• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011


Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.

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An Epic Exposé by Buck Haysing

Lies! Lies! Celestia has been feeding you a delicious smoothie of lies!

Luna never went to the moon! It was all a ploy between her and Celestia! They were trying to safeguard Equestria through a convoluted plan that involved no direct action on their part! It’s all so simple!

Buck Haysing, a manual writer for Thaumodyne, destroys lies, falsehoods, and personal space in his quest to expose the conspiracy. The smallest facts are dissected, analyzed, and twisted until they reveal the truth. Nothing escapes his notice, nothing is meaningless, and nothing is a coincidence. Wake up, sheeple! Wake up, sheeple!

(No apologies to actual sheep. If they didn’t want to be called sheep, they shouldn’t have been sheep.)

“Number one on my reading list!” —Drocsid

“I have no words.” —Princess Luna

“A most enlightening read… A fascinating glimpse into the minds of certain ponies…” —Sunbutt

“Nothing… is… fabricated… or… ignored… Exposes… vile… lies…” —Princess Twilight Sparkle

Written in honor of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. I hope you know how this honors Apollo 11, because I don’t.

Chapters (5)

If you'd asked Twilight which of her friends would break into her castle to commit an interdimensional crime, Applejack probably would've been pretty far down on the list, somewhere between Fluttershy and Princess Celestia. But between finding several unauthorized uses of the Mirror Portal, a sudden influx of unexplained funds to Sweet Apple Acres and a sharp increase of food-based magic incidents in the human world, it's hard to deny the obvious conclusion.

There's also the fact that Applejack isn't even trying to deny the obvious conclusion.

Warning: spoilers in the comments.

Literally last-minute prereading done by FloydienSlip.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Is a Shark Mare's Bark Worse Than Her Bite?

You are a unicorn stallion who has recently returned to your home in the town of Ponyville, after your recent vacation. As you unpack from your journey you notice a strange mare out in the rain.

Feeling pity, you invite them into your home and learn that they aren't all that they seem.

Warning!: The information below may contain spoilers!

Another monster mare story for all of you. For those of you who are wondering, Irisa is an Argapony, her appearance is based off of Argus from Greek mythology. It's a monster mare/girl concept (aside from perhaps the Gazer Monster Girl, but that's based off of a Beholder), I haven't really seen explored, so I thought I would give it a try.

Just me, trying once more to fill in those monster mare niches. :raritywink:

:heart::yay::heart: This story was featured on FiMFiction, 7/17/19. :heart::yay::heart:


Preread by Quillian Inkheart and Nailah.

Edited by: Quillian Inkheart.

Proofread by: ShadowblazeCR.

The cover art was made by: pillowrabbit.

Here is an image of Irisa, created by miipack603.

Chapters (1)

A pony Sunset Shimmer wronged before leaving Equestria is back for revenge, and is insisting Sunset come to confront her alone. Can Sunset help the wayward mare? Can Sunset use the magic of friendship without any friends around? Is Sunset an alicorn? Well, do you see any wings?

Preread by FanOfMostEverything.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is in the hospital. Fluttershy is in a coffin. Neither of them is very happy about it.

Written as an entry to the FimFiction Feghoot Festival.
(Most of it) pre-read by Ludus.
Edited by Lofty Withers.
Art by twilite-sparkleplz.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sugarless Gumption

Even after the capital-letter-earning fiasco that was the Sugarless Incident, Twilight just can't get the question out of her mind. Given Sunset's magical metabolism, what other culinary conjurations are made possible by harnessing Equestrian magic?

Pinkie's happy to help her find out. Her other friends just wish they knew about it ahead of time.

Note: No characters were fused in the making of this story.
Cover art by Baron Engel, used with permission.

Chapters (1)

I forced a bot to read 1000 hours of My Little Pony fanfiction and then write a story of its own. Here is the first draft.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle learns about the Bronycon Bookstore, and everything that's in all the books being sold there. She's having ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT.

Written for RBDash47

Chapters (1)

To Elaine Torkleson, an attorney working in West Los Angeles, the name "My Little Pony" conjures up nothing but vague memories of these half-hour toy commercials she heard about while in college during the 1980s.

But when a scientist from Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory comes into her office one afternoon in the summer of 2019 with a device that he claims can utilize the properties of quantum tunneling to let people enter cartoons, Elaine finds herself forced to reassess pretty much everything she ever thought she knew.

The cover image is a still from this animation by DeannArt on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)