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I wonder what I'm being made for? Pinkie calls me a cupcake. Oh look frosting!

Edited by: Word Worthy

AN: You have been duly warned of the capricious random nature of this fic. Capricious in my storytelling and random because who the heck writes a story from the cupcake's perspective?! Oh right, me.

Chapters (1)

With a whole day off, Rainbow Dash has nothing to do. The only pony that doesn't seem to be busy is Pinkie Pie, who doesn't seem to be herself. The two decide to bake cupcakes together, but something else rises as well...

Chapters (1)

Based on Cupcakes. When something happens that no one can foresee the mane cast will learn just how far fear can affect their group.

Chapters (1)

After coming back from a 10-year mission to catalog the complete globe and learn more about other countries. The Mane 6 Return to Ponyville, but not the one they remember. all their friends and families have all changed, some slightly, some drastically.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

And she's not happy about it.

Hear what Celestia has to say back! Check out the spinoff:
Responses To A Disgruntled Friendship Student by keaton-furman-prower

Still want more? Have a multiverse spinoff by MixMassBasher, my contributing writer for Seasons 5-9.
Letters From Across the Disgruntled Multiverse

Editing by Neko Majin C.

The following is a work of parody, and is protected as Fair Use under section 17 U.S. Code § 107 of US Copyright Law. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all affiliated characters are property of Hasbro Inc.

Chapters (276)

Silence.EXE was always a loner, tending to research the GrimDark on his own. That is, until the Princess of Friendship and the Element of Loyalty pay him an unexpected visit in his own home.

But his troubles only grow as an old box of tape recordings he found in a box on the top shelf of his closet proves to be an outlook and possibly a portal into a world of horrors that should not exist, one that seems very familiar to Silence... And very horrifying to Twilight...

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is based off of 'Rainbow Factory' by Aurora Dawn.

Chapters (4)

What happens when all the colors fade? When Rainbows turn grey? What happens when the Rainbow you gave your whole life to disappears? Sometimes, even though it seems that the colors in your world may have vanished, all you need is a friend to bring them back.

Twilight Sparkle finds the answers to these questions when one of her closest friends passes on, even though it seemed like a living nightmare, she finds that it has opened her friends and her very own eyes that true friends transcend even death itself.

TheSlashawar did a reading of this story! Check it out if you want to :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7n_XfFbTko&feature=g-u-u
I am not doing anymore changes to this story (except for grammer and spelling). I feel that this story was written with most of my sorrow thrown into it so I don't want to spoil that.

Cover Image by LaurenMagpie: http://laurenmagpie.deviantart.com/

Chapters (2)

Note: This story assumes you've read parts one and two. Links at the bottom of the description.

After years of seemingly endless battle, the end of the rebellion is finally upon Rainbow Dash and her rag-tag army of revolutionaries and malcontents. They prepare themselves, cleaning weapons and singing songs in high spirits - but nothing, no amount of careful thought or rationalization could have possibly prepared any of them for what lay ahead. Within the fortress-city of New Canterlot lie many of the answers they've been looking for... for better or for worse.

Fire, Harmony's End part 1:
Vengeance, Harmony's End part 2:

Chapters (1)

Author's Note: Unfortunately, some people have failed to realize this: This trilogy takes place in a quasi-steampunk alternate Equestria, where tensions are much higher, and as such, weapons technology has progressed much further. Sorry to have to post this, but Equestria Daily rejected this based on 'believability issues', and I'm still a bit bitter about that.

When Unicorn extremists assassinate the twin Princesses and decimate Canterlot, Equestria falls apart at the seams. Each of the three races gathers their own and declares war on one another in a desperate bid to achieve ultimate dominance - as well as control over the fabled Elements of Harmony.

Rainbow Dash is now a member of the Wonderbolts, who have been assimilated by Pegasus military leadership and converted into a special operations task force, trusted with only the most insane and dangerous of objectives. Fire follows Rainbow Dash as her conviction, strength, and allegiances are tested time and again, and as she is forced to make choices that could seal the fate of those she loves - or of the Pegasus race as a whole.

Note: This trilogy takes place in an alternate universe, where Equestria is at a significantly higher technological level than in the show (televisions, explosives, advanced firearms etc.) and racial tensions between the three pony races were much higher to begin with. I felt the fundamental differences between the show and this story spoke for themselves in regards to Fire taking place in an alternate universe, but that clearly wasn't enough for some people, given a few of my readers have gotten after me about the technology level. Hopefully I won't have to address this again.

This is part one of a trilogy; you can find the latter parts here.
Part Two, Vengeance:
Part Three, The Cross:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to History Lesson

New chapters added as I can. Apologies for the inconsistency.

History Lesson is strongly recommended as prior reading.
(Spoilers for History Lesson.)

When Starlight Glimmer sabotaged the first Rainboom, she inadvertently created eight broken worlds. In this the eighth world, Chrysalis, Sombra, and a resistance led by the new Element bearers wage war against one another for control of Equestria. Princess Twilight Sparkle has tasked Starlight with restoring harmony, hope, and love to this version of Equestria; but with so much war, death, and destruction, can life ever return to the way it was supposed to be?

History Reimagined follows the path of a hypothetical eighth fallen timeline not depicted in Friendship is Magic.

Non-Con tag for implied acts only. Sex tag for discussed acts. Gore and violence tags for mild gore and fantasy violence.

Cover art credit: Chrysalis vector by TwilightSpark2112 (wings edited to be transparent). Starlight vector by Uponia (body) and LolliponyBrony (head; edited to change facial expression). Sombra vector by 90Sigma.

Chapters (16)