• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018


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Being kidnapped is the least of Twilight's concerns.

Now with a phenomenal reading by Scribbler!

Thank you to The Legendary Bill Cipher, Shaslan, Wishcometrue, Flashgen, Snow Quill, Zontan, Red Parade, MasterThief, Moonshot, themoontonite, Vis-a-Viscera, Knox Locke, Equus, and Novelle Tale for prereading, editing, and being generally good people.

This story was written for the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting Group, for their Plain Jane Contest. Wanna know why so many of our stories are great? Wanna meet some truly inspiring people? Wanna write something that you have no doubts about, ever? We do, too! Come figure that out with us on our Discord.

Chapters (1)

Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
Can you not see that the Sun high above you provides enough light?

This now has a reading by Sunlestia! Russian translation courtesy of NovemberDragon and Randy1974.

Chapters (1)

What if Celestia never wrote back? Like, ever?

I got the idea from 4everfeebrony's song.

I also wrote this on the go.

Song: https://4everfreebrony.bandcamp.com/track/thought-id-let-you-know-ft-relative1pitch
Picture: http://dragonwolfrooke.deviantart.com/art/thought-I-d-let-you-know-431412930

Chapters (2)

After sending Twilight to Ponyville, Princess Celestia demands letters from her but when Twilight starts to complain, Celestia becomes unhappy and replies to her letters in her own way. Some chapters will be done in live action because some events need to be seen instead of simply written about after the event.

Chapters (313)

Winter Break has come to Canterlot High. But Sunset Shimmer has no one to spend it with, as her friends are otherwise occupied. Rather than spend the time alone, she decides to travel to Equestria to enjoy Hearth's Warming with her friend Twilight Sparkle.

After the craziness of the Battle of the Bands and the general stress of the holidays, Sunset is looking forward to the peace and quiet of Equestria, where ponies never have to worry about wacky hijinks or impending magical catastrophes.

At least, that's how Sunset remembers it.

Cover art done by the amazing NixWorld

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia The Changeling Queen: Stories Behind the Mask

At the Royal Wedding, Chrysalis and the Changelings were revealed to all of Equestria.

But another mask was torn away that day. A mask born for a thousand years. A mask created on one promise. A mask, that has become synonymous, fused, to its bearer.

A mask that when ripped off, causes Twilight, her friends and Luna to question everything they ever knew about the one pony, one very important pony.

At the Royal Wedding, the meaning of the phrase 'Princess Celestia' changes forever.

NOTE: Chrysalis is NOT Celestia!!! That'd be impossible to pull off.

Credits to: Plainoasis for the design of the cover art
Note 2: Original cover art here: https://angelea-phoenix.deviantart.com/art/Contest-entry-Changeling-Celestia-337023552

Pre-read/edited by Zervziel,
Courage Fire
Aurora Borealis

Side Stories to this can be found: here.

An audio-reading on youtube up to Chapter 21 is up by StraightToThePoint Studios. I'm aware there are others but this is the nearest complete one: [embed]https://youtu.be/X3eMW673CSY[/embed]

There are also 2 print versions of Princess Celestia:The Changeling Queen. Nonexistent Publications run and Ministry of Image's run.

Contribute to the TV Tropes Page (thanks to Babs_Seed72 for getting it up)

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to The Return of Nightmare Moon Is Not What We Expected

It took Celestia almost a full year to bring the six element bearers back together as friends, but she finally did it. Now she could save her sister from the corruption of Nightmare Moon, as soon as her doctor allowed her to.
But for now, she would host the annual Gran Galloping Gala, hoping that the invitation of the main six would make it more fun for her.

But things don’t go as she expected.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Planeswalker: Twilight's Spark

After several months without hearing anything from Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer's once-unshakable faith in her friendship begins to falter. Then when an unknown party destroys the portal between worlds, she soon finds herself awakening her planeswalker spark in a moment of anguish.

Arriving on an idyllic plane where different aspects of the soul are brought forth by day and night, Sunset soon finds the very foundation of her identity fractured. The Sunset that returns to Equestria is not herself, but a monster long thought to have vanished, seeking revenge for everything she had lost.

A Magic: the Gathering crossover. Cover art by GaelleDragons on DeviantArt.

Chapters (9)

Twilight did her duty. She saved everypony she could, except herself. Now trapped by an evil cult, in more pain than she has even been in before, and dying on a sacrificial altar, she calls for help. The Nightmare answers.

Will Twilight become the next evil to threaten the world or will the Nightmare simply be glad to have some freedom? One thing is for certain, Twilight's life will never be the same again.

The Editors
Cander (CH 1-Current)
Yutah123 (CH 8-9)

Now with an excellent reading by StraightToThePointStudio (Currently only up to CH 30)

And we even have art!
[Warning Spoilers] Twilight's Nightmare Art

Chapters (198)

Princess Twilight Sparkle writes letters to her former mentor.
Her friend, Spike, would rather she didn't.

Chapters (7)