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Caught in a life or death situation, with all her friends turned against her and feeling completely trapped, Twilight recounts the series of unfortunate events which led to this devastating situation from her secret hideout.Not for the faint-hearted.

You have been warned.

Chapters (1)

Her brilliant plan was ready to put into motion. All she had to do was get to the right place, then wait. How hard could that be? It wasn't like Twilight had any security measures of any kind.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer was once the head of a cult. She used her magic to control minds, enslave ponies, and nearly destroyed all of Equestria. Such acts are unforgivable, but somehow she was forgiven by Princess Twilight, and has become her student. It is certainly more than she deserves.

While Starlight admires the grace with which Twilight forgave her, and frankly, the grace that the Princess displays in all areas of life, she has to wonder: What's her secret?

This story was featured on Equestria Daily in a round-up for Starlight Glimmer Day 2021.

Chapters (7)

Letters. Everyone writes them, and they're not just for ponies. Be they carriers of serious news, friendly correspondence between pen pals, or declarations of heart and heartbreak, each one is written with a clear purpose or goal in mind.

Celestia uses them to try and keep her faithful student and friends in line, and try to keep an unbalanced world on the straight and narrow.

This is much harder than it sounds.


Now with an audio reading by Lady Tenkage!

Side Stories:

Old-Fashioned Bar Hoppers, featuring Celestia, Mayor Mare, and Granny Smith shenanigans.
Journal of an Adolescent Clone, featuring Sunny and Moony shenanigans since Season 5.

Chapters (246)

Twilight Sparkle has lived a full life but now she's a 115-year-old pony lying on her deathbed and waiting to pass on. As her time draws near, she receives a visit from a mysterious mare who has come to seek out the answer to a simple curiosity.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The New Blood

Years have passed since the Crystal War ended. Twilight Sparkle visits an old haunt to spend some time catching up with her friends. Then comes the question of who picks up the tab.

This story follows the alternate universe canon wherein Equestria fought in a state of Total War against Sombra's Crystal Empire. The New Blood is set in the same universe during the war, with some character overlap.

As a Memorial Day Tribute, this story is dedicated to all those who have served, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. For any veterans living with trauma, I've placed a link here for the veteran helpline. There is no shame in needing to talk to someone.

Folks were kind enough to submit this to the Royal Canterlot Library. Thank you to everyone responsible for adding it. I'm grateful that you found in it something meaningful.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Chapters (1)

After the invasion of Canterlot, Tempest Shadow - also know as Fizzlepop Berrytwist - struggled to make a place for herself in Equestria among the ponies she once conquered. Unfortunately, it seemed not everyone could be as forgiving as the Princess of Friendship, and she found it somewhat difficult. She found herself wishing for a second chance at a first impression.

She really should have checked who was listening first.

Worlds and years away, can she manage to grow into a different pony and try to make it home? And what will this wish cost her?


Dedicated to mastermenthe for fixing my computer problems and getting me back online to write again.

Cover art by the amazing ProfessorCatPro

Chapters (27)

Avengers: Infinity War Crossover (Chapters 1-100)

Avengers: Endgame Crossover (Chapters 101-200)

This story is a sequel to This War of Ours.

The worlds were changed. For better or for worse, many could determine. For Earth, scars have been left not only for humanity, but in the remnants of the Avengers. For Equus, wounds have been inflicted, and very little has been done to heal. Both the ponies and the Avengers have agreed to let time determine their fates.

They waited too long. They weren’t ready. Neither Earth nor Equus could have prepared for him.

Caught in the midst of a cosmic terror unlike anything they have ever experienced, the Avengers and the ponies of Equestria must do whatever it takes to push back against the tide that threatens both of their worlds. If they fail to do so, then both Earth and Equus remain teetering on the brink of destruction.

The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

Dramatic Readings by Mr. Snarky!
Episode 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdLMU4aCo9g
Episode 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QGcLzon7z4&feature=youtu.be
Episode 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuV4eE1P8jI&feature=youtu.be

Oh, look! A tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/EquestriasAvengersOfJustice

Cover art by Shrekzilla.

Sequel: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From Home

Chapters (200)

What really happened during Cupcakes. Not quite as gruesome as what everypony assumed.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is in a hurry, flying at her usual unfathomable speed. But then she starts to hear beeping and looks back, seeing the police are on her tail.

She looks behind her, seeing that with all her urgency, the police have an urgency of their own. To capture her and make her pay the price for breaking the law.

Good thing she has the help of a friend to help her learn her lesson well.

Chapters (1)