Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 73ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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As a new age dawns for two worlds, Sunset and the Spirit of Harmony must learn to let go of their passion.

An entry into the Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings.

Edited by DrakeyC.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

When pursuing Starlight, Twilight and Spike experienced variances of Equestria, and saw how the river of time could have been different. Now, Starlight has moved in with Twilight, Nyx, and Spike and has begun her studies in friendship. To thank those who have helped her embrace friendship once more, Starlight has created an enchantment that allows the castle’s map table to let anyone glimpse other variances of reality.

The power to ask “what if,” can be a source of great amusement… but for some, the hypotheticals are haunting reminders of what could have been.

Chapters (6)

When the Lord of Chaos is finally defeated, the Chaos magic that kept the world breathing is gone from the aether. Seven vessels must step forth to claim the power only Chaos can bring, but there is a price for lack of spirit...

Written for GaPJaxie's Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Competition. Conceived and written in an hour.
Prompt: "The stars are gone."

The "full" version was finished with fifteen minutes overtime on top of the original hour, to better reflect what I set out to achieve.

The one-hour-hard-limit version was what was entered in the competition, and went to the semifinals.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle spent most of her life alone. Where others had pictures of friends or family, she hung academic certificates and awards. She wasn't unhappy. She had everything to look forward to and a path to what really mattered in life - tenure.

Sunset Shimmer knocked her life off the rails. She didn't expect to care about anyone else. She never put 'fall in love' on her checklists. It was a surprise, but a welcome one. Hand in hand, they started on a path without knowing where it would lead.

It led here, far off in the brush, the path she'd originally walked only occasionally visible ahead, taunting her with what could have been.

An entry for the third Sunset Shipping Contest.

Thank you to all my Patreons and commissioners for supporting me!

Chapters (1)

Modern Equestrian society had the awful habit of making victims out of all too many good ponies. That was what happened when both law and underworld crime tried to simultaneously enforce their idea of "social good." Fluttershy was one pony stuck in the middle—a victim of an unscrupulous gang but whom authorities were unwilling to aid. Where could one turn when the virtues of honor and chivalry seemed dead?

Based on Earthsong9405's Mafia!AU.
Cover art by metalfoxxx.

Chapters (1)

Rarity can see it clearly.

The way Applejack laughs around Coloratura, the way she smiles. The way Coloratura hangs on Applejack's every word, the way her eyes light up whenever they glance at each other.

Friends since fillyhood, Applejack and Coloratura share a relationship deeper and more special than most ponies will ever know.

But Rarity and Applejack were fillyhood friends too. Shouldn't that be just as special?

Chapters (1)

As Applejack's fillyhood friend, Countess Coloratura, is singing up on the stage, amid all of the flashing lights and music, Twilight Sparkle can't help but feel that there is something familiar about the mare.

Oh well, it's probably just her imagination. . . right?

Possible spoilers for the latest episode, The Mane Attraction.
Spoilers may be contained in comments.

Featured 11/23/15
Thanks for all of the support!

Chapters (4)

Ponies tell themselves many stories.

Tales of great towers spun from the air itself; legends of those who could bend the heavens to their will; myths of cities that live forever on the edge of memory.

Often, the stories themselves bear little resemblance to reality; the truth is found between the lines.

In the spirit of Cold in Gardez's Lost Cities challenge.

Proofread by Not_A_Hat.

Chapters (1)

A mare goes into heat when it is time for her to find a mate, and have foals, as it is the only time this is possible. For most, it is a joyous time, a chance to deepen bonds with their special someponies, or have some fun with friends. For others, it is a time to hide, for they are not quite so promiscuous.

For Fluttershy this year, it is neither of these things. This year, going into heat, she knows the end of one of her biggest dreams has arrived.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight Sparkle's 500th Birthday

Five years have passed since the events of that fateful morning. Smarty Pants and her friends set off on an adventure of a lifetime to discover the secrets of the past when they awaken a… oh wait, that would be spoiling it!

Many questions from the first story will be answered! New questions will arise. Lunch will be had, pies will be thrown, blood will be kept inside bodies because seriously, ew blood, you guys.

- Cover art commissioned by HAK2. Check out his other stuff, too.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse.
- This story was written and completed (except for the epilogue) before Season 4 of MLP:FiM aired.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord go read his story, too!

Chapters (17)