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Sombra didn't know that he would miss her. When she left his world, he didn't think anything would change. But, things did change; he just found out too late.

This is dedicated to a recently lost classmate who touched not only my life, but everyone around her. I hope you smile, smile, smile up in Heaven, sweetheart.

Chapters (1)

When one life was ended
Another will begin
With a body now mended
The shadows dwell within

Before he was weak and unable to act
In this new world he can change that fact
But these dark powers are not easy to control
In order to do so he needs a pure heart and soul

They see kindness as tricks
And his honesty as lies
A hatred they affix
His form they despise

Only one can understand
And assist with his plight
With experience firsthand
She will aid this creature of the night

I own nothing but my computer
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro
Cover art by Pridark

post Twilicorn, pre Tree of Harmony and will not be using season 4 events
Will be adding category and character tags as the story progresses
Thank you to MP3Jack for editing and thank you to Zamairiac for providing feedback on the first 2 chapters. Check out their stuff, its good

Featured 10 Feb 14 - 13 Feb 14

Chapters (3)

[Featured on EQD 21/4/2014] [Now on TVTropes]

When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.

All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her plaything, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.

Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?

Special thanks to the insatiable Blue_Paladin42, the incorrigible Maskedferret, the intuitive Southpaw and the indestructible newbiedoodle for all their hard work, past, present and future.

Chapters (10)

The wheel of time turns, as destiny and history clash together.

Fifty years into the future, Sunset Shimmer is Princess Twilight Sparkle's most faithful student. She is smart and eager, but doesn't always think things through. Her life had been perfect, right up to the End of the World.

With a ruined future, Sunset travels into the past to alter the course of history. With only her mentor's cryptic word to go on, Sunset and the Elements of Harmony must solve the riddle of the Dark Regalia and stop the mysterious Vesper Radiance from rising to power. But the further Sunset goes, the more she feels like she's been through it all before.

Is destiny set in stone, or can Sunset shape her own future? Only time will tell.

Featured on Equestria Daily 6/16/13
Gratefully edited by JustAnotherTimeLord, Icarus_Gizmo, Cerulean Voice and Bad_Seed_72

The Sunset of Tropes page!

Chapters (27)

Through luck and foresight King Sombra has managed to avoid the grave, but just barely. At the cost of much of his magical powers and his whole kingdom. With nothing, but his life, to lose he decides to make a daring gambit by infiltrating Ponyville and exacting his revenge from within.

With no formal spy training and little experience socializing with the common pony Sombra find's himself bumbling in his attempt to take over the town. With no base of power and little to his name Sombra finds himself losing the fight before it has started until a cross-eyed pagasus offers too help him. Now, in order to conquer Ponyville he must first conquer the home of Derpy Hooves, which may be his greatest challenge yet.

Cover art provided to me by The Grimm Reaper. Thank you.

(An idea that came from a joke I made on a Facebook thread and I just decided to run with it. This story isn't high on my priority list, but if a few people like it I'll try to make an update for it something within the month. It's labeled comedy, but I'm not a funny person, sorry.)

Chapters (5)

In the dark depths of Asgard, Loki Odinson sits, punished for his crimes on Midgard.

But new developments cause the wayward son of Odin to escape his prison and seek refuge across the Nine Realms in a land very much unlike any he has ever seen: Equestria.

While Loki makes a new life for himself in Equestria, Thor must once again gather together the Avengers and give chase to his escaped kin. But will the lies Loki feeds his newfound friends send the Elements of Harmony on a collision course with the protectors of Earth?

(Cover image by the wonderful Reiduran)

Chapters (11)

In the distant future of Equestria, Luna is recalled to Canterlot against her will to participate in a court case that will decide the future for sentient machines.

Chapters (5)

Lyra Heartstrings is a well known unicorn within Ponyville, although not in the most positive of ways. Her strange fascination with the make believe creatures called 'Humans', has throughout her life elicited many rolling eyes, head shakes, and even harsh ridicule. But she had never given up hope that they do indeed exist, no matter how she had been treated or told otherwise. So when a fateful day comes to pass, where the one gift she had been dreaming for finally arrives, she is practically ecstatic at the chance to learn everything she can of him. And she is not going to let this golden opportunity slip away... or escape.

Chapters (5)

Decades after her ascension, an upsetting revelation brings Twilight Sparkle to distance herself from her old mentor and dive back into what she knows best: research.

Not everypony agrees with the results of her work, however, and conflict becomes inevitable.

Chapters (4)

After a week of recovering from her return Princess Luna seeks to return what was lost by her banishment and find the one pony she cares for the most... her daughter.

This is a rewrite of my old story. I hope you like it

Chapters (1)