• Member Since 15th Sep, 2012


Born in the South and Raised in the Country, finally got to live in the city, but then went to a happy middle ground.

Anthro/Human 502 stories
  • Anthro/Human 502 stories - 1 unread chapters Stories with Anthropomorphic (Bi-pedal/ humanoid-like) Ponies, or Stories with Humans in Equestria (displaced, reincarnated, etc...)
    Created by OBSIDI4N_DR4G0N
    - April, 2018
Found 250 stories in 103ms

Total Words: 27,070,842
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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It has been one of the closest guarded secrets of Canterlot's royalty. Deep in a specially constructed dungeon, surrounded by warding spells and powerful magic barriers, exists an enigma. Within a cage that could only be described as something out of a nightmare, it waits and watches all of Equestria. A creature that cannot age, is immune to disease, does not thirst nor hunger, and resists all injury. But, it also holds secrets and knowledge that could safeguard the kingdom. Its powers are frightening, but it is civil enough for debate when patience permits.

Princess Celestia has sought counsel with the creature before, enduring it making deal after deal for its services. The Princess walks a fine line when dealing with it, knowing full well anything could give it an advantage despite its imprisonment. She has had to go back on her word in these dealings, and from this a deep animosity between them has been born. It is a necessary evil as she is convinced this is a being capable of untold evil far and above anything Equestria has ever dreamed of. So long as it remains within the confines of its cell, her kingdom is made safe. So much magic has been woven to ensure that, there is little chance of escape.

So long as the magic holds, there is no danger. So long as the cage remains strong, the nameless creature stays enthralled in his cavernous dwelling. If that were to change--if the magic failed--not even the wisest could say. But one thing is assured, it does not bode well for Equestria.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends

Almost a year has gone by for Harry Dresden since he left Equestria. He'd have written, but between saving his newly discovered brother and destroying a scourge of vampires he's been a little busy. Then out of the blue he receives a strange letter from Twilight asking him to return. With no cases at the moment he eagerly accepts, but his friends aren't the only ponies expecting him. There's been a lot of rumors since his last visit and some ponies aren't too keen on seeing him come back.

A sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends.

Chapters (25)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)

Formerly known as: "Unexpected Adventures in the Life of a Changeling"

Zach was an average guy with an average, boring life. He went to work, paid his bills, and partook in what escapism he could get from videogames.

When he wished he could get something more out of life besides videogames and dead end part-time work, he didn't mean being transported to a world based on an old cartoon show that he was a fan of five years ago.

He especially didn't mean being turned into a ravenous, emotion eating, horse-shaped, insectoid.

Now he has to figure out how to live life as a Changeling and navigate an Equestria that doesn't seem to follow along with everything he remembered from the show. If he's lucky, maybe he can find a way back home, or at the very least, figure out how to "bug-pony"

Chapters (10)

During a playful conversation two friends accidentally open a portal to a different world and are forced through. They find themselves in Equestria and as ponies which in and of itself isn't terrible, but it turns much worse when they realize that they are children as well. Now they have to figure out a way to outsmart Equestria's Social Services, get along at school, earn a living, and keep up their cover as an independent set of brothers; all while trying to figure out how to get back to Earth or at least make themselves their proper ages again. Puberty sucked enough the first time around.

6/6/2014 Just hit the first time this story has been in the featured box. Thanks everyone for reading and supporting.

Chapters (21)

Equestria has been an island continent in the Pacific Ocean for decades, and the world's nations have kept marching on.

Ivan and Katna, two Ukrainian orphans have been left by the wayside of society. In the daily struggle for survival, they've found themselves at the bottom, and their hope of a healthy future is kept from them: species transfiguration. To survive they must delve into the edges of society, go beyond the comforts of safety, and travel to the ends of the earth for each other.

Content information: science fiction, transformations, questions of personal growth, survival duo, and lots of journeying.

Editing Staff:
Chapter 1-3 Pre-readers: Scootaloser, Sorren, and Shadow_Fire.

Pre-readers: Blazing Rune and Pleaseworkforonce.

Editor: Sharp Logic.

Chapters (12)

Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, accidentally travels to Equestria after being attacked in the Nevernever. Twilight is none too amused with their newest 'guest', but trouble is brewing. Somepony is planning something sinister and the mane six may need Dresden's help however little some of them want it.

Story Image by: Lynxgriffin
Cover arrangement by: Novel Idea

Chapters (13)

Falling into a volcano trying to impress people isn't very fun, and while it was quite hot for a very long time, eventually I actually started to feel a tad chilly, after a while though I blacked out, and woke up in a burning field, as a horse no less.

Featured 06/09/2016 (what did I do? How? I'm not this popular, if I knew this would happen I would have gone through and re-edited my grammar before I posted. Now I feel like a jerk.)

Featured 06/11/2016
Featured 3/26/2018
The editor is The Wind King
Proofreader is Nonameknight

Chapters (13)


Have I been chosen?

... Or did this happen because I asked for it?

It doesn't really matter now, does it?

Stranded on another planet, at the mercy of the bastard god that brought me here, I will survive. I am not like the beings of this world. I am not like my own kind anymore.

I am growth. I am change.

I am the Chaotic Gamer.

Tags will be added as the story goes along

I'm going to keep a counter.
(18/Dec/2019) (12/Mar/2020)

Total featured times: 2

Chapters (5)

Jake Feldsparr, a college student and gamer, had a decent life. His family has always gave him support, but decides to do things on his own as he goes to college, but still keeps in touch with them. As for his friends, he hangs out with them at a college café, where they spend time playing, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. His main character is, Ridley, and so far, he is the best.

Until one day, after the semester ends and beating a Smash Tournament, held at his school, he heads back to his dorm, and once he entered, an explosion erupted in his room.

After a painful fate, a bright light shined in his unconcious state, has awoken at a rocky land full of lava and dragons. But, there is something very different that, Jake noticed. No longer a human he once was, but a familiar purple space dragon.

Disclaimer: Ridley belongs to Nintendo.

Note: Tags will be updated in further chapters.

Chapters (7)