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When Rarity accidentally nicks Twilight during a fitting, she discovers just what alicorn blood can do, properly applied.

Winner of the 11th Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. The prompt was "Spurred to action."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to To be a Breezie

Accompanying Twilight as she returned from her expedition in his world, the breezie Honeydew has to learn how to live with his marefriend... in the incomprehensible vastness that is the world of Equestria.

the amazing cover was drawn by Kaleido

Chapters (5)

ONE SHOT STORY (also first RGRE story ever, so be gentle.)
(This is an odd take as the elements are there, just not that prominent.)

My dearest Twilight,

A new dictator has come out from the shadows and taken hold of a nearby settlement, making it her little kingdom. She holds it with an iron hoof and ruins the lives of those poor ponies and other creatures living there. I am sending you and your friends there to stop this mare and bring an end to her tyranny and drag her kicking and screaming to Canterlot, where she can face justice.

Your Loving Teacher,
Princess Celestia

Chapters (1)

After an expedition into the Everfree Forest ends in disaster, Applejack and Rainbow Dash take refuge in an abandoned cabin until morning.

This is probably a poor decision, but it's only one night, after all. How bad could it be?

Chapters (1)

Luna has a secret.

A secret that she's kept close to her heart ever since her return from the moon, a secret she's hidden for so long that she's no longer even sure if it's real. At least until it returns to haunt her, and she has no choice but to confide in Celestia and hope her sister trusts that she hasn't gone mad.

It's time to tell Celestia about the circles.

Chapters (5)

Theodor Pichler knew joining the Barrow Observatory's winter crew would be a difficult position. He thought he knew the danger--freezing temperatures, gale-force winds, and terribly spotty broadband coverage. What he didn't expect was for an experimental new telescope array to interact with an unusual storm and send him screaming helplessly into the sky.

Instead of falling to his death, Theo landed in an alien world, populated by colorful horses he can't understand. What's worse: the body he landed in isn't his own, and he's not sure anything is where it should be. Having wings might be cool if he didn't have to be naked all the time...

With limited supplies and no help from the Observatory, Theo has to somehow navigate this new land, making new friends and encountering terrible dangers along the way. It will take all his cleverness, and a healthy dose of luck, if he's ever to be human again.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here:

This story was a commission for Lucky Ray on my Patreon. Feel free to PM me if you'd like one of your own. It was edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by FoxHatArt. Where chapters have art, it was done by Jasper.

Zutcha was here too.

Chapters (53)

The appearance of a giant, glowing orb of energy in Washington D.C. puts the capital of the free world on high alert. Few expected aliens to emerge. None expected them to be horses. But, in retrospect, everyone should have expected them to not speak English.

EDIT: Featured at #3, 7/24/19!
EDIT: At #2 same day!
EDIT: #1 at the very end of 7/26/19! I’m so glad you all enjoyed!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle comes across a small, battered diary detailing a new form of transportation. While the research is sloppy and the notes incomplete, Twilight takes it upon herself to see that the ancient project is completed.

Of course, nopony said it would be easy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Track Switch - Frankfurt Calling

Modern just in time supply chains require arcane logistics. The people I work for specialise in that special kind of magic. Me? I just make sure stuff gets from A to B. And I'm good at it.
All over western Europe. Always at night. Always alone - just the way I like it.

Included in the Royal Canterlot Library. Now with Nightline character art by LunarFroxy.

Pre-read by CandyCanine
Reading the prequel is a good idea to get to know the other characters in the story, but not strictly necessary. As long as you like ponies on Earth, you're good.

Chapters (4)