• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018


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Long story short...

Love hurts.

Also, I have no idea why I wrote this!


Featured on 5/4/20, 5/5/20, 5/6/20, 5/7/20, 5/8/20 thank you for finding my bored ramblings as interesting.

Chapters (1)

A young filly in present day Ponyville is cursed with nightmares of post-apocalyptic Equestria. She finds herself influencing the course of future history in ways that she cannot understand. She must learn to balance her life at home with her life on the other side of the veil, and fight to preserve her own sanity, and her own innocence.

She discovers that such a task is only possible through the magic of friendship.

Chapters (67)

The nightmares started… Twilight can’t remember just when. But they’ve gotten worse and worse, and why won’t Luna help? Now they’ve even stopped bothering her! That scares her more than any nightmare ever did, but that strange voice in her head helps. It makes sense of the dreams, explains to her how the magic can do anything.

If Luna did start all this… she’ll soon regret it.

Cover art by Ruirik

Thanks to GaPJaxie, Corejo, and PresentPerfect, who read over various portions and incarnations of previous drafts. And to Vimbert the Unimpressive, a big reason I wrote this story.

Chapters (7)

Rarity discovers a pattern in her relationship with Twilight, and wonders what she may have given up for love.

This story is part of the First and Only Raritwi Bomb. A week's worth of stories and art all centered around Rarity and Twilight. If you liked it, you can find a master list of all Raritwi Bomb content here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/873741/the-raritwi-bomb-masterpost.

(2019-10-21) Featured by Seattle's Angels!

(2019-11-16) Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a sequel by the incredible AFanaticRabbit!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wakes up to Twilight Sparkle standing at the foot of her bed in a wedding dress. Surely, things can't get any stranger... can they?

Now with a fantastic audio reading by the wonderful Skijarama! Link!

(He also made the cover art that I totally stole. Because he's just that awesome, I guess.)

Chapters (1)

Being an alicorn is wonderful... except when it isn't. There are plenty of things that put a damper on limitless vistas of possibility afforded by such a long life: Court, mortal needs and expectations, the occasional decade of ennui.

And the dreams, of course. Agelessness comes with its own special kind of dreaming. Celestia finds that her own "Inner Court" is a bit too literal, and it--and she--are troubled at the prospect of a near-immortal Twilight Sparkle.

If only she could articulate exactly why that was.

art by spectralunicorn

Part of the Monophysite Quartet, which also includes Celestia Isn't Real, Have You Considered My Servant, Twilight?, and The Esoteric Rites of Darkness. All four stories have a common origin point in an old story idea I called "Monophysite" and touch on who or what Celestia really is in some way. They are otherwise unrelated.

Chapters (16)

Princess Celestia has trained her three apprentices, Sunset, Trixie and Twilight, to become the newest generation of the Knights of the Realm, protectors of Equestria. Their abilities and morals are unquestionable, and they're also perfectly willing to become the heroes Equestria needs. However, something had to give, and in the process of turning them into the future Legendary Heroes, those three ended up becoming particularly eccentric in their methods and quirks. This is the start of a very silly era of heroes.

October 2019 Edit: The story's rating has been changed from E to T.

Chapters (93)

Twilight Sparkle discovers that the alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in her misguided attempt at revenge did not, in fact, disappear when the original timeline was restored. Instead, they persisted as separate, parallel universes.

Never one to leave a job unfinished, she decides to employ the magic of friendship to restore those universes to a more harmonious state.

She begins with Nightmare Moon.

This story is the first in a series. The other stories can be found below.

1. For Want of a Horseshoe <-- you are here
2. A Big Brother's Duty
3. Healing

Cover art provided by the excellent Sini.

Chapters (8)

Suddenly finding herself in hell, Twilight is presented with one fact: for the rest of eternity, she's stuck in a library holding every book possible. She's expected to organize them and is allowed to read them.

What makes this hell, again?

Now has two Spanish translations, one by SPANIARD KIWI and another by Pugg-Senpai.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Desperate Devotion

Married, happy and in love, Twilight and Chrysalis are in a good place in their lives. They're living in the Canterlot Castle, sitting where Celestia and Luna once sat. They have plenty of wonderful friends, and Equestria has been at peace for a long time. If things continue as they are, they could easily live simple, fulfilled lives until they grow old together.

Neither of them were ever very content with being content, though.

After a long time spent discussing it, they finally decide to have a child, and in typical over-the-top fashion decide to have Equestria's first ever half-pony, half-changeling child.

They have no idea what's coming.

While this is a sequel to Desperate Devotion, it's set many, many years in the future. Things have changed, some of which I've written the stories of, others which I haven't. You should be able to follow along no matter what you've read beforehand, (you don't even really need to read Desperate Devotion honestly) but the status quo won't be quite what you might expect.

Chapters (37)