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Being a princess of Equestria is not all cake and mediation. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Princess Luna has to make a difficult choice, but it's for the best... isn't it?

Chapters (1)

Upon her defeat by the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon is forced by Celestia to exist in a mortal Earth pony body and experience the mortal world she so despised. Nightmare Moon crosses paths with a Great and Powerful pony who herself is on her own journey of discovery. Darkness does not yield easily to the light and Nightmare has to face the most terrible enemy of all: herself.

Chapters (12)

Life can be challenging for humans born in Equestria, but it's especially tough for a human raised by ponies. Rainbow Dash overcame every obstacle life had thrown at her to become a hero of Equestria, the Element of Loyalty and make five of the best friends ever. Life couldn't be better, or could it? When she saves the life of an orphaned filly named Scootaloo she realizes she may have more than just awesomeness to offer others.

(Thanks to my great friend Steve for the editing and feedback on this story.)

(Cover art by the very talented Captainpudgemuffin and used with his kind permission. This picture was the inspiration for the story.)

Featured on Equestria Daily 12/29/16! Equestia Daily-Under Her Wing

Chapters (21)

Prequel: Number One Assistant
You don't need to read the previous story, but it doesn't hurt to have some context :heart:

Hearth’s Warming has finally arrived!
The two long-lived best friends, Twilight and Spike, must now achieve the task of announcing to literally EVERYPONY they know that they are now a couple. However, because the two have enjoyed each other’s company so much, they’ve spent very little time preparing for this fateful night since their own fateful night a few days prior.

So, how will everypony react? How will Twilight and Spike react to their reactions?

Rated Teen: Suggestive Themes
Any criticism or feedback is much appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read this :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (2)

Major Wolfrick von Hartmann a German soldier in WWIII, nicknamed "Soldier". A man who achieved the highest kill count in only 5 years, being known for also the most kills done with a shovel and the most kills achieved in a suicide explosion. But, as mentioned above, he is deceased... Or at least was supposed to be. He now inhabits the body of a cute pegasus mare named Derpy with a passionate love for muffins. I suppose you all realize he won't sit still and live a quiet life, right? Nope, he'll become the most dangerous and feared warrior in the history of Equus... And some things better left unmentioned...

Tags will be added and removed according to the progress of the story.

Rated teen for stupid and dark humor and maybe a little gore later, also cursing and suggestive stuff.

That's it, hope you enjoy.

Ahem. I said that's it.

You can stop reading now.

Nothing will happen.

Stop it.

You don't want to listen do you?

This is the end, I promise.

Why don't you trust me?

I swear there isn't anything left!

Stop looking.



I told you not to look.

You will pay now.

With muffins.

Give me muffins.

I demand a muffin.

You don't want to give muffins do you?

Well I didn't need your muffins anyway!


Stop reading.

I'm serious.

Fuck you.

Chapters (3)

Princess. Alicorn. The pillar of all ponykind, against which so many ponies often judged themselves. Celestia hates having to constantly be these things, and it's past time for a break. Luna will watch over Equestria while her sister is gone, but taking a break from your duties and taking a break from how the world sees you are two very different matters. Enter Prominence, a quiet pony who nopony really pays much mind to. Perhaps because she doesn't exist.

Aided by this disguise, Celestia will find her peace and relaxation in the home of one of the few ponies who know Prominence's true identity: Princess Twilight Sparkle. But when Twilight begins to see Celestia as a pony, and not a princess, can she deal with the feelings that arise? And are the feelings for Celestia, or for a pony she knows is not actually real?

EDIT: I've been featured, July 19th, 2014. I have no words to express how terrified and humbled and terrified and proud and happy and terrified this makes me.

Chapters (11)

Sunset's had enough. All the hate aimed at her on a daily bases for a crime she never even committed finally pushed her to the breaking point. When she finally decides to end the pain, a former victim of her cruelty becomes her savior. Now the battle to gather what little remains of Sunset's heart has begun, and with her new friends at her sides, will she be victorious or will Anon-a-miss finally break what's left of her?

Chapters (12)

I was a forty year old volunteer for a experimental drug that was supposed to cure me of a rare genetic disease. It cured me, but the side effect was that it turned me invisible. So I went into hiding. Then, two years later I end up in Equestria somehow. Now I'm a legend here That's about to be proven true.

Chapters (10)

Cupid's arrow makes ponies fall in love? No problem! Twilight Sparkle makes a love potion with the same result? Oh, hello moral ambiguity! Things only got worse when Rainbow drank the potion... then gazed at me... smiling... oh no...

This story is dedicated to the runt, the grunt, the unt missing a 'c', An Intricate Disguise!

TwiDash by nn.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has had a crush on Princess Celestia for a very long time. When Celestia's own advice prompts her to confess her attraction, Twilight discovers a secret that Celestia has hidden for hundreds of years. With the fires of the sun itself separating them, can Twilight find a way for them to come together?

Cover art by NadnerbD

Huge amounts of editing by Jordanis

Chapters (2)