• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013

Emerald Harp

Just a dude writing fanfiction and his sister doing all the editing

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Knight Mare is a Pegasus Mare, draped in glistering black rubber.

Her time is the night, where she can haunt or fulfill the dreams of Ponies.

Fear not, she will do no harm, other than that you make her do.

She regrets nothing, a dream is just a dream. In the cover of night, she permits your dream to take on flesh and blood in manners you had not foreseen or dared to hope.

Chapters (4)

Amethyst and Steven were just enjoying a sunny afternoon outside the Big Donut in Beach City. Never in a million years though would they have expected to find a young...something...in a dumpster. Now seeing that this creature has nowhere to go, the gems decide to take it in and maybe try to find out what the deal is with the little monster's bad case of amnesia, and all the while dealing with the child's extraordinary powers.

Frankly, a child Discord may end up being more trouble than he's worth for the Crystal Gems.

An MLP/Steven Universe Crossover

Chapters (4)

Long hiatus. Unsure on when I will continue, although I am seriously considering re-writing due to the fact that I wrote this many years ago and the whole story could really use a good cleanup or reset. I will post updates once I get down to it but for now it'll stay in a hiatus.

It´s a snowy day in Ardennes; An American officer and his soldiers were keeping watch when a German attack commences. It´s the beginning of the 'Battle of the Bulge'. The battle goes on, he is soon taken out by a tank´s shot that fell close to his position. The moment he wakes up, the officer finds out that he is no longer in Ardennes anymore.... soon he learns something else... It is no longer Earth.

* * * * * *

A German soldier advances against the americans as soon as he hears the order of attack. Explosions engulf all around as a tank explodes, making him lose consciousness. When he finally wakes up, he finds an angry American officer pointing at him, the sun high up in the sky, and everything green all around. That´s when the question arises on his mind... Where is he???

**** **** **** ****

Edited by D4SH3R

I´m searching for pre-readers of my future chapters. If interested, please send me a PM

I´m working on music for the story. I´ll try ot make a song for each important event or chapter that happens on it. Here´s the main theme, if you guys are interested to listen to it:

"Main Theme"

Chapters (34)

A young man with a love of military history and MLP:FIM finds himself dragged into Equestria as war threatens the pony nation.

I got the idea for this story from my Civil War book collection and Altoid's Blood and Guts and Ponies story, as it involves a human coming to Equestria to aid in its defense, partly by modernizing it's military and leading its forces on the battlefield.

Just a warning; the main character is Christian and pro-Union. Just to give people a heads up.

Chapters (100)

Alright boys, now listen up! These fine men behind me are some of the best fighters in the universe. We are known as the Ginyu Force.

Yeah! You better listen up, or we'll have to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget!

Shut up Jeice. Anyways, we were sent to this place called Equestria after buying a set of medallions from a merchant in a comic con. Now, we have been imprisoned in stone for over a thousand years, just because we accidentally blew up some places while trying to control our powers.

Now, our stone prison is just about to break. Get ready men!

[is Displaced story]

Chapters (18)

The mane 6 follow a map to a weird town in Equestria, where everypony is equal in every way. Through adventure and friendship, will Equestria be saved from the evil unicorn behind this? Luckily Princess Cadence might have a way to fix everything, and save a whole town from eternal caos.

Written right after first season five trailer came out.

Chapters (1)

Without love, changlings cannot survive. They die off, one after the other, leaving the evil queen with only one option. She writes to Princess Celestia, praying she can save them. Praying she may see her changlings live another day. Praying she won't have to see the pain on their faces. Praying...for love...

Chapters (2)

Dear Celestia,

Please send help.

Sincerely, Chrysalis.

A fic told through a series of letters.

Cover art used without permission.

Chapters (2)

This is the story, a weird story, in this story of a boy, a 22 year old man who was suddenly taken by slightly unknown forces from his world and dropped into the mystical world of Equus, and The Royal Dominion of Equestria; now Jesse Edwards must adjust to life in this new country and world but will he make it? Or will this world only lead to him being disappointed even more and bring to him more heartbreak than what he already had??

In light of the amount of Down votes this has received, I was cancelling this story but because of a comment I perhaps needed to hear...I feel...I forgot why I wrote this story...vote against this if they want, I say in the words of Admiral David Farragut, "Damn the torpedo's! Full steam ahead!"

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go." -Joshua 1:9

Chapters (17)

You've always wanted to ask Pinkie Pie out, and today, you're feeling brave enough to do that. Can you make the right choices and get her to go out with you? Can you go through an entire evening without failing spectacularly? Probably not, but you can always go back and try again. One way or another, Pinkie Pie will be yours in the end.

As the title implies, you'll be allowed to pick from several options at each step in the story. Most of those options are dead ends, so don't worry if you run into one. That's just the way these things work. If you happen to be a completionist, it's also possible (but not recommended) to read the story in order by advancing each chapter normally.

This story was written for this contest.

Chapters (28)