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A Derpy x Celestia Romance Fic

Celestia is lonely. Hopelessly lonely. With Twilight living in Ponyville and Luna busy reclaiming her role as Princess of the Night, the immortal Sun Goddess finds herself with not a single pony to talk to, heart-to-heart. Until fate decides to fling an unfortunate grey pegasus through her window and into her life. Can love survive the massive class gradient or will the pressures of being a single-mom... or being a solar deity... crush this romance before it blossoms?

(I write short chapters but try and update as often as I can. I'm going to try and make writing obscure shippings my thing as a writer. Feel free to check out my Trixie x Applejack fic as well if you're keen.)

Chapters (17)

New cover image commissioned from rainbowfaux

While spending the day at a fair in Ponyville, Soarin' is injured and stays at the farm for a while. He develops feelings for AJ, but can't act on them. When unexpected circumstances turn AJ's world upside down, will Soarin' stay to help her through? Will he ever be able to tell her he loves her?
Please comment and critique.
My little pony is property of Hasbro.

Chapters (15)

After accidentally turning herself into a stallion from a backfired spell, Twilight 'Dusk Shine' Sparkle frantically seeks the help of Princess Celestia. In Canterlot, Dusk Shine fails to find his mentor, but does find solace from those closest to him.

* Takes place prior to S3

Chapters (3)

The legends told of their return.

For over a decade Equestria has been beset by the dragons. Every year more villages vanish in flames, and the lonely cities stand as our last redoubt. Winter has gripped the world, and our hope is fading.

But the legends tell of another, a light in the darkness. The Dragonborn, a mythic warrior reborn with the power of the Voice, the only one who can stand against the dragons.

But when she appeared, she was not what we were expecting...

Chapters (9)

Life has been mostly the same for the girls ever since they had to give up their Elements to the Tree of Harmony. Of course, this couldn't possibly last too long, and strange things begin to happen to our intrepid heroes.

Let it never be said that you can't have too much of a good thing.

Chapters (8)

Sometimes, things are easier said than done. Especially for Twilight Sparkle. She no longer has to think about most spells in order to cast them, they just come naturally. However, there is one that she can never quite get used to and that is the teleportation spell. Teleporting has a strange effect on unicorns and for some reason, discussing it taboo.

A collaborative effort with my friend, Kalreas!
Please support him by letting him know what you thought of this story, should you choose to do so.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is aware that the manipulation of matter at the sub-atomic level is a potential source of enormous amounts of free energy. She also knows that this is extremely dangerous, and that these spells are only for the highest level unicorns. She is therefore somewhat concerned to discover that Pinkie Pie has found another way to do this, with a curious contraption in the basement of Sugarcube Corner.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

This is going to be fun!

A spinoff of Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student by milesprower06.

Chapters (154)

When Rarity discovers that she's out of Sweetie Belle's favorite cereal, she'll have to go on an epic quest to the supermarket to get a new box.

Some interesting stuff might happen.

Chapters (2)

It doesn't matter if you're the happiest person...
or an unfortunate weeper...
a powerful beast...
or a terrifying creature...
We're all equal in the eyes of The Reaper...

Chapters (1)