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Derpy and Dinky celebrate their first Hearth's Warming in Ponyville, and although Derpy had intended to spend it alone with her daughter, her friends had other ideas and invite the two of them for an earth pony Hearth's Warming dinner.

A Pony Planet story.

Chapters (1)

Contains Movie Spoilers

Derpy arrived home after yet another long, grueling day at the post office, wanting nothing more than to unwind with a nice cup of tea and some muffins.

She never would have expected Twilight Sparkle to interrupt her rest, nor did she expect the events to follow when the Princess of Friendship wanted to talk about a deed that had gone unnoticed.

Cover art by FluffyXai and used with permission.

Top featured on 12/8/17

Chapters (3)

Dr. Scarabew Ballentine(Ponyville's resident Psychotherapist) has time & time again proven to most likely be the best Mental-Health Professional in all of Equestria, but after Discord defeats the Mane 6 in the Hedge Maze, then goes to turn Ponyville into the Chaos Capital of the World, he'll really put her skills to the test, can she solve Discord's problems & convince him to not bring all of Equestria into Eternal Chaos, or will she just end up becoming another one of his chaotic victims, or will something else completely unexpected happen between these two?

As you can tell by the title this story is a "What if..?", meaning that it takes place in an Alternate Reality, so it is Not Canonical with any other story that I or Anyone Else has already created.

P.S. I take no credit for the Cover Art, it rightfully belongs to Captain-Waterfire, I just liked it So much that I simply Had to use it for this story.

Chapters (20)

Co-authored by Phoenix Nebula.

Hosted by me

Twilight has never handled stress very well.

Over the years, she's found ways to cope, and her anxiety attacks and breakdowns haven't been nearly as bad as they used to be, but they still exist.

It takes a lot more for her to reach her breaking point, but when you throw, old enemies, political strife, and blood thirsty invaders from another dimension into the mix all in the same week, that's when enough is enough.

A new and unexpected threat arises, and it's enough to push Twilight Sparkle over the edge. The new Princess calls out for an end to the madness, and Magic returns her call by bringing the arcane might of the mage to bear.

The mysterious forces that have invaded Equestria will soon realize that Tartarus hath no fury like the Element of Magic.

WARNING: This story contains gratuitous amounts of OP Twilight doing OP magical things. If that isn't your cup of tea, leave now. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

Celestia had a niece once, not an adopted niece like Cadance, an actual biological niece, the daughter of Princess Luna. Sadly when Luna became Nightmare Moon her daughter took her mothers side and led the their forces against Celestia.

Princess Twilight was killed during that battle, or so history tells us...

Featured on the 11/10/2015! Thanks so much!

Chapters (12)

Dismayed by the price of royalty, a changeling princess turns her back on her heritage and unintentionally falls in love while trying to build a life for herself. Will she return to her people, or will this newfound independence make her turn her back on her species forever? Pairings: Chrysalis/Shining Armor

Chapters (16)

Luna has hidden a deep, dark secret from the ponies she watches over so lovingly. Were they to discover it, she can only imagine what it would do to the image they now hold of her. Twilight thinks it's just precious and plans to uncover it once and for all.

In the name of dapples.

Written because I was brainwormed by the wonderful art of my friends, Amarynceus and SilFoe. In turn, they were then brainwormed to make a couple contributions of their own.

Cover art by Amarynceus, because why not use something I brainwormed by the person who brainwormed me?

Chapters (1)

Without love, changlings cannot survive. They die off, one after the other, leaving the evil queen with only one option. She writes to Princess Celestia, praying she can save them. Praying she may see her changlings live another day. Praying she won't have to see the pain on their faces. Praying...for love...

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna vanished during the siege against Canterlot. She watched from her crystal ball as Celestia was defeated, only for the magic of love to drive the changelings out of Canterlot. While the changelings suffered from their loss, Luna went to Chrysalis to offer her a gift she couldn't refuse.

Chapters (1)

With Hearts and Hooves and the Crystal Flaire right around the corner, Cadance goes to gain some knowledge on the old traditions and cultures of her kingdom. But upon doing so, she stumbles across a book that mentions a mystery surrounding an ancient race of ponies. Curious, she searches for answers and it may just lead her to the very one who can provide them. The very one whose answers lie very close to heart.

Chapters (5)