• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013

Emerald Harp

Just a dude writing fanfiction and his sister doing all the editing

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Maud Pie and Captain Kirk go on a date in Ponyville. It goes as well as you can imagine.

Bronycon special! Brought to you by Admiral Biscuit (that's me!) and AShadowOfCygnus with the assistance of Shachza. Unedited! Un-proofread!

Cover image by AShadowOfCygnus
Audio Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Feature box, here we come!
If this gets enough upvotes, I'll add the sex scene. :trollestia:

Chapters (1)

Applejack wakes up in the desert with no memory of how she got there. Her life is saved by a bounty hunter with half a face. Together they face the unnatural.

This story was inspired by Dead Eye Darling by totallynotabrony.

Chapters (5)

One knight against a horde of unclean foes. Spike, the mighty dragon knight, stands alone in the face of this menace. Will he prevail or will his realm fall to foes that only he can stop?

100% Approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (1)

(A crossovermainly with TF2, Killing Floor 2, The DC Universe, and Romantically Apocalyptic. However, if you have a suggestion: make it! You just might see a cameo of your favorite gas-masker. See below for future crossovers.)

A breach has been made in the walls of reality, creating a door to all of space and eternity. This, of course, could be problematic. The Princesses are doing the best they can to hold the hole shut, but the bigger, hungrier things are pushing back. And the smallest entities are managing to crawl through anyway, like bugs between atoms. Several of these things pop through intentionally, and with the—alleged—intention to help; masked aliens. And they all just might be stark raving mad.

Part crossover, part self-insert, part trollfic and part Lovecraft, this just may be the best—or worst—MLP fanfic ever written. Why not be a part of it?

Note(s): The name has nothing to do with the punk band. Though they're not bad, go check them out.

Future Crossovers Include:
Warhammer 40,000
Doctor Who

Chapters (3)

Magician pulls rabbit out of hat? Standard.
Rabbit pulls magician out of hat? Not so standard.
Psychotic lagomorph pulls filly magician with delusions of grandeur out of hat? Normal for here.
Lagomorph can't/won't put her back? Sounds like a case for the Freelance Police.

Sam and Max have handled many big cases, and their biggest are yet to come. However, it looks like there's someone else along for the ride...someone who refuses to be sidelined, is eager for the spotlight...and is too cute not to spoil rotten.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by EmmyWithVeri!

Chapters (44)

One thousand years ago, during Celestia's war with Nightmare Moon, her greatest general Atticus scipio equestria's first human was turned to stone in the last battle. His battles and feats became stuff of legends. How he changed the equestrian army. How he led his outnumbered legion to victory. To the griffons he is the God of war. Now he is back. How will he adapt to this more peaceful Equestria and will his skills ever be needed again.

Chapters (9)

Steelfire Strings didn't have that many friends, but the ones he did have he was very close to. One day, he has to come to grips with the fact that his best friend is leaving. He doesn't know how, because not only does he care about him, but his friend can't even leave him when he was never with him to begin with.

Inspired by personal experience and the song Limelight by Boyinaband and Cryotic.

Now with a YouTube reading by NightDerLock.

Chapters (1)

Confused, Spike wakes up to find himself in a predicament that he wouldn't be in by choice.

He doesn't mind all that much though.

Absolutely zero editing nor proof-reading was put into this. Consider that.

Chapters (1)

A young brony finds himself in a very inhospitable world that mimics one of his favorite shows. Wandering about, he runs into (quite literally) a camp of unscrupulous individuals, ran by a familiar face. Now, he has to figure out how the world works, and try not to drive himself (and the group of former Raiders) insane.

((Will touch on a lot of sexual subjects, yet will not go full on clop. Starts off in first person perspective, but may shift from character to character, or even change perspective entirely.))

Chapters (11)