• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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This story is a sequel to No Nose Knows

It is recommended you read No Nose Knows first but it's not absolutely required.

Baked Bean was just a regular citizen of Equestria until one fateful day when he accidentally booped Princess Celestia's nose with his own and then found he was forced to marry her to fulfil the terms of an ancient law. Miraculously, Love has blossomed between the princess and the pauper, and the new Prince of Equestria is now looking forward to taking his place at the side of the Princess of the Sun.

But Baked Bean is still very much a novice in the realms of government and nobility, and he's in for quite the crash course between old foes, snobby ministers, and his own shortcomings...

But at least Luna tolerates him now.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

Proofread and Preread once again by Georg, Moon Fire, Zen and Ponies, and Sipioc!

And with much thanks to You-Know-Who for the cover art!

Chapters (42)

For as long as any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders can remember, Diamond Tiara had always been the biggest bully they knew. But when that said bully dies in an accident, each of them starts to go through their own emotional experience from this sudden change in their lives. Each will learn more about themselves and about the pony who they all thought they knew before she is laid to rest.

***Takes place just after season 3 but before season 4. This story is completed.***

Now with TV Tropes page

Chapters (12)

Choices. We all make choices in life. Most of these are simple: what to wear, what to eat, when to sleep. Rainbow Dash was given a choice, and she chose….

That choice has haunted her every day. Finally, she’s decided to try and make amends, to say she’s sorry. She does this not because she expects forgiveness, but because every fiber in her body needs her to. For how can one move on without first apologizing to those they’ve wronged?

Chapters (1)

Now Rated Teen because I kind of kill them on a regular basis, but they're immortal so they get better.

The continuing story of those in Canterlot Castle and the surrounding areas. With four immature gods running about, is anybody going to survive? Probably. However, with each day, the madness in Equestria grows and sadly I don't think anyone actually cares anymore.

It's time for Equestria's Crazies; a tale of love, of tasers, comedy and finally me, tormenting as many ponies as possible before I get bored.

[Head's up, this story is an Episodic series. Each chapter is it's own contained "Story" but really it's just whatever I want to happen on that particular day.]


Chapters (43)

Canterlot High School is having a talent show, and the Rainbooms are eager to join in. However, things get complicated when the human world version of Sunset Shimmer suddenly makes an appearance. After much confusion and several mix-ups, she finally meets her counterpart and her friends. Unlike her counterpart, however, she's shy and reserved. The girls try to befriend her, but this Sunset doesn't seem to be too interested in friendship. She is, however, very interested in the rumors of magic surrounding Canterlot High, and seems to be hiding something magic related herself. And when magical mishaps begin to occur, the Equestria Girls begin to suspect that this new Sunset may be behind them. Is it possible that she's evil and power hungry the way her counterpart once was, or is there something else at work?

Chapters (15)

When Discord gets turned into stone the second time around, the Tree of Harmony, now older and far more developed, takes the opportunity to reform him. Fortunately, a suitable individual was available for the job.

Warning: contains man-to-mare content, but not by design. To make a long explanation short, the warning will likely apply to both those who dislike and like that sort of thing. :twilightoops:

Chapters (6)

Queen Chrysalis planned for months to finally take Canterlot for herself. Months of reconnaissance, bribery, and maneuvering to finally lower the defenses of the Equestrian capital at just the right moment. But while her stated goal was always to have enough love to feed the desperate Swarm, the reality of the invasion was something else.

The queen spawned thousands of drones, filling the sky with untrained warriors in order to marshal the greatest forces when the day of battle arrived. But then that day came, and they won. Now what? Most of those drones didn't even matter enough to earn a name, and so they will probably die unremembered. But at least one is determined to make something of herself in her queen's new world. She's determined to understand these strange creatures called ponies, and to survive the invasion no matter what.

Begins during a reimagined Canterlot Wedding. Updates every Wednesday.

Sponsored by TyrannisUmbra on my Patreon. Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (49)

Today I did not wake up in a place I recognize. Not that I can remember how I got here. Where even is here? A castle of crystals in a magical world of pastel-colored talking horses. It's like a dream, only I'm also a wearied, mutant bug monster.

What in the world is a changeling? Oh, and what is that about a war we're apparently responsible for? This looks like it's shaping up to be a hell of a new day, at least, if I don't get squashed like a bug before it can even start.

Featured: 2/5/19

Edited and pre-read by: Emtu and Indigo_Celeste

Thanks to all the pre-readers that helped reorganize the first few chapters:
TheOneWithoutAName, TheClassyLeviathan and Mind Jack

Cover art by: KlaraPL

Chapters (14)

A mirror between worlds shattered. A girl driven mad by power ripping holes between worlds. A spiteful mare traveling through time to get revenge. When the fabric of reality surrounding Equestria starts to come unraveled, it falls to Twilight to find a way to fix things.

Good thing she has a familiar face to help her. Several of that face, actually. An alicorn princess (canon Equestria), a human mechanical genius (Equestria Girls), a brilliant but irritable slacker of a unicorn (Reflections), a stallion no less intelligent or magically gifted than the rest (genderbent Equestria), and even a unicorn obsessed with Dark Magic, working together to save all of their worlds, by returning Harmony to the world they find themselves in.

A world where Nightmare Moon rules Equestria after sealing Celestia in the Moon, only to go to war with the Crystal Empire, against King Sombra and his Umbrum army. A world where Discord wrought havoc, until his powers were stolen by Lord Tirek, who rampages across both sides of the war indiscriminately. A world where even the ponies far from the fighting must constantly fear Changeling attacks. A world where Harmony is nothing but an empty dream.

A world where Twilight Sparkle never existed.

What could possibly go wrong?

Contains spoilers for the cartoon, comics, and movies.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash does things nopony else can do, so how hard could something that mares in Equestria have done since time immemorial be?

A collection of fluffy, slice-of-life ideas that I want to get out of my head. This has been percolating since Quibble first appeared, so I reserve the right to ignore anything that happens in season 9.

Sex tag for innuendo.

Cover Art by spottedlions. Used with permission.

Chapters (3)