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Celly, Discord and Cadey have been spying observing. Luna and Twilight seem to have feelings for each other!!! The problem? They don't seem to know how each other feels!! What to do?Celestia, Discord and Cadence (Well, mostly Discord) come up with Operation TwiLuna, to get the two together in their own ways. subtletly, beautiful romance, and chaos.
I feel compelled to add "What could possibly go wrong?"

Winner of the first Twiluna group competition. (THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYPONY!!)

Chapters (5)

The planet destroyed. The flood gone and the covenant obliterated.
All because of one man, Sergeant J. Forge. The man who literally stared death in the face to save those aboard the 'Spirit of Fire'.
But what if the detonation of the slipspace drive tore a larger than intended hole in the fabric of space, essentially creating a portal to another world.
What if Forge hadn't perished on that day, but awoke to find himself in a completely new and foreign world ?

Chapters (8)

After being introduced to Dark Magic, Twilight has used it to her advantage multiple times(using it for Zecora's potion, finding the Crystal heart). Twilight starts to experiment with it, causing her to grow obsessed. She's noticed that its beginning to change her. She must stop herself from succumbing to the darkness before her friends loose her forever.

Chapters (6)

After many years of knowing each other, Spike finally decides to tell Rarity of his true feelings for her. But it doesn't go as planned. Can Rarity fix the mistake she has made? Or will she have to live with her decision for the rest of her life, knowing it may well kill Spike?
(Story on hiatus until further notice)

Chapters (4)

A long time has passed since Twilight and her friends first discovered the Elements of Harmony, and she has since become a full-fledged alicorn princess. In that time, she's done many great things.

But the one thing she hasn't done is tested herself. She's never seen the full extent of her powers.

Growing bored of Equestria, and seeking the ultimate challenge, Twilight decides to see just how powerful she really is by attempting the impossible.

Creating her own world.

Idea taken from a brainstorming thread and used with permission from Kapuchu.

Special thanks to Conicer for the epic cover art!

Chapters (6)

Spartans never die, they're just missing in action. This has never been more true for Jorge-052 as, after activating the slipspace drive that was supposed to kill him, he is instead flung into a strange world where war is but a distant memory. Will the aging soldier be able to adapt to this new peaceful planet? Or will his only salvation be found in finding a way back to his own chaotic universe?

(It's my first time, so be gentle)
Now featuring a TVTropes page by Sabo88

Chapters (18)

I am not Twilight Sparkle.

I have her body, I have her memories, I have her power. I am not her, and I have done such terrible things. This is my story.

Chapters (45)

After years of learning her new powers and growing into being an Alicorn, Twilight Sparkle has reached maturity. Her loving mentor Celestia feels she is now ready for the ultimate test, to succeed where her sister and herself failed. Celestia reveals the origin of her sister and herself, and tasks Twilight Sparkle to travel across the great sea and take the throne in the land that they were exiled from.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Memento Mori

Twilight learned a valuable lesson, long ago. Memento Mori: you too, will die. It was a bitter pill, but she accepted it and her boundless curiosity about the darkest of lores was for a while sated. But when she discovers a curious volume in the bottom of Ponyville library, hidden in the most unsuspecting of places (for after all, who would look in such a sleepy town?) she begins to feel a pull that she is not sure she wishes to resist.

(A sequel of sorts to Momento Mori, featured on EQD.)

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle thought that she had felt all that happiness could offer. She had perfect friends, an amazing mentor, and even became part of the Princess monarchy. She was as happy as she could be.

Until one day the news came...

Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to be a mother. And she never knew just how beautiful being a mother could be.

This fic was inspired by the picture, and the title came from it as well. The picture and title do not belong to me. I would like to thank Hikariviny for drawing such a wonderful picture. It inspired me to write the single best thing I've ever written. I don't wanna sound modest, but this story is the one that's most likely to be featured out of all of my stories. If it is featured, please let me know when if it was featured!!! Oh, and WHOO!!! 400 LIKES!!! I FINALLY MADE IT! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!!!

I understand that many of you don't like that it's Flash X Twilight. It's just who the picture was related to, and I wrote it based on the picture. Please don't dislike it because of this. It's more for the motherly aspect, and not for the shipping. I am very sorry if you do not like the shipping, but please don't be mean!!!

I will be posting songs that inspired me to write each chapter. Trust me, it adds to the feels. Here they are:


Chapters (12)