• Member Since 15th Sep, 2012


Born in the South and Raised in the Country, finally got to live in the city, but then went to a happy middle ground.

Anthro/Human 502 stories
  • Anthro/Human 502 stories - 1 unread chapters Stories with Anthropomorphic (Bi-pedal/ humanoid-like) Ponies, or Stories with Humans in Equestria (displaced, reincarnated, etc...)
    Created by OBSIDI4N_DR4G0N
    - April, 2018
Found 250 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 27,070,842
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



  • Featured 23555 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Guardian. Warlock. Sunsinger. What happens when Guardian Sunset Shimmer returns home with a fellow Sunsinger by her side? Two Warlocks of Light in a world of Magic, with none of the problems that plagued the Earth, but rather its own.

Chapters (3)

He never really believed in it, but always wanted it. Now he's in a forest. A deep dark forest where danger is around every corner. But he's not afraid.


Cause he's the Druid of the Four Seasons.


This is my first story on here. So will be bad. I'm also writing this on a wilm. so don't expect fast updates.

Chapters (4)

This is the story of "I" a random human with no recollection of my name and stuck in the body of Nightmare moon.

Join me, breaking fandoms, smashing the 4th wall, and rewriting my little pony as you know it. Because of course, there's more than one way to live a Nightmare.

Chapters (10)

I have no idea what happened. One second, I'm sitting at my desk, working. The next second, I'm Sombra. Or rather, I'm in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

Now with (amazing!) cover art by Mix Up. You can find their work here.

Chapters (32)

After many centuries, on a dying planet the Master of Death is finally ready to start over, and it just so happens his freash start is filled with multi-colored ponies.

Morty!Harry MasterofDeath!Morty Pony!Morty Grumpy!Morty Jerk!Morty Unicorn!Morty, Pansexual!Morty, Pervy!Death.

This will span the series with AU moments but will start pre-first season.

The ratings is for Harry's potty mouth and Death's perv-like tendencies.

The character section will be added to as the story goes along, so no worries, you'll see some of your favorites at some point.

Cover art done by Dark Canvas/AppleDashislife. (horn is under his mane).

Oh, and in case anyone asks, yes Harry will experiment with relationships and such, but he will be a pansexual, so he may end up with anybody.

I will reference from the show, comics, cards, videogames, fan content, reviewers, and most importantly, my own imagination taking a personal spin on many of the references and sometimes characters.

Characters so far (will continue to add as I go along):

Morty (once HP), Death, Nook and Caboose (Morty's Parents), Princess Celestia, Random Royal guard(s), Headmaster Inkwell (originally a Professor from Comics), Princess Cadence (Morty's roommate).

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Oskar Osäker: True Omnivore

[PROTOTYPE 2] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Crossover

Oskar's secret has been revealed to Twilight in totality, now Twilight faces the moral quandary of betraying her friend or betraying her morals. The events of season 2 are fast approaching as well and the ripples Oskar has caused through his mere presences alone changes more and more. Can a friendship survive when one of the friends is a murderer?

Thanks goes to: NightmareKnight for spending time being my editor, Trondason being an all around great fellow and helping me with ideas

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Emerald Gleaner: Retired Monster

[Prototype 2] X MLP:FiM Crossover

Beset by a mountains of work both official and secret, Emerald has barely time left to herself anymore. Can one still become exhausted even if they physically can't? When does paranoia do more harm than good?

When people stop trying to kill you of course!

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Oskar Osäker: Your Worst Enemy

[Prototype 2] X MLP:FiM crossover

Emerald Gleaner once thought the NYZ would remain in her memories and nightmares. But with the appearance of one Sunset Shimmer this terror of the past is brought back to the forefront as Emerald and loved ones dive unknowingly back into the darkness of Blackwatch's heritage.... and there is no running from your past when it is screaming it's fury in your face

A big thank you to More Dakka for the Coverart, Nightmare Knight for editing
(Fimfiction likes to chew up coverart when it's big, if you want to see how it's supposed to look, take a look at my user page.)

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Emerald Gleaner: Viral Unicorn

[Prototype 2] X MLP:FiM crossover

Emerald Gleaner is now known to the world at large, seen as cruel and heartless at best for the slaughter of the Changelings, she has few true friends in the world indeed. And with every action she takes those few seem to shrink in number. Worse still in an honest effort to seek help Discord brings up an old savagery once thought buried and forgotten.

Can Emerald Gleaner overcome the stress and pressures of openly running a nation and being held accountable for her actions? Or will the darkness of her past rise up to consume both her and all that she holds dear?

NOTE:Thanks goes to Trondason and Nightmareknight for helping me with the planning and editing

Chapters (8)

[Prototype2] / MLP:FIM crossover

Not all of Alex Mercer's "Evolved" were loyal psychopaths. Some were simply desperate people who Alex thought he could easilly control once he infected them with the "Mercer Virus". However Alex was never one for fool proof plans as he quickly finds out when only a handful of his Evolved army show up at that fateful final battle between him and Heller. Oskar was one of the many of dozens of Evolved that stood by and watched as Alex was consumed and now he finds himself in a strange cutesy land filled with talking ponies. Can this viral being find peace in Equestria or will his need to be secure get in the way?

Warning: No editor so a few grammar errors can be expected :S hopefully nothing jarring though

A big thank you to EvilBob for the picture and to Fluttershade5300 for doing some post release editing for me

Chapters (17)