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When Thorax brings his brother, Pharynx, on a trip to Ponyville, he runs into Ember. While spending time with her, Pharynx nearly goes insane from their seemingly lovey-dovey conversations.

Chapters (1)

Finding themselves with a surplus of illegal fireworks, Trixie and Starlight begin selling them on the black market, to make a bit of extra money on the side. But what sort of ponies would want to buy illicit fireworks?

Short and stupid. Inspired by a joke from Season 8 Episode 7, although this story contains no real spoilers for the plot of that episode.

Chapters (1)

After a really bad morning, Twilight discovers that the Crystal Castle Kitchen is out of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. So she goes to Starbuckers instead and orders a Venti White Chocolate Mocha to cheer herself up.

Starbuckers is out of regular coffee, too. But they still have decaf.

Now with a reading by Lotus Moon

Chapters (1)

Trixie has started a new show in Pony Ville. With the assistance of her best friend Starlight, they will perform some of the greatest feats of magic ever seen.

"Don't try this at home ponies. We are professionals."

A special thanks to Midnight Radiance for letting me use his picture for the theme of this story.

Chapters (1)

Somnambula went off to defeat the Sphinx, in the hopes that she would save the prince.

As it would turn out, she might need saving instead...

This starts out as a comedy, but then transforms into an adventure. It would be slice of life, but the pyramids in Southern Equestria could be on the very edge of the region itself.

Art by the ever talented DoubleWBrothers.

Chapters (15)

Follow up to the episode Non-Compete Clause. It's Teacher Of The Month time again, and now Applejack and Rainbow look to have a shot. But once Twilight and co find out the extent of the duelling duo's antics to earn their nominations, what'll happen?

Who knows. But read on to find out.

Chapters (1)

After she and her friends reveal Starlight Glimmer's secret, Twilight attempts to give the ex-mayor of the equal ponies village the same lesson in friendship she gives to every evil being they come across.

With distinctive and significant differences.

Cover art by dm29

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy remembers every world that Starlight created, and that is why she can never forgive her.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer had heard of the rumors. She thought it couldn't be possible, she had finished off those mares decades ago. But she had to come see it for herself...confirm those little rumors and put them to rest for good.

Unfortunately for Starlight, her return is exactly what they've been hoping for.

Inspired by the ending of FNAF 3.

Chapters (1)