endeavor to save her own world. Now, the purveyor has returned from the void and their world will change, for the better... or for the worse.

This is the sequel to The Watcher, it is advised to read it before reading this.

A big thanks to Lord Destrustor for editing. Go check out his work, his stories are definitely worth your attention!

Chapters (25)