Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 87ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

[Warning: Spoilers in the comments]
The world around Roseluck is slipping away piece by piece. Color drains away, fear creeps in, and an empty town hides a secret she is afraid to face.

When all that remains are memories of family, friends, and fleeting moments, a friend tries to help her hold onto them before they fade away.

Before she fades away.

Cover art by secret-pony used with permission.

This story wouldn't be where it is today without the help of Minds Eye. Editor, pre-reader, idea wall, friend.

I also had a ton of help and encouragement from these fine folks acting as pre-readers and/or editors:
Between Lines, Evilhumour, Smaug the Golden, CogWing,Cerulean Voice, Adda le Blue, SirTruffles, wYvern, Syeekoh

Chapters (10)

Princess Flurry Heart and the descendant of Prince Rutherford brave the harsh conditions of the Frozen North, in search of an artifact they hope will save their home from a similar fate.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest, with the prompt 'Princess Flurry Heart, Survivor'.

Featured by the Royal Canterlot Library!

Chapters (1)

Pear Butter and Bright McIntosh have recently passed. What remains of the Apple Family find themselves caring for their newest family member. But they can't do everything to provide for the new foal on their own.

An ad is placed.

A position is filled.

But loss is a thing that affects each individual differently. And new faces can be both a curse and a blessing.

review by PresentPerfect

Royal Canterlot Library feature and an interview.

Featured in Twilight's Library for November of 2020, thanks so much!

Chapters (1)

Years have come and gone, yet through all of it, six friends have remained close. From the far flung corners of the world they come together each year to visit, and reinforce that eternal bond of friendship.

Let a light shine in your window
Let me see where I have been
And if that light still shines
And if fortune smiles
I will pass this way again
I will pass this way again

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has gone back in time. Each time Twilight tries to stop Starlight, she fails and is flung back through the portal and into a broken, twisted Equestria, ravaged by wars or monsters, each version worse than the one before, barreling toward the destruction of the world. Until she lands in a version of Equestria that ... isn't worse. It seems unchanged, happy, normal. The only real difference she can find on the cutie map is that her castle isn't there ...

... but the library still is.

Editing by Formerly Committed and JetstreamGW.

Chapters (2)

When Twilight creates an amulet that bestows ultimate knowledge, she must face her greatest foe yet -- statistics!

My entry in the second Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Competition! Written in one hour and unedited. Based on the prompt: "Technically Not Terrible."

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Rarity an important question: Will she stay the night?

Her answer is almost always the same. Maybe that's why Twilight keeps asking.

Inspired by the song "No Se Va" by the Colombian band Morat.

Art by Mewball !

Chapters (1)

Peaches aren't all that terrible. Just don't go making everything into them. You might find yourself feeling a bit peachy.

Written for GaPJaxie's Quills and Sofa's speed fic writing challenge on 8/21/2019. One hour to write, with 10 minutes to edit.

Prompt was "Technically not Terrible". I'm not sorry.



The Biscuit of Admirals:

Gon of Ara's:
yeah rob is just having a blast

Chapters (1)

There are times in a pony's life where she has to admit that as bad as things are, they're technically not terrible.

These are such times.

Trigger warning: Technically, not terrible.
Secondary trigger warning: Not Safe for GaPJaxie.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (7)

Twilight faces the thought of immortality with her usual aplomb: falling down into a ball of misery and confusion about her role, and what she will do in the eventual absence of her friends and family.

That is, until a much older Twilight Sparkle takes the time to talk to her.

Chapters (1)