• Member Since 15th Sep, 2012


Born in the South and Raised in the Country, finally got to live in the city, but then went to a happy middle ground.

Anthro/Human 502 stories
  • Anthro/Human 502 stories - 0 unread chapters Stories with Anthropomorphic (Bi-pedal/ humanoid-like) Ponies, or Stories with Humans in Equestria (displaced, reincarnated, etc...)
    Created by OBSIDI4N_DR4G0N
    - April, 2018
Found 250 stories in 78ms

Total Words: 27,070,842
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Stardust

Times are changing for Equestria as Twilightā€™s return brings with it news of people and cultures from beyond the peaceful world everypony knows. Aid and volunteers are freely offered to help the besieged humans of Earth because every Equestrian knows thatā€™s what good friends do. Unfortunately, making friends can also have the unintended consequence of making enemies.

When the monsters besieging the humans strike at Equestria with a level of brutality not seen in over a thousand years, the cry for help is sent to all the kingdoms of the world. Honored allies step forth to fulfill ancient treaties and oaths. Enemies, old and new, bury their grievances. An alliance never before seen in Equestria will be created to combat the monsters from the void.

And because of these events, a grim but welcome sibling to the XCOM project is born.

(XCOM/FiM Crossover)
(Sequel to Stardust, which I recommend reading before starting this. Fortitude Amicitia and Broken aren't required reading but are supplemental to the storyline)
(Gore tag for blood and violence)
(Alternate Universe tag because of the divergence from canon that Stardust has caused)
(Uses elements of Season 4)
(Coverart produced by the amazing Carnelian!)
(Many thanks to Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Vandenbz and Setokaiva for prereading!)
(As of 03/07/2016, the prereading team consists of Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Noble Cause and Metallusionsismagic!)
(Complete with it's own TVTropes page as part of the Stardust continuity. Could use some updating!)
(Character tags will be added as chapters are added!)
(Featured 5/12/2014! Thanks folks!)
(Possible spoilers in the comments! BEWARE!)

Chapters (44)

I was known as Frank DeFontaine. I was going to a Halloween party. I was a pretty intelligent kid, starting my first college term, and decided a little dress-up couldn't hurt.
My buddy Richard got involved, though. And like everything, he took it a bit too far. This time, I didn't say no, though. I really should have.
Next thing I know, we're going all-out on making my Dullahan costume. Because he's my favorite optional boss, and all.
Really shoulda known something was up when that guy behind the counter just so happened to have a sword that fit our specifications perfectly.
Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria. And I'm missing a head.
Sakes, I could use a drink. And a neck.
Featured on 2/19/2014.
I'd like to leave it at "Holy mother of-!" but that doesn't capture what I'm feeling!

Chapters (25)

Matthew was a normal child when the end of the world happened. Darkness erupted from the Earth, casting demons onto the people of Earth. Matthew should have died when the demons poisoned his soul with darkness, but he survived.

He fought for humanity for years alongside others of his kind.
Humanity in return, cast him out and into the void with no hope of returning home.
Now Matthew will remain in the realm of Equestria for the rest of his days.
With some luck, he might just find the happiness he has always longed for.

Some slight swearing, but kept to a minimal.

Chapters (32)

Dark Tag is for Black Comedy and slightly morbid situations!

A young man wakes up in Equestria as a very adorable Alicorn colt, gets forcibly adopted by Luna, and tries to find his way home. It's a shame that a certain Night Princess won't let him.

Rated Teen for suggestive scenes and the occasional bit of colorful language.

Cover art done by the wonderful Shadow Bolt.

Chapters (15)

Isolated from her friends and taken prisoner in the middle of a war, Twilight must deal with the very real dangers of being percieved as an enemy as well as the nightmares of her arrival on 'Earth'. Can she overcome her own fears and the fears of her captors? Will the wayward unicorn's assistance be a boon or a curse to the 'humans?' Most importantly, will she ever find her way home?

"In short, it's a story of friendship and plasma rifles, with the emphasis on the friendship. The characters are well written, the XCOM setting is fleshed out very well, and the story is compelling. If you love XCOM, you'll love the story, but even if you've never heard of it, it's more than worth giving the first 3 chapters a read.

There's excellent action later on, but the real strength lies in the collision between the friendly and naive world of Twilight Sparkle and the desperate world of humans fighting a losing war for survival and willing to do anything to turn the tide."


(XCOM/FiM crossover)
(Cover art commissioned by a friend and created by the magnificent FoxInShadow!)
(Original cover art by the amazing Carnelian can be viewed here!)
(Gore tag for blood and some violence)
(Many thanks to the studius OminousTen, Arzoo, xXFluttershyForeverXx and finally Setokaiva for giving my rambles a once-over)
(Now with it's own TV Tropes page! Get to tropin' folks!)

Chapters (36)

Submitting to trials, tribulations, lies, misunderstanding, and pain. And all these things for one purpose. To Befriend the Night.

Coverart by: jjames10 (Tome Turner)
Thanks man!

Sequel out now: To Swoon the Stars

Chapters (17)

I used to love the idea of a human getting to visit Equestria. It sounded like a good way to set up so many shenanigans, except it's plagued with boring characters or really clichƩ ones or... the dreaded Sue.
I never expected it to happen. For real.
No, that's not real. What am I saying? Tom's... missing. Yes, and I will find him. He's not in the show... that's ridiculous. Don't say such things! My little brother can't be part of the show! It's just a coincidence that this little alicorn showed up, spoke with his voice, has the exact same personality and is based on his personal design for his alicorn OC!

What am I supposed to do now?

Chapters (59)

This story is a sequel to Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

What do you get when you place a pompous, prissy and petulant prince with an absolutely insane former extraterrestrial individual with a bad case of Chaos?

Love, adventures, spying, strong desires to strangle the other, romance, lots and lots of foals, grimdark, pudding, cults, injustice, justice, strong friendship, weak sanity, history, stories, a rocket jumpsuit, three opportunities to take over the world and a cockatrice. On Sunday.

Thingsā€¦ You get things.

And when you're especially lucky, you get a great cover art from an artist like Mix-up (also seen on fimfic here)

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Ten Trips to Equestria

Alright, I won't complain. I got what I wanted. I did visit Equestria. Being stranded here was not on my list though. And with the things running around, how I'm running around... I'm really not feeling good about this.

I've got mistakes to fix, dreams to live and so little sanity to spare... Eh, I'll manage.


Cover art by the one and only mix-up. You can visit his gallery here

Chapters (19)

Alright, this sounds utterly stupid, I know, but... I've made a deal with Discord. WAIT! DON'T LEAVE YET! I... I didn't want to... much. Alright, I was just too scared to tell him "no". He wants to play a game... help?


The rules?

Oh, from now on, every time I fall asleep in the human world, I get transported to Equestria, into a new body. I can stay as long as I don't give up, even until I die apparently! If I do, I get sent back to our world. Discord, being so bored in his statue, will influence my fate while I'm in Equestria. The game will only last ten rounds, at most.

...I'm doomed.

Chapters (13)