• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013

Emerald Harp

Just a dude writing fanfiction and his sister doing all the editing

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The lands of Equestria and Gryphonia are being tainted by pollution from human industrialization. With the gryphons threatening with war, can the ponies keep the peace between them and the humans? With the future of Equestria hanging by a thread, can the ponies and gryphons stand up to a technology that is much more advanced than their own? Or will they be doomed to destruction by the hands of man?

Editors: pjabrony, RobertBel98
Many thanks to CplHenderson for spicing up my cover art.
Character tags will be added as they appear. My first fic, criticism and feedback is welcomed. Human tech is approximately that of 1918

Chapters (9)

During the winter break after the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer considers a much more resourceful potential use for the magic mirror in front of the school. She enlists the human world's Twilight Sparkle to help her execute her master plan. Only, in practice she forgets that the portal is, well, a portal. And their cover story keeps getting in the way of their objective.

Chapters (1)

Following a Changeling attack that scatters every resident in Ponyville, Applejack holes up in her family home with only Apple Bloom for support. The doors and windows have been boarded shut. A thick fog covers everything in sight. Soon the first visitor comes to her door.

Now the only question is whether they're actually who they say they are.

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (6)

She knew what Applejack wanted. She'd known since she saw the look on the earth mare's face when she stared into the unicorn's eyes, weeks ago. Now she just had to make her admit it.

A gift for a friend, but I hope other people can enjoy it too.

Did you guys know Rarity is, like, crazy fun to write?

Update: Hey, cool, somebody did a dramatic reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSxF5oQFDXU

Chapters (1)

Rarity can't sleep. Applejack had the audacity to fall asleep facing Rarity, and now she can't get kissing her friend out of her mind – and isn't sure if she wants to. But kissing your friend while she's sleeping is wrong... right?

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer understands now. There's so much more to Friendship than being equal, but is she ready to learn about it? After everything she had done, could she make a true friend? And did she deserve one? Luna intends to convince her she does.

Chapters (1)

The Cakes got an order for a certain treat, one of the ingredients calls for a certain berry, and is known to grow only on the Everfree Forest. Pinkie gladly agrees to fetch the berries, and decides to take a break while she's there. Though strange things begin to happen, she decides to end her break early and goes back to the Bakery, until she is stopped by a strangely comical hooded skeleton.

Got the cover pic from the Tumblr Page here.

An Undertale & MLP mashup. Contains crappy puns and minor spooks.

Chapters (1)

I am Ovrik Stonebreaker, son of Urdin Stonebreaker and seventh in line to the throne of the Stonebreaker mountainhome. I was forged from the stone itself, born with an axe in hand. I have been compared to our heroes of old! And I'm trapped in a land of colorful ponies.

May the Gods of the Stone have mercy upon me.

Human tag is solely for the dwarf of the story. There is no dwarf tag, after all.
Image borrowed from silleras941 of DeviantArt.

Chapters (7)

(This is a Displaced Story. If you hate them, please leave)
People don't know how agonizing it is being alone for a few thousand years, stuck in a chair the whole time. Let me tell you, it's not fun. Then, this teeny weeny 'Princess' shows up and acts like she's the boss. Oh, and Sparklebutt is there too.

So, how did this happen? It's was probably that angsty Merchant asshole. Should never have bought from him. News flash kids: when a creepy Merchant guy walks up to you with very desirable wares, walk the fuck away. It's a damn trap.

But the worst part of my endless torment? I'm a fucking corpse sitting on a golden throne, writhing in agony as I slowly decay into nothingness.

....fuck you, Merchant Asshole.

And Sparklebutt, JUST. FUCKING. STOP.

(If The Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device)

Chapters (23)

So yeah, went to Comic-con with my girlfriend and cosplayed as a Tyranid Swarmlord. And I saw this creepy merchant selling some legit stuff. I bought a set of Bone Sabres to complete my costume but ended on some girly show land called Equestria filled with xenophobic ponies. So my plan? Run to some random ass town with a squad of Tyranids and open a diner!

Hey look a cupcake. *picks it up and eats it and spits it out* THIS *BLEEPING * CUPCAKE IS SO *BLEEPING* SWEET, IT GAVE KOBE DIABETES!!!

Chapters (1)