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The Griffon Kingdom was once a prosperous and happy country, but in the past century it has fallen into ruin. It now sits as an empty husk of what it once was, leaving the griffons living there to scrounge for whatever they can find to survive. There is no government, no leaders, and for many griffons, no hope.

Princess Celestia has done all she can to try and aid it and the griffons living there, but there is only so much she can do without causing an international incident. Now her hoof has been forced. A changeling queen is building a hive deep inside the kingdom, and once fully established it will be a threat to ponies and griffons alike.

Gilda doesn't care about any of that. She's far more interested in finishing her new bakery. It hasn't been easy, she had to persuade a number of griffons to come together to build it, but she had gotten it done. Now, with the help of her two employees (who she might go as far to even call friends) she's almost ready to open for business.

Unfortunately, Gilda's hard work is about to put her front and center in Celestia's plan to save the Griffon Kingdom. A task which comes with a whole host of problems, as well as a crown.

Editing by m1ntf4n

Custom cover artwork by silfoe

Chapters (12)

Luna takes her job very seriously. When she hears there's a human having difficulty sleeping, she decides to share a bed with him until he feels safe and happy again.

Chapters (1)

Death learns that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be retiring after nearly a thousand years as rulers of Equestria and he couldn't be more happy about it.

A bit of a spoilers based on the Trailer shown recently. A simple one shot that I was inspired to make because of it. - Rated Pontstar.

Pre-Read and Edited by B_25

Chapters (2)

Applejack and Fluttershy are going out on a date to celebrate the anniversary of them being a couple. This surprises Twilight Sparkle greatly. Not because she can't believe it's already been a year since such a clearly important event in the life of two of her best friends, but by the fact that she didn't even know they were dating to begin with. How could she have missed that? Surely her other friends will have the answer, right?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Third Wheel

Double Time is a changeling. Years ago, she fought the Crystal Empire in the war in the north. Now she's Cadence's prisoner.

Together, they'll learn something new about life, and rulership, and what it means to love.

Chapters (6)

"'Colts will be Colts' is not a sentiment that applies here at my Friendship School!

Times have changed. Kids or not, everyone, students of friendship included, have to answer for these sorts of disrespectful displays. Now, all of you, down to Counselor Glimmer's office, immediately! I'm going to have a long chat with her about what to do with you all!"

EDIT: Featured #2 same day, 3/21/19! Thanks!
EDIT: #1 same day! YEET- thanks all!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Spike realises there's a pretty noticeable gap in Twilight's otherwise encyclopaedic knowledge - and tries to fill her in. Confusion and embarrassment ensues (of course - this is Twilight we're talking about!).

(Teen rating and sex tag for discussion about sex and pony genitalia, no actual sex.)

EDIT: Featured on 19/3/19 to 23/3/19 - a huge thank you to you all! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Sleeping Rose

It's been a week since Sam spent the night at Rose's house, and the two have grown closer. Rose helped plant flowerbeds all around the house, but a surprise visit to check on the flowers on laundry day puts a slight strain on their budding friendship. Now Sam's forced to make some choices she's not quite ready for.

Chapters (3)

It didn't take a genius to figure out that that perfume wasn't my own, nor did it take any real effort to locate the source of both of my issues: there was a pony asleep on my arm.

I assume she was asleep, anyway. She was breathing slowly and shallowly, which was quite easy to ascertain, as my right arm was draped across her.

Chapters (3)