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Have you ever wondered how the story of Equestria that you know might change if Fluttershy was a swordsmith?
How would things be different if Rarity had a Stand?
What about if someone gave Applejack a culinary degree, a space-worthy exosuit, and a phoenix-core wand?
What if all of these happened in the same story?

If you have, dear reader, then welcome to the Celestial Forge! Where every thousand words, random chance bestows one of your favorite ponies with a new outlandish (and often copyright-infringing) power!

Chapters (42)

Celestia sends Star Swirl the Bearded’s final, unfinished spell to Twilight as a final test before her ascension. Owlowiscious gets to it first.

Rated E for "Eh?"

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand

For two years of their time, they traveled the Realm, fighting off Venger, Tiamat, and other assorted demons. Now three friends meet up once again, in another fantastic realm. Eric, Bobby, and Presto think their adventuring days are behind them, but there may be one more surprise in store for them!

This is a crossover with the Dungeons and Dragons animated series from the 1980's, and is a Hasbroverse story, taking about two weeks or so after the events of United We Stand, in late 2012. I own nothing.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand

Discord's time of freedom draws near. Celestia has prepared, though. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony stand ready to seal him up once more. Everything will go according to plan... but whose plan?

A story in the Hasbroverse, taking place a few weeks after the Conversion Bureau: United we Stand, the tail end of season two and late 2012.

Please ignore anything from the My Little Pony comic, especially concerning Cosmos. I do not read them.

Cover art was done by Inspector97 on DeviantArt. Source is here.

Chapters (16)

In every event, there are a million offshoots and effects, none really able to be fit into a normal narrative. Here is a collection of one-shots and mini-arcs spun out of The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds, so knowledge of that series will help immensely. Although I will do my best to make it as accessible as possible.

All side-stories so far take place after the end of The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds.
The cast will be varied, as will be the stories, but all are canon.

Chapter One: A Picnic by the Lake: Celestia, Luna and Twilight entertain a guest who is more than meets the eye.
Chapter Two: Time Enough for All: The Doctor has spent nearly nine hundred years in Equestria, most it an extended vacation. But news of giants in Ponyville draw him out of semi-retirement.
Chapter Three: Contact Part One: Old Memories: Chip delivers the Princess' message to President Abernathy, which stirs old memories.
Chapter Four: Contact Part Two: Meetings and Greetings: Equestria makes formal contact with Earth, and an old mystery is finally put to rest.
Chapter Five: Family reunion Part One: The Best of intentions: Dinky sets out to reunite her father with his closest friends, roping her sister and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders on a journey across time and space.
Chapter Six: Family Reunion Part Two: Memories: The TARDIS arrives at Earth, reuniting the Doctor with his past.
Chapter Seven: Shape up or Slaughter Out!: Shining Armor gets some help from an old warhorse to finish what he started with the Royal Guard.
Chapter Eight: How Christmas was Saved... Sort of: A short tale of how Santa Claus was saved one Christmas Or Megan had too much eggnog.

Trope page for The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds. Story listed there as well.

Equestria Daily page: A man can dream...

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds

The Conversion Bureaus have won. Humanity has been ponified, all traces of our civilization wiped clean from an Earth turned into Equestria. Princess Celestia rules over all, the tyranny of free thought abolished.

Humanity is at the cusp of a golden age. With allies both near and far, biped and quadruped, we strive for greatness, united as never before. Our mark shall be made in space, our influence felt throughout this Spiral Arm.

The Tyrant Princess sees this and is angered. A dome is opened... but this time, humanity is not alone against the Conversion Bureaus.

A spinoff/sequel to The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds, taking a place about a year after the events there, and my own little 'take' on the Conversion Bureau. This makes it a crossover with Transformers Generation One, GI Joe A Real American Hero and My Little Pony G1.

Thanks to Velkaden for the title. As well as Shubzilla for proofreading, the anti-Conversion Bureau for their help and SJC for help with the look of Megan.

Trope page: Here.
EQD link: ... A man can dream?

Chapters (24)

Megan Richards is a normal, everyday wife and published author of 'My Little Horsey'... however the tales she writes about aren't fiction, but stories from her past. She thought she put the world of ponies behind her, but sometimes the past has a habit of catching up with you...

G1 meets G4 in a hopefully epic tale of the past, the present and the future.

I own nothing, also, minor cameos from other Hasbro properties such as Jem and the Holograms, Transformers G1 and GI Joe.

Cover image made by the very talented Egophiliac and from here.

fanfiction.net link!
Equestria Daily link... one of these days.
TV Tropes page
All the Tropes page

Sequel: The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand

Side-stories and mini-arcs not able to fit into the main narrative: Side Stories of First Contact

Chapters (37)

Equestria finds itself caught in the cold war between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Can friendship prevail, or will this cold war turn hot, despite their best efforts?

This is a crossover with Star Trek, taking place in late 2269 of the Prime timeline, during the fourth year of the five-year mission of the original television series. It's not a crossover with the movies made by J.J. Abrams. It is mid-season five or so for Friendship is Magic. it is my humble offering for the fiftieth anniversary of Star Trek, which debuted September 8, 1966.

Thanks to FoalsHalf for being essentially my co-writer/sounding board, and to all those who have helped with proofreading and editing.

Space Battles thread.

Trope page... some day?

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Where No Pony Has Gone Before

The Enterprise's mission to Equestria may be complete but perhaps it's not the whole story...

(This story and the preceding 'Where No Pony Has Gone Before have been bundled together on Space Battles Forum: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/where-no-pony-has-gone-before-star-trek-tos-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic.620290/)

Chapters (13)