• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011


Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.

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So many changes to get used to. Twilight can now raise the sun and moon, but all that power comes with some strange consequences. Everypony is getting used to the new order, but one pony seems to be terrified of the new ruler. Why is he like this? Perhaps a letter to Celestia might bring answers.

This story made it into the Featured box! (10/22/19)

Now in Chinese, thanks to Flint44!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Never Any Doubt

Needing advice on an important project, Twilight, Tempest, and their friends work to reopen the mirror portal, and rescue a former student of Celestia's... Sunset Shimmer.

Note: This story assumes the backstory for Sunset presented in: Sunset -- Part I and Part II.

For more of this AU, see: By the Light of the Moon

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Without Your Cutie Mark

The Great and Powerful Trixie has her eye on a place in Twilight's circle of friends at Celestia's School... and then suddenly discovers it may be her only chance to stay at the School...

For more of this AU, see: Saving Sunset Shimmer (Note: You could also optionally take a detour through its backstory prequels: Sunset -- Part I and Part II.)

And check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shelter of the Storm

Starlight Glimmer decides to accompany Sunburst when he goes to start classes at Celestia's School. It's the worst possible day in her entire life... that is, until a chance encounter with a certain plume-maned unicorn...

For more of this AU, see: Never Any Doubt

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Not Exactly Friends

On a dark night, in a gathering storm, Tempest waits to walk Twilight back to her room... and is almost certain that something is out there, watching her...

For more of this AU, see: Without Your Cutie Mark

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (1)

There's a new filly in Celestia's school, who finds making friends difficult. She's seated next to a filly who could care less about making friends. Neither is exactly friend material... but sometimes you just have to take a risk...

For more of this AU, see:

Series 1:

Series 2:

Chapters (1)

If everyone could see themselves as L'il Cheese saw them, the world would be a much brighter place.

A story about love in the shape of laughter.

Chapters (7)

Twilight comes up with an idea to revolutionize Equestrian society.

Equestrian society does not approve of her idea.

Chapters (1)

(Featured on 10/11/2019, thanks!)






Suddenly it’s colder and damper, and the smells are all different.  And suddenly she can wonder ‘Why?’

This is inspired by Lauren Faust’s recounting of her private story for Zecora’s origin at the Stories and Experiences Panel at Bronycon 2019, August 3rd. It was commissioned and edited by Dragon Turtle.

Over-thinking mundane objects ensue. This isn’t meant to suggest that there are no zebras native to Equestria’s world, but in this fic, Zecora isn’t one of them.

This commission is on hiatus unless the commissioner is able to continue it. If you want to commission extra chapters published as an alternate story, that might be possible though when I'm open for commissions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis Works at Quills and Sofas

Luster Dawn finds out, much to her consternation, that Chrysalis works at Quills and Sofas.

Chapters (1)