• Member Since 7th Aug, 2018


imagination,art and music is my bestfriend........and mango shakes ( yummy :) )

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Trixie's line of work is dangerous. But she's a careful showpony, and that's why she's only died a few dozen times in her career.

She thinks this is normal.

Chapters (1)

After being sold a "magical" necklace from Trixie, Queen Chrysalis believes she is completely invisible, and begins systematically ruining the lives of Twilight Sparkle and everyone around her.

Sadly, Chrysalis is not invisible. Not even close.

Artwork by Ernestboy.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle invites a bunch of her friends over to a slumber party… No, not that group of friends… The ones who’ve maybe dabbled in some light conquering or wholesale destruction of planets.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions and xxMarkingxx for the adorable picture!

Chapters (2)

Now, the idea of seeing someone argue who was the "best Princess" in Equestria was hardly a new thing. In fact, such talks had appeared in articles across Equestria for some years now. And every Princess knew what it meant when another one turned up. They'd read it, they'd have a debate amongst themselves over what was said, they'd maybe argue, and then they'd laugh over it afterwards. But today, they come across one such article that causes no argument. In fact, it genuinely surprises them.

Chapters (1)

It's an ordinary day in Ponyville, until Applejack says Twilight is purple. She should have known better.

Prereader: CoffeeBean

Para español: Aquí

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, pulling another late night, is finally confronted about by Spike and Starlight Glimmer. She reveals that she's been studying one of the realities she saw, specifically the one seemingly ruled by Flim and Flam. She just can't figure out how those two con artists could be as much of a threat as, say, Tirek or Nightmare Moon.

And then Discord shows up, telling her that she's looking at her information wrong. He volunteers to show Twilight, Spike, and Starlight what that reality is really like...

#1 in the Featured box on 4/25/2016. WOW. I'm... honestly surprised that so many people like this little dialogue heavy stream of consciousness fic. Thank you all very much!

Chapters (1)

Following the final Magic Duel, Ponyville holds Trixie in custody until she can be attended to by one of the Princesses. However, when Celestia arrives with Prince Blueblood in tow, a shocking truth awaits the residents of Ponyville.

Featured 30-March-2016, thanks to all readers!

Chapters (1)

The greatest trick the Great and Powerful Trixie ever performed was convincing all of ponykind that she was only ever a mere unicorn.

Years later, Princess Celestia and Trixie have a discussion by Twilight Sparkle's grave.

Inspired by the cover art, drawn by crenaiir. Not canon to Season 6 ending and post-Season 6.

Chapters (3)

I have been so horrified for so long at all the "evil Pinkie" fics. I believe at the bottom of this genre lies the "evil clown" meme, and who is best evil clown if not Pennywise? So here is a fic that makes explicit what has been bubbling beneath the surface all this time. Note please: Pinkie in this story, despite all her strange powers, is as sweet and good as she is on the show. Because if she were a nigh-omnipotent extra-dimensional being, that's exactly how she'd roll!

Chapters (1)

Don't expect quality from this fic.

Being a creator means creating your own world, where you pour your love and heart into it.

In a stormy night, after a strange event in her office, Lauren Faust gets teleported into the magical land of Equestria. The land... that she created. What will she do now? How will she return to the reality from her own imagination? Will she even be willing to leave?

Chapters (23)