• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011


Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.

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This story is a sequel to Ghost Hunter Twilight

It's been several weeks since Twilight and Spike went to the outer district of Partyville. They met Pinkie, who turned out to be loud and annoying. Rainbow Dash, who was just a waste of space. Applejack, a Polish ghost Bound to the farms. And Fluttershy Pastel Gardens who... well it doesn't matter, Spike's out for blood with that one.

It got mixed up in all sorts of adventures. Like living above Oakfield's bookstore, and getting Locked-Out, and remember when Trixie showed up? Oh man, that was fun. But the world moves on, and they move on with it.

No time to get settled in though, there's a new problem on the rise. Who's running things? Where are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? And for the love of all things peace and quiet, where did all these clones come from?!!

Stick around, you may just find out.

Special thanks to Hyppy on discord for the cover art. It's amazing! You can contact her at goodsmellerart@gmail.com if you wish for art of your own.

Chapters (10)

Has a Sequel: GHT2: Clone Lores

Welcome to a different sort of Equestria, there is no Nightmare Moon or Princess Celestia, No elements of Harmony and no bad guys. Just normal ponies doing normal pony things. Like sleep in bushes, read the thoughts of dragons, and believe in ghosts.

Welcome to Ghost Hunter Twilight.

So right off the bat you may notice a fundamentally different sort of story to the canon show. One with the same characters, but with different personalities and roles. It isn't apparent in the first chapter alone, since at first glance it just seems like the pilot episode plus and minus a few things. But don't worry, I've got plans.

If you're not interested in a slightly more...condescending interpretation of Twilight, you may want to skip this one. I rewrote the character the way i wanted to. And I suppose technically the way i did it, if I changed the names, it'd be an original story, instead of a fanfic, but well, here we are.

Based loosely off a screencap comic I did in September 2015

All editing credit goes to my friend run.trivena
Also hosted on SpaceBattles: https://forums.spacebattles.com/posts/41031982/

2018 -01-17: And today marks the day this story officially shoots past Unblinking in terms of total view count. Which I consider significant because my Blink story was built on the shoulders of giants, it had a pre-existing fanbase. But Ghost Hunter Twilight is entirely my own creation, it has nothing to build off of (in terms of pre-existing fanfiction) so it's much more noteworthy.

Chapters (15)

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara's year and a half anniversary is coming up. Everything's been great but... Apple Bloom wishes Diamond would tell her parents already. That way, they wouldn't have to keep hiding their relationship from the world.

(Both characters are aged up in this fic. Think like... 17-19.)

Rated T for: some language, and a couple references to sex.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to SunLight Sliders

When a battered girl claiming to be Sunset Shimmer dropped out of an interdimensional portal into Twilight Sparkle's bedroom, little did Twilight know that she was about to be plunged into a chaotic journey through a multiverse that holds terror and wonder in equal measure.

Now, Twilight must uncover the secrets of this strange Sunset's past, survive the whims of something called Discord, cope with Sunset's eternally-changing hairdo, deal with dozens of doppelgangers--good and bad--of Sunset and herself, and worst of all... once again come face to face with a very real demon of her own creation.

And maybe, just maybe... find a way home.

The 32-Author SunLight Collaboration Project

About the Project:
Formerly known as SunLight Sliders II, this massive collaboration project was originally built in the SunLight Sliders FimFic Group. Feel free to check the original group forums for details on the project, the original material and more.

The project kicked off on January 1, 2018 and ended on April 22, 2018. The goal? Each author writes up to 1,500 words within 3 days, always picking up where the previous one left off. The result? A constantly evolving story about SciTwi and an unknown Sunset Shimmer sent careening throughout the multiverse.

SunLight Sliders: Infinite is being published so everyone's hard work can be seen. Please note that I take no credit for the story save for the chapters I wrote (Collaboration on the Prologue, Chapter 1 and the Epilogue). If you enjoyed a particular chapter, please be sure to check out the author who wrote it!

Continuity Note:
Despite the name, you don't need to SunLight Sliders to read this story. One of the explicit rules for this project was that no author could reuse any story element unique to SLS1.

Graphics Design Credits:
Cover Art & Design by Little-Tweenframes/Adge (SciSetDiaries), Overlord Neon and Novel-Idea
Cover Text, Chapter Header & Section Break Design by Novel Idea
Twilight Sparkle Cutie Mark by Intbrony
Sunset Shimmer Cutie Mark By Millennial Dan

All Editing by Novel-Idea - Unlike the original SunLight Sliders, I did not do any edits beyond a fast pass on basic grammar and spelling. All chapters are almost exactly as their original authors wrote them. There have also been no story or perspective changes from the original save for the addition of the Epilogue and adding a hairdo for Sunny in Posh's chapter (thank you Albi)!

Chapters (34)

Who is Rarity?

An Enchantress tasked with returning magic to a dying world.

The very sands themselves seem to oppose her...

Chapters (1)

Who is Twilight Sparkle?

An immortal alicorn fighting against the alien Nillin...

Of course, Fish isn't concerned with her, and if he has anything to say about it he never will be.

Twilight Sparkle has other plans for Fish.

Chapters (1)

Who is Fluttershy?

A young prodigy training to hunt the monsters that plague her world. She's wanted nothing else her entire life, and now that dream may be threatened...

Chapters (1)

This is my anthology of stories derived from Bad Seed 72's immensely enjoyable tale "What Hath Joined Together".
These are one-shots or vignettes loosely tied up in to the arc of how I thought the story was going to go over the months of her Hiatus in 2014. Do not mind if they are in anachronological order.
I wrote them down in an old diary with a favourite Parker pen, sometimes stopping altogether when I ran out of ink, (I live on an island where the nearest W.H.Smiths's is in Oban, sixty or seventy miles away and one cannot buy ink re-fills in the local shops.)
I am not bothered about this getting downvotes because one of the main characters is Flash Sentry. I think that Brad and Flash Sentry are two separate persons.

Chapters (16)

This is inspired by Bad Seed 72's fanfiction "What Hath Joined Together". But the events in the story are not canon to the story's universe.
The story shows Captain Iron Hoof, the Captain of the Royal Guard, dreaming of his wedding to Princess Twilight Sparkle a little way in to the future of "W.H.J.T."'s timeline.
Meanwhile, Twilight and Flash decide to take a detour while flying home from Pinkie Pie's latest party.

Chapters (2)

It is a known fact that different universes have different time constants; that is, while one universe may experience a second, a different one might experience two. This causes a very large temporal drift between universes where, more often than not, the season doesn't even match up, let alone the day. However, in this holiday season, everyone's holidays are lining up perfectly. The Emperor of Mankind wants in on this.

Join the ponies, humans, daemons, and other creatures for a look at many different expressions of the holiday spirit.

Part of the Songs of the Spheres continuity - a Christmas/Holiday special! Takes place after chapter 073 - The Hunger for Games.

-GM, master of Nirvana.

Chapters (1)