• Member Since 7th Aug, 2018


imagination,art and music is my bestfriend........and mango shakes ( yummy :) )

Favourites 98 stories



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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What if during a chance encounter, Tempest had met Twilight after leaving her village?

What if there was a way for her to attend Celestia's school anyway?

Oneshot Drabble.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Hero of Equestria and first casualty in the Changeling war. When she passed she became the rallying cry for the Equestrians in the short lived war. When Chrysalis attempts a surprise attack on Canterlot a mysterious figure in armor appears and slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses. Now it's time they learn that anyone can change.

For better or worse.

Big thanks to Nightcloak for the huge help in editing this train wreck of a story.

This Story was featured on 7/28/2018
Thank you to everyone who has read this. I never thought this would happen and am honored beyond words.

Chapters (10)

After being brutally rejected by Rainbow Dash once again, Scootaloo is left distraught. that is until a kinder pegasus comes into her life and shows her some compassion.

Picture by Kloudmutt http://kloudmutt.deviantart.com/

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Split Second

Twelve years ago, she broke time. Two alternate timelines exist, each with a different version of Twilight Sparkle. Both versions of her are able to see the other. In this timeline, Sparkle is a Necromancer.

Or rather, she was. Sparkle is dead now, not that she cares. She's got a new body. With Thorn (her undead dragon son) and Cobalt (her apprentice and an assassin for hire) at her side, she's ready to take on the world. Again.

(Spoilers in the comments. Read at your own risk.)

Featured on EQD.
The Tv Tropes page
The Ask Blog

This story is a sequel to Split Second and won't make sense without it.
This story also loosely shares continuity with Lupine Tree. Reading that is not required.

Cover art by Swirling Line.

Chapters (25)

Princess Celestia asked Twilight to do a census of her new home. Through this process she discovers certain anomalies that she finds strange as a unicorn. There seems to be something missing when it comes to the pegasi, and after much prodding, prying, some spying and begging, she finally gets them to open up. What she discovers is not only shocking (to her, at least), but revealing on pegasi subculture.

Will what she learns change the way she looks at her friends? Will her friendship with them be ruined?


Chapters (15)

Thanks to his sister, Shining Armor was running late. His drill sergeant asks him to explain why.

This is Shining Armor's 100% truthful recounting of events.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash was a young filly her parents were killed in a freak storm that caught Equestria off guard. She was sent to the Cloudsdale Orphanage where she would spend the rest of her foalhood.

When she's a teenager however a new arrival comes to the orphanage in the form of a Pegasus baby. When the matron asks Rainbow Dash to help take care of the filly, her life changes forever.

Cover image made by Animalia Life.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Secret of a Shy Pegasus

It has been almost a month since Fluttershy told Scootaloo her secret, now they must get used to this new life of theirs. Just what does it mean to be a daughter, to be a mother? What kind of complications will they have to overcome?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is Pinkie Pie's best friend, they tell each other everything, and they know everything about each other. Or so Rainbow thought.
One night, while stargazing together, Pinkie Pie reveals a big secret she has been keeping for most of her life to her best friend.

[NOT a shipping story]

Inspired by this picture.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy can't stop remembering her sad past, not that a visit from the Cutie Mark Crusaders helps at all. Will she be able to keep her past a secret, or will she have to come clean with the pony she wants most to keep the secret from.

Based off a comic by [url=Haiku-oezu]http://haiku-oezu.tumblr.com/
Color version by [url=Matty4z]http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-407773499

Chapters (4)