• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011


Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.

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I am...

...I'm really not sure who I am. Who I am seems to change with alarming frequency throughout the day. One moment I'm a unicorn who has an obsession with creatures who don't exist, and the other I'm a diminutive rabbit who wants to rule the world.

I don't know what's going on and I have no idea how this works.

I'm just along for the ride.

Based on the prompt from reddit user Moonbutters. Pretty sure this isn't exactly what he was expecting. :pinkiehappy:

-GM, master of FIRST.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Earth Ponies Are Overpowered

As Twilight works to improve her life infusion treatment, Maud stops by to offer her expertise. There's just one problem: Maud isn't as thrilled as Twilight and her friends about using earth pony magic to make everyone immortal.

Chapters (4)

Harry Potter had the (mis?)fortune to fall through a portal to the Everfree near Ponyville. He was transformed into a unicorn, to his surprise. After being found, Twilight Sparkle took him in as an orphan, and to learn more about him as he learned more about Equestria. His adventures there are another story. This story is about what happens when he is pulled back to the human world by the Goblet of Fire when he is fourteen.

Finding himself back in the human world is bad enough, but also to discover he has an unbreakable magical contract to compete in a Tournament that is known for the deaths of the competitors is just icing on the cake. What else can go wrong?

(Not a continuation of “If Wishes Were Ponies . . .”)
Scheduled posts on Monday and Thursday (UTC-4)

Edited by gerandakis. Picture by Quinn Kepner, from an image in the MLP comics.
Made the Featured List with Chapter 1! Hurray! And Popular Stories list on 9/14! A second Hurray!
And every 100 up votes gets an early release of the next chapter.

Chapters (29)

Her expedition failed, Twilight is trapped in the world of the breezies, unable to tell when, or where the portal will re-open.

In the meantime, she must do her best to survive, to find a clan, and of course-


Cover was drawn by Kaleido

Chapters (32)

Pinkie Pie, party planner extraordinaire. Any pony who spends more than five minutes in Ponyville will be introduced to Pinkie with an explosion of confetti and a party. 

So how is it possible for a pony to live in her town and have no idea who she is?

As Seen on Equestria Daily!

Zen and Ponies

Chapters (10)

At long last, Sombra has captured his nemesis.

He prepares for a decidedly cathartic gloating session.

He does not get what he bargained for.

Chapters (1)

Special talents.
That thing that sets ponies apart from each other and gives them a path in life. The one thing that they excel at, broadcast to the world by their cutie mark.
The spectrum of special talents is as wide as the day is long and twice as varied as you think it is.
But, interesting talent or mundane, everypony needs a job to put food on the table and not every talent lends itself to one.

After all, not everyone can be blessed with specific high-demand talents like "growing plants" or "cleaning" or "flying". Even less often does a pony get a particularly nebulous concept or multi-faceted skill like "magic" or "partying" that can apply to any number of jobs.

Sometimes, no matter how good you are at what you do, it's just not something you can make a career out of.

But for those unlucky few, there's a group filled with other ponies who face the same problem that they do.


Editted and proofread by the wonderfully helpful NecroHorse!

Chapters (1)

It is a tale well known to all: Twilight Sparkle, immortal alicorn, forced to face the world without her friends. Time having separated them, never to meet again, leaving only one Princess all alone, the last to remember those happy times. Alone in her castle, mourning all she has lost.

...too bad certain ponies have no sense of the dramatic and are too inconsiderate to actually be dead.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Three Hoofwidths To The Left

There's nothing like a surprise library inspection for discovering code violations, especially when the pony conducting that examination is determined to find something. But Twilight keeps the tree running to her own standards, and that means true offenses are hard to come by. Really, there's just one little potential issue.

'Little' as in 'the crests come up slightly short of your spine. Oh, and it breathes fire.'

For some strange reason, the local trotting incarnation of bureaucracy has a problem with this.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome. While this story takes place after the linked piece, no knowledge of those events is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)