• Member Since 11th Jun, 2017


I am the king of nothing

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Transformed into an alicorn against her will, Twilight’s peaceful world is shattered when she discovers that she’s considered a threat to the throne of the Two Sisters. With her friends nowhere to be found, Twilight must set off on a journey to find the truth behind her transformation, and why her own country considers her an enemy.

Old wounds will be opened, new friends will come forth from the shadows, and Twilight will discover a truth that will shatter her view of her mentor forever. Yet unbeknownst to her, this was her destiny all along.

This fanfic is heavily based on Equestria-Prevails artworks and fanon material. Any credit for the Characters, Locations, and Art that belongs to him must be directed at his page on Deviantart. Any other art will be credited to the respective owners on the author's note section of each chapter.~

I also have to give my thanks to a few guys who are helping me with this:
The awesome Bulder for Proof-Reading chapters seven through thirteen;
The amazing Vexy for revamping the long description;
The fantastic ymom2 for proof-reading from chapter two towards six;
The lovely Divine Path for helping me with rephrasing.

Cover art credits must go to ~Nalenthi

Chapters (16)

Ink Blot, one of Vinyl Scratches oldest friends is moving from Manehattan to Ponyville. He's an artist with extraordianary talent and Twilight has taken a fancy to him. There's only one problem, Ink is blind. How will this stallion contend with his growing feeling and the horrors of his past?

O.C. X Twilight.

Chapters (10)

Cross Hair, a grey unicorn stallion is badly injured in a Timber wolf encounter. He wakes up days later to find that he is being cared for by a yellow pegasus mare. What will happen when this hunter falls prey to his emotions? What is the secret he is keeping from his hostess and her friends and why does a certain purple dragon not trust him?

Fluttershy X O.C.

Chapters (21)

Being a soldier is something most equate to honor and the highest respecting position in the world. Some soldiers offer the ultimate sacrifice for their country, others come home in one piece. Big Mac isn't in the glory business, he just wants to serve his time and come home. He finds there is no such deal with the army.

Picture by GordonFreeGuy. This man is a drawing genius. http://gordonfreeguy.deviantart.com/art/Comrade-Macintosh-316577336

Chapters (6)

Once an annoyance to the changeling queen, soon became a tolerance when her friend Alan comes by to visit her every single day. Sometimes for chats, gifts, and inviting them to hang out. This time though was both different and unexpected…

Written by Triple B Studios

Audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios

A/N: So I thought about Chrysalis and this idea popped in my head, so I decided to write it down.

Featured: 8/10/2022 Wow! First featured, thank you very much! :pinkiegasp: :raritystarry: :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

It's a horrible city filled with monsters, horrible and deadly monsters. And an unlikely duo by the name of Dustin and Rainbow Dash will have to come together if they want to get out alive and escape this hell, known as Raccoon City.

As these two try to escape... one question rings through our heroes' minds.

Why me?

Part of the Snowverse

Huge thanks to Alex_ for the coverart :heart: Thank you so much buddy!
Feature Lite: 1/23/2018
Feature Regular: 2/15/2018

Here it is, since early 2014, it's finally been set free. Honestly, this story is... something important to me, something cathartic if you will, something I needed to get done, something that I should have gotten done years ago but let my own problems with self loathing and just general disregard for shit get in the way. Regardless... here it is, I hope you all enjoy.

Chapters (24)

Prequel to: The Zombie Chronicles

A few months after the Fall Formal, a new student enters Canterlot High. Now he must discover it's crazy students and wild backstory...

Credit to my editor who helped me find this story's gift: Colonel Celtic Fire

Chapters (21)

Broken, alone, heart sick, Anon-a-miss had taken more than Sunset's friends. They had taken away her heart. Her hope. Her life.

Anon-a-miss had taken away any reason she had to continue to live. She tried to soldier through it. Until she couldn't.

But she wasn't alone. When she couldn't find hope, hope found her. Life found a way. Harmony holds her own, enfolds them, and loves them where they are.

Sunset had hope. Hope lifted her up, and carried her forward when she was ready to lie down and die. Hope rekindled friendships, mended hearts, rebuilt broken lives. Hope restored life.

And Friendship was magic.

This is the story of Sunset's fall, her sorrows, and her attempt to end her life. But it's more than that.

It's also a story of hope. Of friendship. And of Harmony's grace, and the joys that come from living, loving, and helping friends. It's a story of happy moments, funny moments, joyful moments, living and loving even when days are darkest.

Not Just Another Anon-a-miss story - but set in and borrows heavily from the Anon-a-miss Holiday Comic and other Anon-a-miss fiction.

This story contains scenes of Violence and Suicide, be forewarned.

If you are thinking of Suicide, please get help! You are not alone! You are wanted, help is there, please just reach out, let someone know, let them care. Please!

Featured on 26 March 2021! Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (61)

(Book one of the Anon-a-Miss trilogy)

Sunset has had enough. After one last attempt to reason with her friends -- which failed miserably in her face, she ends everything with a literal bang. Unbeknownst to her, her deed would affect Canterlot High School forever. The very next day, the CMC, the true culprits behind Anon-a-Miss, confess and are finally brought to justice. But it's too late to make any amends. And now everyone, completely unable to live with a guilty conscience, falls into a deep depression, not knowing how to move on. Until one day...

Rated T for profanity, violence, blood, and mature topics such as suicide, alcoholism, and eating disorders.

Chapters (7)

After the events of Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is alone. Her friends don't trust her. Her own friends, who she thought loved her, so easily cut her off. She realizes the she is once again living her worst fear; being alone. With this comes feelings that Sunset had thought left her long, long ago.
(TRIGGERS: Suicidal thoughts and attempt, mentions of self harm, being alone.)


Chapters (7)