• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



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Turns out, Sombra is back, wow. Discord takes it upon himself, as a FRIENDSHIP EXPERT to help reform Sombra. How the heck will he pull this off? Sombra is a stubborn guy, he likes crystals, hates not-being a king. So it's not going to be an easy task to reform him. Well, it's going to go much worse than expected.

Coverart: https://www.deviantart.com/assassin-or-shadow/art/Help-Me-461682268

Chapters (1)

It has been years since the Mayor's rainbow generator overloaded and drained Hope Hollow of its color. Kerfuffle did her best to stay happy and inspired despite the new gray world she found herself in, but even she has her limits. It's hard to make art in a world of gray, and now Kerfuffle's inspiration has finally left her. Struggling to get by and remain upbeat in a hopeless and friendless town, the pegasus soon finds herself feeling as gray and empty as the world she lives in. But perhaps a close encounter with death will show her that maybe there are still ponies in Hope Hollow who care, and maybe she's not as hopeless and empty on the inside as she feels...

Art by SJArt117

Chapters (1)

A tired ex-marine tries to return to life beyond the battlefield.

A scared pony tries to find a way home.

Chapters (6)

A RWBY alternative universe crossover anthology series inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the fanfictions Viridescent by darkfire1220, and Team STIK (Strike) by Aragon365.

Celestia is the greatest huntress in all of Remnant, inspiring a generation of young children to grow up and become huntsmen and huntresses themselves. Sunset Shimmer, among the inspired children, is a timid and quirkless girl who discovers Celestia's debilitating injury and secret behind her power, and becomes entrusted to inherit the secret power of "One for All".

Secrets appear to be commonplace at Beacon Academy as secret after secret comes to surface, making high school much more interesting for Sunset Shimmer, her team, and just about every other student in Beacon.

Greater list of this being a crossover with (in no particular order and to varying degrees) (partially incomplete due to my paranoia with spoilers and to curb unnecessary expectations):
Fairy Tail, Metroid, Marvel Comics, Legend of Zelda, My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero Academia, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Octopath Traveler, and Fire Emblem.

Chapters (9)

Somewhere in the multiverse, there is a bar. It's small—the kind-of a hole-in-the wall place which you might find open late at night while walking down the streets of Canterlot City in the 1920's.

But unlike most bars, this one is not actually there… or rather, not where you think it is.

The entrance to Sunset's Isekai will be found in passing; an archway made of stone, emerging from a wall that you could have sworn had nothing there before, and in fact seems impossible to actually lead anywhere.

There, a door of solid oak—lovingly worked and stained to look almost golden-red—with a thick, crystal version of Sunset's cutie mark at eye level awaits visitors under the soft light of a gas lamp.

This door opens to all worlds, and can only be found by those that need that drink to be just the right type of different.

Note: This fic is best read like nursing your drink - Don't rush it. Enjoy each flavor for what it is. Don't mix it all up by reading it one chapter after the other in one sitting. It's intended to (mostly) work in a way that each chapter can be read without having to tackle through the rest of the story. (Also, for the last time, the concept for this is NOT based on Restaurant to Another World or any anime.)
You can visit the official Group HERE
List of Bar Regulars & Staff (will be updated if needed)

ART & Previous Covers:
Year 1 Cover Art by Dalorance
Gwen and Freya having a conversation
Cover Art 2 by Borba

Chapters (110)

Nothing belongs here

Unless it's meant to be fixed

Twilight Sparkle

Chapters (14)

One boy. That is all that is left.

Humanity... messsed it all up. Couldn’t just let things be, we had to destroy one another. Now only one is left.

Through the powers of two Gods, this boy is given a chance in a world full of life. A world of ponies.

Chapters (12)

18 years ago, a strange, celestial body crashed just on the outskirts of Canterlot. A mysterious box was found and studied in the Canterlot Research Facility. Despite the time and effort, its secrets have yet to be unearthed....until now.

6 months had passed since the disappearance of Micro Chips' brother, Gizmo. But upon a mysterious delivery, he and his friends Flash and Sandalwood work to crack the mystery surrounding the incident.

Now, rampaging monsters run amok in Canterlot City, emitting a strange gas that turns others into the same creatures. What's worse, Equestrian Magic seems to have no effect. Fortunately, Gizmo had left something behind. A particular system needed to combat these creatures and uncover the truth.

Flash Sentry now takes up the mantle, to build the winning formula.

In collaboration with Banshee531

Kamen Rider Build Crossover.

Edit 6/24/2020: This story had been featured. I am surprised and grateful. I didn't expect it to happen.

Chapters (26)

Baked Bean is but one of the thousands of tourists in Canterlot, and he's looking for some inspiration to help launch his writing career. To this end, he pays a visit to the Royal Gardens, but while there he quickly and quite accidentally invokes a long-forgotten law that will completely upend his life and thrust him into the spotlight...

As Celestia's husband.

And all this because of noses.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

With an audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios!

Cover art graciously provided by the Right Most Awesome Backlash91!
Original cover art provided the Right Most Awesome Sipioc!

Proofreading and prereading services provided by Georg, Sipioc, and Moon Fire!

Fan Art for this story can be found right here!

A most worthy review by Cyonix!

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to This Nose Knows

It is recommended you read No Nose Knows and This Nose Knows first, so you know what's going on.

Baked Bean - the slightly broken husband to Princess Celestia - finds he must answer the call to assist Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms when an ancient foe resurfaces at Canterlot High.

Once there, however, he finds another Bean who needs help courting a Principal who is very similar to his own Princess ...

Edited by Spartanpony007, Sipioc, Georg, and Zen and Ponies.

Cover art provided by Sipioc.

Chapters (10)