• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018


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After Luna had been banished to the moon, Celestia got drunk, real drunk. Drunk enough to make up several laws she completely forgot about for a thousand years. What happens when Luna discovers one of these laws, and what's worse, she actually likes the sound of it.

Complete chaos as the mane six now find themselves unintentionally being wed to two Princesses.

There is a sequel to this story: Sequel Here

Very much inspired by the old: Six Brides for Two Sisters story by Equus Palladus.

A Big Thanks to ArcaneDust for proof reading.

Aritst may be: johnjoseco or thepolymath

Chapters (40)

The mane six take shelter in a place that is, for now, safe from a disaster occurring outside.

This gruesome tale of violence and death is not recommended for colts, fillies, or the faint of heart.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Hero of Equestria and first casualty in the Changeling war. When she passed she became the rallying cry for the Equestrians in the short lived war. When Chrysalis attempts a surprise attack on Canterlot a mysterious figure in armor appears and slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses. Now it's time they learn that anyone can change.

For better or worse.

Big thanks to Nightcloak for the huge help in editing this train wreck of a story.

This Story was featured on 7/28/2018
Thank you to everyone who has read this. I never thought this would happen and am honored beyond words.

Chapters (10)

Sunset has once again become a pariah, the students of CHS have turned against her, and even her own friends have abandoned her. At her lowest point and without her friends, Sunset is left vulnerable as the students voice their frustration at her being Anon-A-Miss. But she still had one friend who believed in her and that was Twilight Sparkle, with her words of encouragement, Sunset is reminded of who she is. With her confidence back, Sunset begins to take back control of the school and hunt down Anon-A-Miss.

Chapters (22)

Twilight is the last of the bearers who once wielded the Elements of Harmony, for years she's protected her kingdom. Sadly there is still but one foe she can not defeat, one she has no intention of fighting but as her time draws near she makes a final call to two old friends. It's time for them to face the consequences of their actions so long ago.

This is a one shot.

Chapters (1)

It's been two and a half years since Twilight Sparkle returned from the other world, leaving Sunset Shimmer in the company of the alternate group of friends she made. However, not all has gone well for her one-time rival in the other world. On the night of the 30th moon, Sunset emerges from the mirror and uses an ancient relic to switch their bodies. Alone in the care of Sunset's overbearing ex-tutor, Twilight uncovers the forgotten past that drove her rival to such desperation, while back in Ponyville, Sunset struggles with Twilight's lifestyle clashing with her own dreams.

Proofreaders: RTStephens, Winter Solstice, The Albinocorn, Dartrunner and NightWolf289.
Cover art: FallingRain22

Featured by Twilight's Library September 2014.
Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (16)

Chrysalis' invasion lasts only a whopping five seconds before she surrendered. All according to plan.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the next of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna is certain, in her final moments on the moon as the last of her strength dies, that she deserves it.

A thousand years later, Princess Celestia prepares for her sister’s return.

Cover art by BlitsAzalisDash.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Tantabus Communication Protocol

What started with laziness and a tiny slip-up in arcane intelligence creation has blossomed into its own being. With Luna's blessing, the second Tantabus is free to flit around the dreamscape as it pleases, unburdened by oversight. And what pleases it is making good dreams. Who couldn't be happy by making others happy?

As the Tantabus settles into its life, its horizons keep expanding, forever revealing more of the world and of ponies. There's always new things to learn. New dreams to spice up. New nightmares to beat down. New ponies to help. New ponies to annoy.

Don't tell Luna about that last part.

Cover art by Harwick.

Chapters (44)

Love was immortal. Love burned even when all else ceased, when the flame of breath left ones chest still did love burn. So then did an immortal lover love forever; the kind of love that could topple empires and threaten to coat the world in ice. This was Twilight's last chance to prove she still had love left to give.

She only hoped it was enough.

Written for the Quill's and Sofa's Princess speedwrite, where it took first place. The posted version has seen extensive editing with the help of Dreamer Deceiver's gracious heart and nimble hands. Cover art credit to the tremendously talented Splush23.

Chapters (1)